Super Treasure Bag

Chapter 158: Some trouble


As Shi Dali connected, Manager Gu's somewhat uncertain voice rang.

Obviously, I really haven't contacted my boss much, so Manager Gu would behave like this.

"It's me, hello."

"I'm calling you... because we have a problem here. I think I should let you come and have a look."

Manager Gu's voice became more cautious, but it made Shi Dali a little strange.

He can now be regarded as completely accepting Wen Zaian's kindness, so Wen Xing Yayuan really seems to belong to him, so what happened over there should really be taken care of by himself.

"whats the matter?"

"Our signboard was smashed."

The sign is broken?

I didn't expect this to happen, but Teacher Shi followed behind and was a little confused. Isn't it just a brand... If it is smashed, it will be smashed. Is it necessary to call yourself so enthusiastically?

After all, in a place as big as Wenxing Yayuan, it would be too much trouble if I had to tell myself anything.

"You may not know that the signature of Wenxing Yayuan was written to us by the vice president of the China Food Association, and the master chef Jiao came because of this signature. Otherwise, it is the number one in Anbei City. The head won’t hang on us all the time, but a guest came last night and drank all night. After waking up, he started to drink crazy. Our people didn’t stop him and he smashed the sign."

After telling the whole story, Manager Gu felt anxious.

It can be said that because of Wen's relationship, Wenxing Yayuan rarely comes to ask for trouble. The signboard is well-known and extraordinary, so no one dares to touch it.

Why did you expect that it might have been a change of boss recently, and the daily incidents were a lot more than before. As a result, who could have thought of such a thing?

Because he knew the role of this sign too well, the more Manager Gu thought about it, the more scared he became, so he made this call.

After listening to what happened, Teacher Shi couldn't help touching his forehead, saying that being a boss is really not easy. Who would have thought that there would be such things to deal with.

"What about people?"

"Here we are, I have already deducted it, and I will wait for you to come over and see what to do."

"Okay, I'll come right now."

After hanging up the phone, Shi Dali hurriedly continued to block the car. At the same time, he couldn't help but wonder, what about the cars he won in Sanhe Fair?

This usually runs around, there is no car, it is really inconvenient!

Counting it all up, there are three Ferraris alone!

What those guys don't count how much they say. It's been a few days without a letter? Is it possible to go to the door with the IOU?

Thinking of this, Teacher Shi's mood suddenly became bad, and he immediately called Liu Mu.

"Brother Dali? I was thinking about calling you. I have gathered all ten cars for you these days. Where do you think they should be delivered?"

Liu Mu is so clever, he saw Shi Dali's phone call and said immediately after being connected.

After all, Shi Dali had promised that he would bring himself to the Sanhechang gambling game next month. This was a good time to meet the world. Of course, Liu Mu did not dare to offend Shi Dali at all.

In fact, he didn't lie either. In the past few days, he had indeed helped Shi Dali put together all the ten cars.

"Well, I thought you were going to go wrong?"

The honest teacher Shi also smiled, and then spoke out. This sentence made Liu Mu a little embarrassed and depressed.

Individuals like himself are not going to fall back on the bill... But for Shi Dali, he has nothing to do. To put it simply, what they say is, everything is for the quota of Sanhechang.

"Brother Dali, don't worry, my brothers must be reliable. I also got a piece of the money. Should I transfer it to you?"

"All right, then thank you brothers."

Teacher Shi continued to smile, and his mood improved a lot. In the past, he was not a person who loves money, but now that there are more and more things to do, there are really a lot of places to spend money.

And the money is also an IOU they are willing to give themselves, so if this is the case, it is better to create greater value for themselves!

"Haha, a trivial matter, when I was in Sanhechang, I also asked Shige to take care of me."

"Of course, they are all my own brothers!"

"What about the car? Where is it delivered?"

"Uh...Send it to Wen Xing Ya Yuan, I have a friend over there, ask the help to accept it first."

"Good! Deliver it right away!"

Afterwards, the two people joked and said politely, at the same time they also talked about the placement of the car.

The reason why Shi Dali arranged to be sent to Wen Xing Ya Yuan was also because his rental house couldn’t stop so many cars at all. Compared with Xing Ya Yuan below, it was much more spacious, and if it was handed over to Manager Gu, he felt It's also quite assured.

Besides, he is just about to go to Wenxingyayuan, so he can also inspect the goods by the way, otherwise, he can't spare time all day long.

In this way, after hanging up the phone, Shi Dali got into a taxi and hurried directly to Wenxing Yayuan.

Manager Gu, when Shi Dali arrived, he was already waiting with several people.

When I saw Shi Dali, he quickly stepped forward and greeted him.

No one is not enthusiastic about their jobs, especially for Manager Gu, Shi Dali’s job is not so big.

"Boss, that person is inside, you look at the plaque first?"


Nodded, Shi Dali said.

After that, he was just about to go in with Manager Gu and the others. Several vans came directly, and they all stopped in the front yard and were stopped.

"That might be here to deliver the car. Let them come in. You can have ten cars checked."

It happened to see this scene, so Shi Dali also had some guesses, and then said to Manager Gu.

Immediately nodded, Manager Gu told the staff next to him, and quickly arranged.

When a few people entered the front building again, dozens of employees including security guards were all waiting. There was a plaque that had been shattered on the front table. At the same time, the big guys looked at the stone nervously. vigorously.

The value of this thing to Wen Xing Ya Yuan is extraordinary, and it is even not exaggerating to say that Shi Dali might even dismiss them all because of this.

That's why everyone feels uneasy and nervous.

Teacher Shi didn't think so much. When he came last time, he didn't notice the plaque of the vice-chairman of the Chefs Association. Now a few steps forward is considered a closer look.

But indeed, it has been completely destroyed.

The outside glass was smashed, the paper underneath was punctured, and the stains of the wine were added, it was a mess!



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