Super Treasure Bag

Chapter 1248: To stimulate


With a heart move, Shi Dali leaned in immediately.

Looking at it this way, he really became dignified.

Just near the corner, there was a pile of burnt marks on the ground, and some black powder.

Shi Dali is very familiar with this kind of thing, after all, he has seen it many times.

In the restroom where Promise developed, this kind of thing was left behind before the mysterious man disappeared, as well as the Jin Beihai incident, and now it has also appeared here.

Strange, very strange, but... but quite reasonable!

"Okay, that's the end of the matter here, there is nothing to investigate."

Suddenly got up, Ye Jianen said suddenly.

This really caught Shi Dali by surprise, how could this be over?

"It's over now?"

"It's over. With these corpses, it's almost time to work. Just like Anjiazhuang, I think the above is much more thoughtful than we thought. As long as you submit things to it, here will be like Anjiazhuang, and someone else will take over. "

Nodding, Ye Jianen looked very confident.

Teacher Shi subconsciously wanted to say something and refute a few words, but after realizing that this person was Ye Suan, he nodded honestly.

In this way, they jumped out from below together.

Captain Xia and the others hurriedly greeted him, looking at Ye Zan'en expectantly.

"Collate all the things here and report directly to the above. The investigation of the matter is basically over at this point. All that can be investigated are investigated, and the rest will be handled by others."

Speaking directly, Ye Jianen said his thoughts again.

Then, Captain Xia and the others were of course quite surprised. After all, it seems that everything is going on very smoothly today, how could it be over suddenly.

"You mean everything will be the same as Anjiazhuang?"

However, Guo Nuxia reacted very quickly, and immediately guessed what Ye Su-en meant.

Of course, this also has something to do with her personal experience of Anjiazhuang, so this thought came into being at this time.


With Ye Jianen's affirmative reply, everyone fell into a short silence.

If this is the case, there is really nothing to investigate. That's what they can do.

"I'll call to inform and submit all the materials...Mr. Ye, thank you for this time. If it weren't for you, we might still be helpless! Of course, thank you Mr. Shi."

Nodding, Captain Xia said after a moment of thinking.

This thank you, he said very sincerely.

Xia Qing is quite clear that with these corpses, plus those surveillance videos, including misty witnesses, his work has been completed very successfully.

When the time comes to take over, it will also handle things that he can't handle, so for him the result is very satisfactory.

Undoubtedly, all of this is due to the relationship between Shi Dali and Ye Suan, otherwise it would definitely not be the case.

"It's okay, everyone is friends, and they are all contributing to the country, little meaning."

Teacher Shi was very happy and said directly.

But after he finished speaking, Ye Suan's eyes turned towards him.

"I was the one who thanked me in advance?"

This is quite rare, Ye Jianen would actually be joking.

"Which one of us? Isn't this the same?"

While speaking, Teacher Shi laughed hahaha, but Ye Jianen still had a calm face, and there was a very strange contrast between the two.

After that, there was not much time wasting here. After Shi Dali bid farewell to Guo Li and the others, he returned to the villa directly with Ye Zanen.

According to the next plan, Ye Jianen and the others are going to America in advance.

If it weren't for the delay in Happy Homeland, it is estimated that they would have been there by this time.

Sure enough, Old Man Yi and the others had packed their things and were waiting to set off.

Everything that should be said has been said, and Shi Dali will personally send them to the airport.

The poisonous insect's eyes were full of envy, but in the end he restrained himself. After all, there was still a black beard staring at him, especially the account between the two people seemed to be unclear.

At the airport, there was not much farewell, and they just left a word to each other.

"See you in America!"

In this way, Ye Jianen and the others left.

There was an indescribable sense of loss in my heart, especially when I thought of going back to the villa, when my old friends were gone, Shi Dali felt empty.

At the same time, he was very concerned about Chen Shuke. It has been a long time since he heard the familiar voice of Principal Chen. It was not a beautiful thing.

"Soon, I'll be here soon..."

After whispering to himself, Shi Dali returned.

On the way back, he received a call.

This call came from the butler Lan next to the gambling king.

Speaking of this phone, Shi Dali thought he had lost it, but he didn't expect to be in the car after the bad luck was lifted.

"Shi Dali, the king of gambling agreed to your request. Tonight, I will pick you up from the dock. The king of gambling can only meet you on the high seas because of his status."

When the phone was connected, Butler Lan's voice was very familiar, but it seemed rather deep, as if it contained some unspeakable complex emotions.

"Okay, I want to bring two friends."

Immediately speaking, Shi Dali agreed, but also made this request.

Mo Ran and Long Lin wanted to meet the King of Gambling. Shi Dali knew this very well and kept it in their hearts.

Although it is not simple to understand the dark forces behind Long Lin from Ye Suan's mouth, Shi Dali didn't mean to be afraid.

On the contrary, sometimes if some opportunities are created, there may be breakthroughs.

There is no doubt that this is a very good opportunity.


Butler Lan was obviously on guard and said immediately.

"It's just my two friends, to keep me safe."

Having thought of the wording long ago, Shi Dali also said immediately.

"If can."

After a moment of thinking, butler Lan agreed.

In this way, the call ended, and Shi Dali contacted Moran.

"It seems... has news?"

This old guy uttered as soon as the phone was connected. It is estimated that he has been waiting for Shi Dali's call for these two days.

"Yes, tonight, at the pier, when the time comes to board the boat, the gambling king will meet us on the high seas. Only you two, don't have extra people."

After notifying the content of the phone call just now, Shi Dali also ordered.

"Okay, we will meet at that time."

He directly agreed, and then Mo Ran hung up.

Similarly, Shi Dali put the phone away and his eyes became quite solemn.

Many things are destined to happen tonight, but Mo Ran and Long Lin desperately want to meet the gambling king, what do they want from the gambling king?


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