Super Treasure Bag

Chapter 1249: Why

When Shi Dali returned to the villa, Blackbeard and Poison Worm were both sleeping.

These two guys have stopped recently. After all, the empty Erdan's laboratory was locked up, and they had nothing to do all day. They just drank to sleep, woke up and continued to drink, looking drunk and dreaming.

Although this scene is not very positive, but... Shi Dali feels good.

So he came back quietly, prepared briefly, and then he went out quietly.

However, what Teacher Shi didn't know was that Blackbeard and the poisonous insects could see clearly the whereabouts he thought was quite secret.

"This kid went out to be happy again without telling them."

The Poison Worm's expression was full of dissatisfaction, and he mumbled directly through the window.

"Legs are on you. If he doesn't take you, you won't keep up?"

Blackbeard's face was full of hatred for iron and steel, as if he was about to slap again.

"It makes sense. We followed Shi Dali to stimulate, and we should indeed take the initiative."

When his eyes lit up, the poisonous insects also became excited.

"That's right, no one can stop us from pursuing happiness, hurry up, get ready to go and follow him!"

Blackbeard also grinned, and then immediately moved on.

In this way, the two Super Saiyans also set off quietly.

On Teacher Shi's side, he didn't even know that there were two dangerous elements behind him who had followed him. At this moment, he was thinking about what might happen in the evening, and he tried his best to make some preparations.

In this way, after going around, Shi Dali finally met Mo Ran and Long Lin before going to the dock.

They still dressed up as before, there was nothing special, and there was almost no excessive verbal communication, so they got into Shilili's car.

"Don't talk too much when you come, just leave it to me."

Driving forward, Shi Dali said.

It may be a kind of psychological pressure. After the two people got in the car, Shi Dali felt that the whole breath had become gloomy.

Regarding his words, Mo Ran and Long Lin didn't say anything.

Especially Long Lin, through the mask Shi Dali, felt that the woman's eyes had been staring at her, and it was full of evil.

"What the **** do you see the king of gambling want to do?"

When the sky was getting dark, the dock was in front, Shi Dali couldn't help asking.

He can also realize that the gambling king is a very important figure, but why is this group of people so desperate to meet the gambling king?

"There are things we want to ask him clearly."

Just such a simple answer, there is nothing superfluous other than that.

Then, no matter what Shi Dali wanted to ask, they didn't say anything.

Finally, when the car arrived at the dock, Shi Dali saw Butler Lan's people far away.

The scene at this moment is almost the same as when we set off for the Golden Island.

"Shi Dali, you are here."

Seeing the car stopped, Shi Dali and Mo Ran got out of the car, but Butler Lan stepped forward and said.

His eyes were full of coldness.

After the last incident, it seems that there is no basis for friendly communication between them, so this attitude is really reasonable.

"This is the person you want to take?"

After that, Butler Lan looked behind Shi Dali and asked. and

"Yes, let's go."

There is no meaning to explain more, Teacher Shi just went to bed.

On Butler Lan's side, his eyes continued to examine, and then followed.

It seems that he doesn't mean to doubt more here either.

Soon, as Shi Dali and them got on the ship, the whole ship set off and hurried directly to the agreed position.

What no one knew was that just below, two Super Saiyans quietly touched the boat.

After all, the sky was completely dark at this time, not to mention that no one would have thought that other people would board the ship at this time.

For the next more than an hour, Butler Lan was always staring at Shi Dali and them.

Mo Ran and Long Lin still didn't say anything. The only thing Shi Dali could feel was the special smell from Long Lin.

Don't say it, it may be because of the relationship that I got used to, Teacher Shi did not have the feeling of disgust before.

At the same time, there is still a problem in his mind.

What are they going to ask the gambling king?

Logically speaking, even if the gambling king knows the route to the Golden Island, he still shouldn't have the ability of the dark forces, so Long Lin's purpose is a bit elusive.

"Here, get on the boat, the gambler is on that boat."

In the end, as Steward Lan's voice sounded, Shi Dali followed and looked over there.

Looking at it this way, it really was not far away, docking another big ship.

Under the curtain of night, the lights of that boat were lonely, and there was an indescribable sense of mystery.

Long Lin and Mo Ran also got up at this time. There was no unnecessary communication between them, just a meeting of eyes directly followed Shi Dali.

Then, the three people boarded the boat under the guidance of Butler Lan.

In the end, they stopped after entering a separate cabin, and Butler Lan also closed the door.


Just when Shi Dali was a little strange and didn't see the gambling king, such a sound rang behind the curtain.

Then, an old man in a wheelchair appeared slowly.

This is the gambler?

With such thoughts in his mind, Shi Dali immediately aroused all his energy.

To say that he has heard a lot about the gambling king, but it is indeed the first time to meet.

Old, very old, lying on the wheelchair is full of fragile smell.

However, in those eyes, there was an indescribable depth in the turbidity, as if one could see the depths of a person's soul with just a glance.

"Shi Dali?"

Before Teacher Shi could speak, the gambling king here asked first.

To hear such a character say his name, Teacher Shi also feels a little honoured inexplicably.

"I'm Shi Dali, Mr. Gambling King...Hello."

Very polite, Teacher Shi said hello now.

But following behind, there was no movement on the gambling king's side.

Just when Shi Dali couldn't hold back a little, he gently raised his hand.

"Why do you want to see me?"

This question really made Teacher Shi confused.

Yeah, why?

But immediately, he looked at Mo Ran and Long Lin beside him.

To be precise, they are the ones who want to see the king of gambling, not themselves!

With this look in his eyes, Long Lin took a step closer.


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