Super Treasure Bag

Chapter 159: Drunk with nothing

It tastes good!

With just these three words, Shi Dali stared at it for a long time, but did not recognize whose name the inscription was.

In addition, the atmosphere was so tense, it made him a little bit embarrassed.

"Ahem... Let's go ahead, and Manager Gu will stay here."

Then, Shi Dali said.

Everyone was relieved and immediately nodded to work, leaving only Manager Gu and a few security guards here.

"What happens if this thing is destroyed?"

Looking away from the broken plaque, Shi Dali looked at Manager Gu and asked.

"It's very serious. The Chefs Association may impose penalties and give others an opportunity. Even our business may plummet."

Manager Gu knew that he had an unshirkable responsibility for this matter, but he also understood that he had to explain clearly to Shi Dali, otherwise Wen Xing Yayuan really had a problem because of this, that would be a big deal.

"Understood...Let's go and see the troublemaker first. Didn't you do anything to him?"

Then nodded, Shi Dali said.

He was quite satisfied with Manager Gu. Even if such a thing happened, he was still satisfied. What's more, he really dismissed Manager Gu. It is not easy to find someone who can manage Wenxing Yayuan.

As for business matters, let's take one step at a time. Anyway, the plaque has been smashed and it is too late to say anything.

"He has been drowsy, and I can't do anything to him, so let's go and see first."

When it comes to that guy, Manager Gu doesn't look very good.

Then, he led the way with several security guards, led Shi Dali upstairs, and finally entered a room.

When the lights came on, Shi Dali followed and saw the man on the ground. His face was completely covered by long hair. He didn't know how long he had not cleaned up. He was lying on the sofa and fell asleep completely, and he kept hitting. call.

Frowning, Manager Gu made a gesture to the subordinate next to him, and then a bucket of water was poured directly over it.

It was so sudden that Shi Dali didn't even react. The kid on the sofa was completely drained.

However, following behind, he coughed twice and then opened his eyes. It is estimated that this kind of sleep would be too choking, and the whole person fell backwards.

"Hurry up, our boss is here!"

Manager Gu's tone was very angry, and he said directly.

The long-haired man also understood what happened in a daze, and then looked at Shi Dali's side.

The eyes under the pile of hair, with inexplicable vicissitudes, made Teacher Shi feel strange in his heart.

"I said, I don't have any money... and I can't afford it, just do whatever you want."

The hoarse voice was as if his throat had been roasted by fire. The long-haired man turned his head after speaking, without intending to continue paying attention to Shi Dali and the others.

"Yeah, your kid is still struggling! What's wrong? What do you think I dare not take you? Believe it or not, I will make you suffer!"

Being able to take charge of Wen Xing Yayuan for such a long time in An, Manager Gu is definitely not a simple role, and when he speaks one step forward, his aura has become a lot more aggressive.

In fact, it was really because the boss was replaced by Shi Dali. If it were in the past, Manager Gu's methods really appeared endlessly.

He does have many ways to clean up such goods.

"I'm a useless person, and I don't have much money, so I can only do this."

The hoarse voice continued to sound, and the long-haired man remained in the previous posture and did nothing.

"How did he get in?" Seeing that the manager really wanted to do something, Shi Dali stopped him and asked.

Indeed, Wen Xing Yayuan is going to come in. It is only possible to make a call in advance or a membership card. Now it is strange that such a embarrassed man has entered it and is so drunk.

"Sleeping in, I watched the surveillance, he came in from the back kitchen..."

Somewhat embarrassing, Manager Gu said.

Nodding, Shi Dali looked at the long-haired man in front of him again, and he could see that this guy really didn't have much money, otherwise it wouldn't be the case.

"I'll ask you a few questions, you can leave if you honestly tell me, otherwise I will send you to the security team, and count on the loss you cause..."

"At least ten years."

Before Shi vigorously spoke, the long-haired man's hoarse voice sounded without any emotional fluctuations.

She was taken aback for a while, Shi Dali didn't expect a drunkard to know this kind of thing. To be honest, he didn't know much.

It seems that this guy probably had a story before.

Of course, this is just a thought that has been randomly turned in Teacher Shi's mind. There are so many people in this world who have stories, so he definitely can't pay attention to it.

"Why did you come here to make trouble and smash the plaque, who instigated it?"

While questioning, Shi Dali’s face also became serious. In fact, this question is the most important issue in his opinion. After all, the role of this plaque is so important. If someone is really instigating it, it must be Just figure it out.

"No one instructed, I just want to drink, passing by here."

The voice is still hoarse, answer immediately.

"Did you lie to me?"


Then, there was a brief silence in the room.

Manager Gu wanted to say something but stopped, but at this time it was obvious that Shi Dali decided to deal with this matter, so he couldn't say much, so he could only stand on one side honestly.

"Okay, you can go now."

After a full twenty seconds, Shi Dali's voice sounded, watching the long-haired man speak calmly.

This time, the long-haired man seemed surprised, and looked up at Shi Dali, and the manager Gu beside him couldn't help it.

"Boss, can't let him go! Such a big loss..."

"Listen to me, it's useless to keep him."

Shi Dali waved his hand and interrupted Manager Gu. In the current situation, he really felt that there was no need to keep this person. Instead of looking for losses on such a homeless man, he might as well think of other ways.

Seeing that Shi Dali had made up his mind, Manager Gu naturally didn't have much to say, and then Teacher Shi just turned around.

But when he walked to the door, he suddenly remembered something, and then stopped.

"By the way, what's your name?"

Asking this question was a very random thought, as if Shi Dali suddenly wanted to know at this moment.

The long-haired man paused slightly, and then slowly said.

"My name is Ye Zhien."

After hearing the name, Teacher Shi nodded, then turned around and opened the door and walked straight out.

In this way, he walked a distance of more than ten meters, but suddenly stopped, and his brows were slightly frowned.



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