Super Treasure Bag

Chapter 551: Ten years of life and death

Thirty miles north of Suhai, there is a peach garden.

On the periphery of this Taoyuan, many weeping willows are planted along the river.

There is a small high ground 100 meters away from the main road, and a wooden pavilion was built. Because someone once mentioned a Ding Fengbo on the pillar inside the pavilion, the name Fengbo Pavilion was immediately given.

No one came over at Fengbo Pavilion in the past.

On the one hand, because this place is really remote, it takes a lot of time and energy to come here.

On the other hand, because the pace of life today is too fast, no one would be willing to spend too much time admiring the peach orchard weeping willow, that is, occasionally a few elderly people come to exercise.

But today, it was an accident!

And it can be said that such an accident may never have happened in the past.

The black and heavy traffic had already gathered very early, and even the Jianghu sects deliberately maintained order, separately dividing the Fengbo Pavilion.

The eyeless old man is a unique and special person in the arena, and a lot of news has been released from different places before. Basically, he will retreat as long as he collects the Hunyuan beads this time.

This kind of thing is really big news.

The arithmetic pulse was originally mysterious enough, and this made the mystery a lot more intense.

There is a saying that where there are people, there are rivers and lakes. What's more, on an occasion like today, there are many people who cannot be seen in the day, especially those secluded schools, which are like mushrooms after the rain.

Either the number of people in brocade clothes and Chinese clothes is large, or the old people with children in ragged clothes.

At the same time, there is a lot of news spreading and discussing with each other secretly.

"Why haven't you come yet?"

"What are you in a hurry? With so many people present, do you see anyone in a hurry?"

"Do you know about Xisuilu? I heard that the Wang family will also come. Will anyone do it?"

"What nonsense? Who would dare to mess around in a scene like today? It might arouse public outrage. Anyway, nothing is more important than the eyeless old man..."

Obviously, many people are very clear about the current situation.

Today's protagonist is the eyeless old man. Although it is said that the elders from the West Wind is also very important, it will be discussed later.

While talking, the members of the Wang family are here.

When she got off the car, Wang Qingyue felt countless eyes cast on her in an instant.

Although it cannot be said to be all, most of them contain hostility and threats.

But Wang Qingyue didn't have any special reaction. The Wang family was framed during the recent period, and she was psychologically prepared for this kind of scene.

Moreover, coming here today is just trying to solve this matter.

"Miss Wang, she looks pretty good today."

Then Cao Zian came over.

The young master of Cao's family in Beijing, this time coming to Suhai was quite low-key, and did not attract too many people's attention.

It's just that when he was speaking to Wang Qingyue, the smile on his face was quite weird, and the meaning of cold-eyed mockery was really obvious.

"You did it, right?"

Looking at Cao Zian calmly, Wang Qingyue asked.

Who can stir up the entire Jianghumen party and attack the Wang family in such a short period of time, and who can have the ability to kill someone and blame the Wang family?

Similarly, which force has such a hatred for the Wang family?

After thinking about it, Cao Zian must be the most suitable person. Although it is said that because of the engagement, many people think that the Wang family and the Cao family should be very close.

But the real situation is not like this, especially Wang Qingyue is quite clear that Cao Zian and the Cao family's real idea of ​​the Wang family is possession, not peace.

This purpose alone is dangerous enough.

"Really? What do you think? Ha ha..."

Instead of answering Wang Qingyue's question directly, Cao Zian chuckled, looking calm.

"What about Shi Dali? What's the matter? You like him so much, don't you bring him to meet the world at this time?"

After that, Cao Zian continued to speak out.

The matter of Shi Dali was almost stuck in his throat like a thorn, so as long as he mentioned it, Cao Zian felt uncomfortable.

However, he couldn't help but mention it, because it would be even more uncomfortable if he didn't mention it.

But this time, Wang Qingyue didn't mean to care.

Her gaze, like most people, turned to Fengbo Pavilion.

It doesn't make much sense to talk to Cao Zi'an here. The key to solving the problem now lies with the eyeless old man.

"I know what your plan is, to be honest... I'm the same plan too, but will the eyeless old man stand on your side or on my side? Just go and see."

With a slight smile, Cao Zian leaned in and said.

Hearing his words, and looking at this guy's appearance, Wang Qingyue knew that he was right.

This time, Wang Qingyue was also completely affirmed. There is no doubt that Cao Zian caused the Wang Family's troubles, and it is obvious that he still doesn't give up and plans to continue.

Xue Jiuyi and several members of the Xue family were on the other side, including the Zhou family, and even Bao Daya's side.

In the very hidden position at the back, several people sat in the car and did not come out.

"Just make sure the eyeless old man appears and leave immediately, understand?"

Hearing the order on the phone, a man in the lead immediately agreed, and then hung up.

They were sent from Hokkaidokou, whose sole purpose was to determine what the sightless old man was like.

All parties were preparing, and then... a shadow jumped like this.

Very light, this shadow came to the front of the long pavilion, and it could be said that all eyes were concentrated on it for a while.

"Ten years of life and death are boundless, without thinking... I'm unforgettable."

The deep voice, accompanied by the kind of hoarseness, suddenly such a sentence sounded from the front.

Almost everyone has a tight heart.

The mask, the gown, and of course the half of the dagger, everything is the same as the rumors in the world.

That's right, the eyeless old man appeared!

But this poem is really elusive.

Why is this poem?

Could it be said that there are hidden meanings?

Inevitably, a mess of speculation appeared in everyone's minds, but the eyeless old man didn't look at anyone more, he just walked towards Fengbo Pavilion.

In the end, entering the black curtain, only one shadow could be seen vaguely.

For a while, there was no sound around.



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