Super Treasure Bag

Chapter 1569: good friend

That's right, Captain Verus!

If you are a member of Qingfeng Academy, you will feel quite nervous after hearing this name.

No way, this guy is indeed too famous. It can be said that there are very few people in the entire college who don't know. On the one hand, of course, it is because of his qualifications. As a senior-level detective of the college, this situation is understandable.

On the other hand, because of his arrogance and violence, this guy has never been a good person, especially the kind of arrogance in his bones that makes many people feel uncomfortable.

That was the case, so even in this situation, this student couldn't guarantee that their Captain Verus would choose to meet Shi Dali.

As for Teacher Shi, after hearing the name of Verus, he was stunned for almost five seconds.

Verus? It's so familiar...Where did you hear it?


It was as if a flash of light flashed through his mind, and the face of Verus appeared in Teacher Shi's mind behind him.

If I remember correctly, after the disappearance of Xingfujiayuan Community in Beijing, the American side sent senior detectives from Qingfeng College to provide so-called assistance.

However, the case was solved by Ye Jianen in a few words.

As for Verus, experts and senior detectives from Qingfeng Academy, they experienced the most desperate moment in their lives, and that despair began when they encountered Shi Dali after getting off the plane.

In fact, even if Teacher Shi himself thinks of these things, he feels very embarrassed.

At that time, Shi Dali happened to miss a mission card, so the bad luck began...In the following time, his bad luck was evenly divided among the people like Verus.

Poor people like Velus, almost never got out of the nightmare, and in the end they simply escaped from China.

After that, Shi Dali felt that he would never meet again. As a result, who knew the world was so small, he actually heard Verus's name again, and it was in such a place.

"Ahem...Let's go in and talk to Captain Verus, saying that Shilili is here, and he misses Mr. Verus very much. If he doesn't want to see me, I will go in and look for him."

After a dry cough, Shi Dali addressed the student opposite and gave his own answer.

Then, the big guy was stunned.

What does this mean?

It sounds like Shi Dali seemed to know this Captain Verus from Qingfeng Academy?

But Eh, I have never heard of it!

Especially these students of Qingfeng Academy, they know Verus quite well, then...the three words Shi Dali, really have such power to make Captain Verus willing to come out to meet?

A huge question mark appeared in everyone's mind, and in the end the student nodded and entered the courtyard.

So everyone began to wait.

Through the waiting gap, Poison Worm was a little curious, so he asked Shi Dali loudly. "What does Verus do? How do you know him? Are you good brothers?"

Poisonous insects are also accustomed to Shi Dali's all kinds of strange interpersonal relationships, so at this time of course they feel that Shi Dali has a good relationship with this person called Velus.

As for Teacher Shi, he was slightly embarrassed after hearing this.

"We... are not good brothers, can we only be friends?"

When uttering the word friend, Shi Dali deliberately lowered his voice.

Because he felt...Veros might not agree with this title.

Besides, in the yard, at the top floor, there are six senior detectives looking at the surroundings with serious expressions, and one of them is naturally Verus.

"The situation is very complicated, but according to the information I have now, the disappearance case here should be similar to the Anjiazhuang disappearance case and the Xingfujiayuan disappearance case in Huaxia."

A deep voice rang from Verus's mouth. As the person in charge of this disappearance, Verus felt very stressed at the moment.

And his analysis is also based on the current situation.

After hearing this sentence, the other detectives changed their expressions.

If things are really the same as Velus said, then things are really complicated. After all, there is no clear clue about those mysterious disappearance cases until now.

But after a slight pause, an old man with eyes asked Verus.

"Mr. Verus, if I remember correctly, after the disappearance of the Happy Home Community in China, you used to provide assistance as a representative. So what are the similarities between the two disappearance cases? local?"

I have to say that this old man's problem is very direct, and it is also a place that everyone cares about at this time.

Besides, on Verus's side, after hearing this question, his eyes suffocated slightly.

At the same time following behind, he began to recall some nightmare things in his mind, especially the face of the Chinese man, which looked exactly like the devil!

When he went to China at that time, he thought it was a good opportunity to make progress and discover, but everything changed because of that bastard.

Lost the phone, was nearly killed by someone, and then almost drowned, and then was chased as a thief, lost, fell into the river and almost drowned... Continue to get lost, from the forest to the desert, from the snowy mountain to the plateau...

If it hadn't been for Guo Li to qualify, Verus felt that he might have lost his life in China.

This is the case, so after escaping from China for the last time, Verus directly started taking a vacation. After this period of continuous psychological counseling and self-regulation, he felt that he was reinvested in work. As a result, who knew what happened? The first case was related to that experience.

But quite quickly, Velus shook his head and drove those things out of his mind.

Yes, there is no need to continue to think about what has ended. Our life is always going forward, so the most important thing should be in front of us. After all, the **** has disappeared from his life and will never be. Will be back again.

Thinking of this, Velus felt a lot better, and even his breathing became much smoother.

He took a deep breath, and he planned to continue speaking.

As a result, at this time, someone hurriedly went upstairs and then came to the door of this room.

"Mr. Verus, someone outside wants to see you!"

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