Super Tycoon

Chapter 110: It’s all Li Gui (thirty/ten)

After the Chinese New Year, on the 11th of the first month, they will start school.

Many people are reluctant, but they still have to go to school. I don’t know how many parents are relieved. Finally, they sent the baby to let the teacher take care of it. I feel that the whole person is much easier.

Returning to a familiar campus, some students still feel a little missed. At home every day, it seems that it is really not as good as having fun with students at school.

But a few days later, they began to feel homesick again, so many homework every day.

On the fifteenth day of the first month, Zhang Yang just went out of school and saw a familiar little jeep.

"Dad, mom, how are you here? Take me for the holidays?"

It shouldn't be. He just went to grandpa's house with his second brother.

"There is something wrong with the company. Come and have a look. By the way, we will have a festival together." Zhang Weiguang smiled.

"What happened to the company?!" Was the news received today? Yesterday he went to the company and heard nothing.

On the way, Zhang Weiguang told the company about Zhang's affairs and wanted to hear his son's opinions. He has heard of such things before, but he has never encountered them before.

The matter is very simple, Li Kui meets Li Gui.

Because of the advertising effect of the Zhiduoxing game console on the market, coupled with the low price and the temptation of the 10,000 yuan award, the sales volume is unique.

What was once a hot Nintendo, a little genius or something, is now in a disadvantage. Perhaps not long before, Zhiduoxing will become the first game console brand in people's minds, and sales can also climb to the first position.

So many small electronics factories have also seen the rise of the game console market and plan to enter it and share a slice of it.

At this point, Zhang Yang had expected that any industry would go through such a process, from the beginning to the rise, and then to the decline.

When it was started, it was done by one or several companies, and everyone could basically make money, some more, some less. Then many companies will flood into this industry to make the industry cake bigger and higher.

This is the prosperous period of the industry, at least half of them can make money, but those who make big money and do not make money will widen the gap. This speed may be fast or slow.

After a fierce fight in the industry, Dalang Taosha, of which more than 90% of the enterprises, will be eliminated, either transformed, or bankrupted, or merged by their peers.

In the end, there were only a few companies to share this big cake and make a lot of money.

Then it will enter a period of decline in the industry, either product upgrade or transformation, otherwise, if you are old, you will be finished.

Now, as China's video game console industry has begun to enter a prosperous period, there will naturally be many small factories and small brands, and these Zhang Yang don't care.

But if these small factories and brands make money by pretending to be multi-star gaming consoles, it won't work.

"Dad, the agents did not say, how many small brands are there? What about the quality? Did we have the same sound effects when we switched on?"

"I asked. They said that there is no boot-up sound effect. If you get that thing, it seems that it is not so easy to crack. They just bypassed it. Anyway, they did not delay playing. It is also possible that they bought a game console of another brand to crack."

"Small brands are currently known to be similar to us, Zhi Xixing, Ji Duoxing, Zhi Duosheng, Zhi Duoxing, Zhi Xixi, Zhi Duoxing..."

While waiting for the red light, Zhang Weiguang said, while gesturing those words with his hands, there were already 14 similar brands.

Those prices are all three hundred yuan, and even two have retail prices of two hundred and ninety-eight, which is obviously intentional.

These brands generally appear in shopping malls in the county, and many consumers buy them, which has a big impact on Zhiduoxing's game consoles.

"Dad, do you care about this?"

"Of course you do. Those who are obviously counterfeit, we do not think you should control it?" What does your son mean?

"Of course we have to manage it, but why do we manage it? What do those agents do? The agency fee we give is not low, let's just say that in January, the real sales period is only half a month, and they have all completed their sales tasks. There are even a lot of excesses completed, and the agency fee can be earned by 10,000 or 20,000."

"They have paid a total of 100,000 yuan, or a deposit, and they will be refunded in the future. Even if these 100,000 yuan are the capital, you calculate, what is their profit in one year? The least can be doubled!"

"Doubled, have you heard how many factories have such high profits? And we are a five-year contract, how much can they make?"

"There are fake and shoddy products. We have a headache, but they also have a headache. In this matter, those agents understand that they want to make money and do not want to work."

"If it is so simple to make money, why should we find an agent and send the salespersons to talk to each place directly? Isn't this profit ours? Even if we hire one hundred salespersons, we have 30,000 yuan a month Is that enough?"

"We looked for agents to give up more benefits. Firstly, to borrow their sales channels, so that our Zhiduoxing game consoles can enter the shopping malls in the shortest time. Secondly, what is the problem, let them go solve."

"Thousands of dollars can be produced this year, some have some skills, and know some people in official positions. Even if they can't completely eliminate fake and inferior products, there are always some ways."

"They should find a solution now, instead of pushing the problem to us. This is not stated in the contract, but it is stated in the contract that one province can have two provincial agents. If they are not happy, we can Find new agents to replace them."

Zhang Weiguang stared his eyes "You have considered this situation long ago? It was said that there can be two agents in a Not casually?"

"Of course not casually. Some words are not written in the contract, but the payment method is agreed, and the initiative is with us. If the contract is broken, we can find a new agent, and they can also find a new supplier. Which brand is more famous now than us?"

"Those agents are smart people and know how to choose. But it's not too bad, so let's tell them that the head office will send inspectors over time, who has the least fake and inferior brands in the sales area. , We will give a bonus to mobilize their enthusiasm."

"Correspondingly, if anyone in the sales area has the most counterfeit and inferior brands, they will also be punished accordingly. Rest assured, this is also the power stipulated in the contract."

Playing with the contract details, that group of people can be far away. If Zhang Yang really wanted to pit people, they wouldn't have any pants left!


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