Super System: My One-click Cultivation

Chapter 1076: The palace fell, leaving the snowy area!

Above the snowy area, Jin Yu carried Luo Chen and Zhang Qingshi on his back and flew towards the outside of the snowy area. During this period, Luo Chen and Zhang Qingshi also learned from Jin Yu's mouth about the changes in the snowy area.

Ten days have passed since the two of them entered the dominating space!

Although I don’t know why the space flow velocity of the outside world and the space flow velocity of the dominating space where they are located are not like one day outside Tsing Yi said, and one hundred days have passed since the dominating space, they did leave for ten days!

And in these ten days, the depths of the snowy area have changed again. Countless snow people rushed to the depths of the snowy area, and even the snow people in the extremely ice forest temporarily sealed them. After the Hungry Ghost Road in the Extreme Ice Forest, he left the Extreme Ice Forest and rushed towards the depths of the snowy area.

The reason why the Xuezu did this was because the Hantian Palace in the depths of the Snow Region was completely captured by the evil ghosts of the Hungry Ghost Dao.

"Unexpectedly, Hantian Palace was captured by evil spirits," Zhang Qingshi couldn't help but sigh after hearing Jin Yu's words.

Although the Hantian Palace in the Snow Region is not as well-known as the Sword Sect, it is also a top power in the mainland. And because the Hantian Palace, like the Sword Sect, does not interfere with the affairs of various races, it is an absolutely neutral existence, which makes the Hantian Palace and the Sword Sect Similarly, his position in Qiankun Continent is very detached.

Now that the Hantian Palace has been captured by the evil spirits of the evil spirits, Zhang Qingshi can't help but feel emotional.

Luo Chen didn't speak, he thought of the Ancient Beast God Sect, such a prosperous power, was also destroyed by the erosion of the six reincarnations.

And what worries Luo Chen the most is that he doesn't know whether the erosion of the Six Paths of Reincarnation is accidental or someone is behind it!

If it is accidental, that's okay, but if there is someone behind it, then what is hidden behind it is enough to make people feel terrified!

After all, a place like the Six Paths of Reincarnation is a place where even the sword ancestor is secretive. I am afraid that only the six great masters and those who are beyond the realm can calmly face the six reincarnations. In addition, even in the ancestral realm You also need to be cautious when facing the six reincarnations!

And if the Six Paths of Reincarnation is really manipulated by someone behind, how amazing is the strength of the manipulator?

"Junior Brother Luo, are you worried about the Six Paths of Reincarnation?" Zhang Qingshi asked in a low voice when she saw Luo Chen's expression.

She is also a person of exquisite mind, naturally it is not difficult to guess what Luo Chen is worried about at the moment. Apart from the legendary Second Jedi Six Paths of Reincarnation, is there anything else here that can make Luo Chen show such an expression of insanity?

Luo Chen recovered from the words and nodded slightly. However, Luo Chen did not tell Zhang Qingshi his guess. First, his guess may not be correct. Second, even if his guess was not wrong, he still relied on it. Their strength can't change much, and even if they tell Zhang Qingshi, it doesn't have any effect. On the contrary, Zhang Qingshi is also worried.

Seeing Luo Chen nodded, Zhang Qingshi couldn’t help but laughed: “Junior Brother Luo, don’t worry. The Six Paths of Reincarnation is dangerous, but after all, it’s just a Jedi. For several epochs, in addition to the Beast God Sect and today’s Snow Territory, the Six Paths of Reincarnation has been against the universe. What impact did the mainland have?

The mainland extremity is certainly dangerous, but when our strength becomes stronger, it may not be impossible to smooth the mainland extremity. "

Luo Chen was stunned when he heard Zhang Qingshi's words, then nodded.

He was really worried before, no matter how dangerous the Six Paths of Reincarnation, it would be difficult to threaten the Universe Continent. Besides, it is impossible for the hundreds of clans in the mainland to sit without hidden power. Once the situation becomes serious, the hidden powers of the 100 clans will definitely take action. At that time, the six reincarnations may not be able to set off waves.

Soon, Luo Chen and Zhang Qingshi appeared outside the snowy area with the help of Jin Yu, but before Luo Chen and Zhang Qingshi left the snowy area, a wave of horror suddenly broke out in the depths of the snowy area, tyrannical. The impact came from the depths of the snowy area, causing the ground to tremble severely.

In the next moment, a blood-colored beam of light soared into the sky. Within that beam of light, one could vaguely see a high mountain collapsing, and the remains of countless palaces fell and destroyed.

"Hantian Palace," Luo Chen sighed slightly while looking at the collapsing mountain, and said with some regret: "From now on, even if the Hantian Palace is not destroyed, I am afraid it will be severely injured and fell from the first-class power. "

Although Luo Chen had never seen the Hantian Palace, the changes that occurred in the depths of the snowy area can only be related to the Hantian Palace!

After this catastrophe, the Hantian Palace fell, and the collection of classics in it may have been destroyed. Even if there are strong and geniuses in the Hantian Palace, they have lost the huge resources and the classics collected for countless years. , The decline of Hantian Palace is already destined.

Even if the Xuezu gives blood to the Hantian Palace, in a short period of time, the Hantian Palace will not want to return to the rank of first-class power!

Zhang Qingshi also nodded in agreement. Although Hantian Palace is backed by the Snow Clan, it is different from Jianzong. The Hantian Palace will eventually be affected by the Snow Clan, and the snow area resources are undoubtedly much worse than other places. Therefore, Han Tiangong did not hold onto the position of first-class power like Jianzong.

In fact, Hantian Palace has always been one of the lowest ranked forces among the first-class forces!

After this change, Hantian Palace's fall from the rank of first-class power is already a foregone conclusion. With the poor resources of the snowy region, Hantian Palace's desire to return to the rank of first-class power is not a simple matter.

"Forget it, let's leave the snowy area first," Luo Chen sighed, but didn't get too entangled in this issue.

Whether it is the Snow Clan, the Hantian Palace, or the Six Paths of Reincarnation, he, the Ninth-Rank Martial King, can not intervene. His continued stay here will only increase his troubles. It is better to not see and not worry.

Zhang Qingshi naturally had no objections, and left the snowy area directly with Luo Chen.

Soon after Luo Chen and Zhang Qingshi left the snowy area, there was another shocking explosion in the depths of the snowy area. A large number of powerful people exuding a frightening atmosphere came from outside the snowy area. If Luo Chen were here, he would be able to find those strong The person is not a powerhouse of the Snow Clan, but a master from other races!

And those who are strong and weakest are also the existence of the Holy Master Realm!

And with the addition of the strong from other races, the blood-colored beam of light slowly dissipated. Not long after the blood-colored beam of light dissipated, many strong people left the depths of the snowy area with injuries, and they did not know what they had experienced.

But obviously, it is natural to not say more about how amazing the strength of the hungry ghosts from the hungry ghosts in the depths of the snowy area can be at least the existence of the Holy Master Realm!

It's just that these things have nothing to do with Luo Chen and Zhang Qingshi, who have already left the snowy area. After they left the snowy area, they rushed directly to a place not far from the snowy area...

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