Super Treasure Bag

Chapter 550: ready to go

What kind of comrade is this?

People were in a bad mood, thinking about getting affirmation from their superiors, then reinvigorating the team and then working hard, how did it happen?

Seeing Shi Dali's darkened face, Chen Shuke suddenly laughed.

"What's wrong? Unwilling to listen to the truth?"

"Where are you telling the truth? This is nothing like a good comrade. I think you, as a leader, should criticize yourself, correct it in time, and then return Comrade Shi Dali to be innocent!"

Shi Dali, with a grudge on his face, immediately made a request.

"Right? I'm also trying to spur you, just to talk, this school... how do you plan to open it?"

Anyway, being idle is also being idle, and such an opportunity is not easy, plus the resignation has already been submitted on Boya's side, so Chen Shuke really wants to know Shi Dali's plan for opening the school.

Two people can't get in with passion, then a principal, and Shi Dali and a teacher underneath. This is definitely not good!

"I'm thinking about it too, but do you have any better suggestions?"

Speaking of this matter, Shi Dali was indeed interested.

He has always wanted to have a good chat with Chen Shuke, but Chen Shuke has always been in Beijing.

"The school is actually quite simple. As long as there are good teachers and good students, other problems can be solved! Let me give you an example, if our school can recruit talents from all over the country, and then invite teachers from all over the world , This doesn’t require any advertising, everything is basically done."

It is purely small talk, so Chen Shu can say so.

However, the speaker had no intention and the listener had the intention, but Shi Dali suddenly became interested.

"Anything else?"

"If you have any more, you will win awards. Every subject, domestic and foreign awards, participate as much as possible to ensure the overall improvement of students' quality and ability. Such a school did not exist at all in the past, you know what I mean. ?"

Continue, Chen Shuke said.

Teacher Shi nodded again and again, and at the same time kept all of this in his heart.

He used to be just a teacher, so there must be some lack of structure and vision, but Chen Shu is different.

She was the most outstanding student since she was a child, and then she went to study abroad, and when she came back, she was the youngest school principal of Liberal Arts. Of course, all this luck took up some proportion, but her ability must be more important. There is no doubt about this!

Otherwise, Shi Dali planned to set up an educational institution, and would not choose to call Chen Shuke the first time.

"I have talked to many people about education in the Americas. In fact, if you carefully study some foreign concepts, they are in a sense the same as what we have inherited. As long as you can teach the four words according to your aptitude, , Then everything behind can be carried out smoothly, every child has a bright spot, and the biggest role of the school is to dig out these things..."

Leaning on the bridge, Chen Shuke spoke seriously.

Shi Dali listened very seriously, because he always knew firmly that to become a great teacher, this is his ideal!

For anyone, nothing is more interesting than planning and striving for ideals.

In this way, the two people talked a lot, you come and go, completely unaware of the passage of time.

It was just that in the middle of the journey, perhaps because the wind was too cold, Shi Dali put his coat on Chen Shuke's shoulders.

Chen Shuke did not refuse this point either, everything was very natural, but quite beautiful.

When they finally separated, Teacher Shi was still silly and happy, as for what he was having fun, maybe only he knew. Of course, the situation is critical, and things like silly and happy will come, after all, Shi Dali does not have so much time.

It's dawn, which means that today is the day when Feng Boting's eyeless old man shows up, so next he must focus all his attention on this matter.

Because of a little carelessness, it may be the end of a broken body.

Life is beautiful, and Teacher Shi still has a lot of things to do, so he is absolutely unwilling to take his own life.

Quietly back to the hotel, Huo Lang was already waiting for him.

To replace the eyeless old man at Fengboting, Huo Lang is the only person who knows except for the thin old man, so it is most suitable for him to assist Shi Dali.

"are you ready?"

He knew what kind of things he had to face next, so Huo Lang asked.

"Don't worry, just follow his schedule, and I still have this."

Nodding, Shi Dali spoke and took out something from his pocket.

It was a half-dagger accessory, not very big, but it was full of quaint flavor, and it seemed to feel the impact of the years at a glance.

This half of the dagger, almost everyone knows that it is unique to the eyeless old man, and is also his sign!

Shi Dali also suddenly discovered that this half of the dagger was hidden in his sleeve.

I think it must be the last moment of the eyeless old man in a coma, and stuffing such a thing into his sleeve is another means for the next thing.

That's why Teacher Shi has a lot of confidence in the matter of counterfeiting.

Next, in this room, Shi Dali began to change his face.

The fisherman in the memory is still very clear in his mind, plus the three days and nights in the sea, so Shi Dali really has a deep understanding of the habits, movements, and even dressing of the eyeless old man. .

Coupled with the complete set of disguised guys and human skin masks he had, this process didn't take long.

"Plus this mask."

Huo Lang, who had been standing next to him, finally put a mask on Shi Dali's face.

Something unexpected, but looking at the appearance of the mask, Shi Dali immediately knew that Huo Lang had specially made it.

Because the mask at this moment is exactly the same as the mask worn by the eyeless old man when he appeared in the Xilin Tavern.

"It's perfect indeed."

Seeing Shi Dali's appearance at this moment, Huo Lang nodded and said with a smile.

Indeed, at this moment, what kind of pretence is there in Teacher Shi? He is a real eyeless old man!

"That's fine, let's go, but we have to be separated, we are easy to get the attention of others when we are together."

Nodding, Shi Dali looked at the time again, and then made up his mind to set off.

As for the separation from Huo Lang, it was also out of prudent consideration. After all, Huo Lang only has one arm, and it is inevitable that some people will think of him.

After all, he and Huo Lang had appeared together more than once, and many people knew it.



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