Super Tycoon

Chapter 109: Some people rejoice and others worry (20/10)

The guide price sales of Zhiduoxing game consoles are the smoothest in Longjiang. As an agent of Longjiang and neighboring provinces, Wang Liang’s life is also very comfortable.

What can I do if there is no game card? He has long-term cooperation with Zhiduoxing this time, and can easily sell Zhiduoxing game consoles. And it's still a five-year contract. In five years, he can definitely become a millionaire!

Before last year, he didn't dare to think about it.

In January alone, he sold more than 1,700 units, more than 500 units were exceeded, and a game machine can be charged an agency fee of 10%.

Although it cost a lot of freight and a lot of hospitality, but it is close to 40,000 yuan!

Now the neighbors around, who doesn't know he has the ability? Two days ago, I obtained the certificate from the subject. When he was in the eighth day, he would hold a banquet.

"Ryoko, Ryoko? What are you doing, and the door is closed." A wife's voice came from outside the door.

Wang Liang opened the door, looked around like a thief, pulled his wife into the house, quickly closed the door, and plugged it in.

"During the day, what are you going to do?" His wife blushed.

"Hush, be quiet." Wang Liang sat on the bed. "What do you want, am I such a hurry?"

The wife heard Wang Liang saying this, and the disappointment on her face flashed away. "So what do you want to do secretly?"

"Count money."

"Counting money? The agency fee of Zhiduoxing Company is back? You said that you did this business, and those shopping malls made money, why did it hit the account of other Zhiduoxing Company? Obviously you sold the goods, I heard that you Or the first one to agree?"

"Hair is long and knowledge is short, others Xiaozhang always said, so as to reduce sales data fraud. In fact, I think, can also prevent those agents from running away."

"Look, I paid a security deposit of 200,000, but the value of the goods I took away was more than 200,000. Besides, people didn't make any difference to us. Isn't that what you got back, you count."

Wang Liang took out a newspaper from the quilt, opened it, and it was full of money.

"This, so much?"

Although she knew that Wang Liang made a lot of money and could get it out of 200,000, she still saw so much cash for the first time.

"Where is this? It may be more than this next month. Follow me, and you will eat spicy and spicy. Hurry up and count. After a while, it will be dark and save in the bank. rest assured."

Wang Liang has actually counted it twice, but watching his wife count the money there happily, he has a strong sense of satisfaction.

Watching his wife count for the third time, his face flushed with excitement, Wang Liang smothered the cigarette **** in his hand. "You just said it's the daytime, let's try it during the day."

After that, the whole person rushed up.

Many other agents brushed their passbooks in the bank and looked at the numbers above. They are not so close, they cannot go to the company to get cash.

Although the date of settlement of the agency fee is mid-month, which is equivalent to pressing them for half a month of money, no one will say anything. Anyway, the money has reached their pockets.

Among these agents, several are deposits from borrowed money, and now they can finally return some relatives and friends first, and the rest can be paid off in two or three months, and the rest can really be guessed. Into his pocket.

Before they told the retailers about the three hundred yuan guide price, many retailers were reluctant, so they did not supply them in accordance with the requirements of Zhiduoxing, focusing on one or two shopping malls and making other malls jealous.

No, soon the other malls obediently came to sign the contract, after the first payment, then the goods, no problem at all.

The new year has arrived, they have not yet been able to rest, many people are still on the road, delivering goods to various cities. But everyone's face was full of joy, although tired, but thought of being able to make money, I felt refreshed again.

After the news that the 10,000 yuan prize was won was published in the newspaper, according to the requirements of Zhiduoxing Company, the newspapers in each province had spent money to reprint this news, and consumers' desire to buy was really stronger.

There are also several agents in it, and they have also done some business of cassettes before. They found that the business of both cassettes has become better.

But when they are happy and happy, some people are sad.


"Director, we also make this game console. I have seen this thing and it is not too complicated. You see now, how easy it is to sell."

The factory manager shook his head. "You think it's too simple. We used to make radios, but later the radios couldn't sell, and then we learned to make black-and-white TVs. As a result, we just learned that with some parts, color TVs became popular. Now."

"It's not too difficult to make a color TV. We learned it, but how many units can we sell? Everyone recognizes the brand and thinks that the quality of the big brand is good, and it is indeed not more expensive than ours."

"Now we have a little OEM order for TV sets, which is good, don't bother."

The chief engineer is anxious. "The factory manager, why is this a toss? The wages of our factory have not risen for several years. The other factories are rising, and there are bonuses. Some things are sent out every year. ?Wife and children can't afford it anymore!"

"If you go on like this, it won't take two years, and we have to be like the biscuit factory. We have no one to manage, and the salary cannot be paid. We can only stay at home."

"Anyway, I watched this game console, and I will definitely be able to make it with someone. I estimate that it costs more than two hundred yuan, and we also sell three hundred yuan. How much can we earn?"

Another person suddenly said, "Director, did you just say that everyone recognizes the brand now? If our boxes are also printed with Zhiduoxing?"

"Are other people willing to buy it? And can the sales volume rise, so we can make more money?"

The factory director stared at his eyes. "Aren't you fake or inferior? UU reading is illegal! You are also an old member, how can you say such a thing?"

"Director, everyone has to eat and support the family. Then we don't have many stars, what about Yinzhi Xixing? Most people don't pay attention, let's talk to retailers again, let them sell 295 yuan, cheap 5 For a buck, is this always okay?"

The factory manager said nothing. The factory's profitability was not good. He knew that everyone was difficult. Moreover, Zhi Xixing seems to have no problem and does not violate the law.

"Director, if you don't say it, I will act as you promised. Then tomorrow, no, I will organize a few technical backbones to crack this and try to produce this game console early."

"Lao Cao, you should first contact other factories to prepare for the purchase of raw materials, as well as to contact the printing factory for customized packaging boxes."

"Next year, let everyone have a good year!"


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