Super Treasure Bag

Chapter 1570: trust yourself

When hearing this voice, Mr. Verus frowned slightly and looked very unhappy.

He has a relatively arrogant personality. On the other hand, they are investigating a case right now, let alone such an important case. Someone actually disturbs him because of this kind of thing.

"Do you know what this place is? If I remember correctly, I should have said that you can't come in without special circumstances?"

Staring at the student opposite, Verus was quite rude.

Besides, the student opposite, in fact, has noticed Verus's unkind eyes since entering the house, so he immediately apologized carefully.

"Mr. Verus, the situation outside is indeed more complicated. Someone has held our team members in order to see you, and he...should know you."

At this time, the students who helped bring the conversation were a little undecided, did Shi Dali and Verus know each other?

Isn't that kid specifically asking for trouble for himself? Bad

Verus continued to frown, what happened outside?

How dare you to hold people from Qingfeng Academy in such a place and know yourself?

So Verus sneered.

"Among the people I know, it's really interesting to hold our students? What's his name?"

While speaking, Verus had already walked towards the door and took out the weapon.

The rights exercised by people like them are very special, and it seems that he will never endure this situation.

Even Mr. Verus is ready, and no matter what the identity of the other party is, he will catch him first before talking!

"He...he said his name is Shi Dali."

This student was also a little relieved, at least it seemed that he had successfully shifted his attention from himself to Shi Dali, so he immediately said the name.

Then, Mr. Velus, who had already walked towards this side, seemed to stop abruptly.

The pause that happened in an instant, it was almost as if it was fixed by something.

Shi Dali?

In his mind, the name rang like a bell, and Velus really seemed to be dreaming.

This stone power... which stone power is it?

Working very hard, he wanted to find another answer for himself, but after deliberation, it seemed that among the people he knew, there was only one person called Shi Dali.

But why did that devil come here?

Didn’t you say that you will never see each other again?

What does he want to do this way?

In this way, under the gaze of this student and other detectives, the proud Captain Verus's face changed little by little, and it turned pale in the end.

"Captain Verus, are you... okay?"

Seeing that there was no movement on the other side for a long time, the student couldn't help but ask.

He had just said Shi Dali's name before, and then Velus became like this. The big guys are not fools, so of course he understood that Velus must be so frightened because of Shi Dali.

But who exactly is Shi Dali? is necessary, so nervous?

Big question marks appeared in the minds of this student and several other detectives, and Velus moved in the next moment.

"Hurry up, pack your things and leave from here now! Hurry up!"

A hurried voice rang from his mouth, coupled with Verus's panic behavior, it means that this person's heart has basically collapsed.

And his remarks also made the other people bewildered.

Pack your things and leave?

Such an important thing, just leave it?

And look at the co-pilot of Verus. Could it be that Shi Dali... is his creditor?

When such a thought came out of their minds, several people were almost immediately affirmed, because besides that, they really couldn't think of any other possibilities.

But after thinking about it, even if it is Velus's creditor, there is no problem with Velus running... they don't need to follow along?

"Captain Verus, wait a minute... there will be a gold detective coming over. If we leave... it's not appropriate, right?"

In the end, another senior detective bit his head and said, in his opinion, he absolutely cannot leave at this time. Once he leaves, the gold medal detective will be blamed, and they can't bear the responsibility.

As a result, Verus was stunned again.

Obviously, he has forgotten this.

"This...what about this? If we don't run away, we will all be here and there will be big things! That Shilili...he is a devil!"

Excited and earnestly speaking, Captain Verus almost cried when he talked about it at the end.

"He... will he kill?"

Others were quite at a loss, so they asked them consciously.

"You don't know! He... murders are all trivial things, anyway, he is terrible, believe me, you must believe me!"

With a trembling voice, after he finished speaking, Captain Verus's hands trembled.

The others still didn't understand, they looked at each other and lost their voices, so the atmosphere in the room fell into silence inexplicably.

In the end, it was the student who broke this dead silence.

"Mr. Verus, you should go out and have a look. This is all our people, and we are sealed off all around. Even if he is a devil, we can kill him. Now our people are in his hands, and It seems that he is not malicious either, maybe there is something he wants to talk to you about."

To say that this student is indeed smart and very good at talking, when his words are over, Verus really calmed down a little bit.

Finally, thinking of the pressure of the gold medal detective, he nodded after a full minute of hesitation and struggle.

Now that Shi Dali has arrived, it is impossible for him to hide. Perhaps the best way to deal with it is to go out and take a look, and in his mind, it is also the case of the disappearance in the yard in front of the Huaxia Fortune Community. The case is linked together.

It is very likely that Shi Dali came for this matter.

So, after trying to take a deep breath to calm his emotions as much as possible, Verus looked at everyone.

"Let's go, let's go out together, don't be afraid, Shi Dali... is not invincible, we have to believe in ourselves."

After speaking, he took a step, leaving a few others in a daze.

What is this talking about?

Of course Shi Dali was not terrible to them, because they didn't even know this guy. He was obviously afraid to die from the beginning, so he still had the face to say such things?

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