Super Tycoon

Chapter 111: 2 Brother’s ambitions (4/10)

After understanding the meaning of his son, Zhang Weiguang's face became a lot easier. He didn't believe it anymore. They made advertisements and won a million yuan prize. How many markets can they be snatched by those fakes?

If those agents really can't do anything, it should be a change of agents. He doesn't take any losses and originally thought those agents took too much.

At Grandpa Zhangyang's house, they carried things into the house.

On the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, the Lantern Festival was eaten. At this time, the dishes on the table were already fried. When Zhang Yang entered them, the aunt went to the kitchen to cook the Lantern Festival.

"Weiguang, how about your game console?" The old man asked after taking a sip of wine.

"It's good. It shipped about 15,000 units last month. It can be higher this month, and it should be more than 15,000 next month." Zhang Weiguang just turned red after a sip.

Last year, his son said that he could sell 10,000 units a month. He still did not believe that according to this year's momentum, when the summer vacation was over, 20,000 units a month would be easy. This year's goal is to reach 200,000 units.

Although the profit of a single unit has been reduced, but the sales volume has increased by 20 times, the profit has naturally skyrocketed.

What owes 10 million is nothing, and it will be paid off in half a year. After the rest is distributed to the old Maozi, their family will still have a lot left.

"Sell so much? Will you give back that ten thousand yuan prize?"

"Yes. Each province can be awarded a 10,000 yuan prize, so as to ensure the maximum effectiveness of advertising. There are already three winning prizes, and the enthusiasm of consumers is very high."

"Aren't you told me, one is enough. You are like this, don't you want to have more than two hundred thousand?" Two hundred thousand, the old man began to feel sad again.

"Dad, you don't care about this matter, Weiguang knows what he is. The more awards, the better the product sells, the more he earns." Uncle said with a smile.

"The more awards you give, the more you can earn?" The old man didn't quite want to understand. But since both sons said so, it should be true.

It seems that he is old and can't keep up with his thoughts. You said that a game machine played by a child was actually bought by so many people.

After eating a meal very quickly, the two old men went to bed early, Zhang Yang and they sat drinking tea and chatting together.

"Second brother, when did you resign? Are you still in that class, is it interesting? You get greedy every day, and you pay a month. And you always take leave, don't you want to promote it in the future?" Zhang Yang suddenly Asked.

"Uncle, do you think my second brother's temperament is suitable for official career? If he really wants to go, then I won't stop. Think of ways to help the second brother run up in the future."

If you don’t dare to say more, pushing the second brother to the hall~~ level should have a lot of assurance. Anyway, for a long period of time in the future, the assessment of cadres in various places is based on economic theory.

If you can bring in investment, you can make the local economy develop rapidly and people can live a better life. That is the manifestation of ability. Such people should be promoted.

Let's go to a business investment bureau for the second brother, or grow up in a town or something, Zhang Yang will invest there when the time comes, and the second brother's achievements will be there.

This is not possible. Now there is also an opportunity for the second brother to be in the limelight.

"Shengchang, what do you think?" Uncle asked.

"Dad, second uncle, brother, I don't really want to work at the second uncle's company. Of course, there is something wrong with the second uncle, you can contact me at any time. My ideal as a child was to be a good cadre."

"I don’t deny that I like money, but it’s enough, and I can’t use so much. Second Uncle, you gave me too much. Even if you give us shares in our family, you shouldn’t be in my name. What about my sister?"

"And I have shares in the company under my name, which is not compliant. My mother has also retired. If this share is not in her name, you must have a copy of my sister."

Zhang Shengchang always felt that he took too much of 5%. Last year, I thought that it could be divided into thousands of yuan in a year, which is not tens of thousands, but now from the perspective of the company's profit, he can at least divide into hundreds of thousands.

I took 20,000 yuan at home. Why should I divide so much? He still gave it to him, what did his sister think? His pressure is actually great.

"Second brother, did you think clearly?" Zhang Yang looked at his brother.

"I thought about it. In fact, I wanted to say it a long time ago. It feels a lot easier to say it now." Zhang Shengchang leaned on the back of the chair, his face relaxed.

"That line, you will go on a career in the future. It's too high. I can't guarantee it, but let you be a persimmon and have 90% assurance."

Zhang Weiye looked at his son and then his brother. What happened, why did his nephew say such crazy words, they all have normal expressions on their faces?

And the son's happy face, do you really think you can grow persimmon in the future?

"Dad, do you feel that your brother's words are a little crazy? If you know this Zhiduoxing company, it was actually made by your brother, you won't think so."

"What are you talking about? Your brother made this company? Didn't Lao Maozi find your second uncle?"

Auntie is also puzzled, such a big company, made by a nephew? How can this be!

Zhang Weiguang coughed a little embarrassedly. "Big Brother, Shengchang is right. It's really Zhang Yang's idea to get this company, but I'm not boasting my son."

"There is also the company's current development strategy, which was also proposed by this kid. We can change from a small county-level factory to the current Zhiduoxing Co., Ltd., so that the products can be sold nationwide."

"You also know me, if it is me, will you contract that electronics factory? Even if it is really contracted, will you think of making a game console? These are the kid's ideas, Shengchang also knows."

"If someone else said, helping Shengchang become a persimmon in the future, I don't have to believe it, but this kid said, I really think it is Zhang Shengchang also added, "Yes, Dad. Brother is smart, just like Zhi Duoxing in "Water Margin", it's nothing wrong. Now that my brother has promised me, I am more confident in my career. "

"You have worked for most of your life, and now you are treated as a deputy~~, and you should retire in another six years. I don't know if you can get a positive~~ treatment to retire."

"I also know that you have a lot of ideals and ambitions, but do you have the opportunity to show them? I used to think I would be like you, but now, I have more confidence than you."

When said by his son, Zhang Weiye not only did not get angry, but instead laughed, "Okay, good boy, ambitious! Then do it, the shares are under your name~~Mom, you continue to work at ease and work hard."

Zhang Yang saw that everyone had spoken, and got close to his second brother. "Second brother, come home tomorrow, you bring some manuscript paper, I order something, you write an analysis report, submit a manuscript... internal reference."


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