Super Tycoon

Chapter 144: This person is very visionary

One morning at the end of the year, when Zhang Yang walked into the campus, he heard many classmates discussing national affairs.

  Students are the people who are most willing to discuss such matters. They have fewer things than people at work, and they are more willing to express their opinions and prove their knowledge.

   Zhang Yang looked at the newspaper column at the door of the school. The front page heading of almost every newspaper was the same news-Su, disintegrated!

   These days of news broadcasting will definitely broadcast this event constantly, not only in China, but also in many countries around the world. Because this is a major event that can affect the global landscape, the only one who can break the wrist with the United States is so disintegrated.

   But in fact, most of Su’s assets were inherited by Russia, and at the same time a lot of debt was dumped.

  Huaxia political axe is also discussing this matter enthusiastically, thinking out some experiences and lessons from it, to avoid Huaxia detours.

   In the class, I heard many classmates enthusiastically discussing and expressing their opinions, just as if I were a leader, and such things would never happen.

   After school at noon, in the cafeteria, you can still hear many classmates discussing and even arguing, one by one.

"嘁~~Listen to what they all say, as if they all understand it. One by one~~Governance exam scores are not high, what is still blowing there." Jia Tao stuffed a piece of braised meat into his mouth, and again Gnawing a bite of buns.

   "No, there is a problem with Su, we will have an influence. Everyone will have to work in the future, it is no harm to understand some first." Li Wei retorted.

   "Understand what those are doing. Anyway, I plan to play games with Zhang Yang and make game consoles. This is fun and profitable. I'm not an official, just care about that." Jia Tao didn't care.

"Jia Tao, when you get to the university, you will understand that these are really important. There is a basic discipline in economics called politics~~~governance economics, which is the politics brought about by changes in governance in various countries. influences."

   "Just like some international trade, because some political factors, the price changes, the impact on an industry will be very large."

   "Like we import grain from some countries, if the price of grain rises, do you think you can still eat a portion of braised pork at such a low price? At that time, you can only eat vegetarian food for one month."

   "Even in the game industry, can it be developed if there are any restrictive policies? If some supporting policies are introduced, the industry will inevitably develop faster."

   "You, usually read more books and study hard. Even if you are doing games, these are also useful. For example, if you like to play a gun battle game, if you design a background, will it be more fun?"

  Jia Tao nodded thoughtfully: "It seems a bit reasonable. No wonder everyone has to study politics~~~ governance, it seems that if you want to think well, this really needs to be understood."

   "Aren't your family cooperating with Lao Maozi, then do you know some more detailed information, tell me, I will also shock those students in the class!"

   Chapter Yang: "..."

   Let you know that it is for better development in the future, not for bragging!


   It's time for get off work, a man in his forties is still looking at the documents on the table. The organization talked to him, and after a new year, he would be transferred to the city as deputy chief.

   He also needs to be familiar with the work in that area as soon as possible. When he gets to a new position, he can get started faster and live up to the trust of the organization.

  From the political research department to the city, not only the transformation of functions, but also the change of the nature of work. The above also agreed to allow him to choose one or two people.

   This time he can take on the new role, thanks to his keen sense of smell in some things. In August, he wrote a report to the leader, analyzing the situation of Su, which is now fulfilled.

  He is now looking for someone as sharp as him.

  In a pile of sealed reports, he looked at what he was interested in. Soon, a pile was found.

  Look at the time of the report. Many of them are after him. At that time, these discussions have already taken place. These are just following the trend, and he is not very good.

   Hey, before him, there was a report, which was actually sent at the beginning of the year.

   He opened it and looked, his eyes brighter and brighter.

   This report is far-sighted, starting with some details, made a detailed analysis, and one by one was fulfilled.

  Look at the name, Foreign Affairs Office, Zhang Shengchang.


   "Second brother, I guess you will have to drink again today. How is it, is it particularly exasperated at work today?" Zhang Yang asked with a smile.

   "Boy, sit down and accompany the second brother with two cups." Zhang Shengchang poured another glass of wine, "You guessed it, I am in the unit today, definitely the focus of everyone."

   "They did not expect that this thing really happened. Some people have speculations, but it was not long ago. But I submitted the report at the beginning of the year. Who doesn't know the unit?"

   "Now I say that I have a vision and a promising future. Even our director saw me, it was a laugh and praise. When he criticized me, it was harsh."

Zhang Shengchang's eyes were a little red. At first, he was not ridiculed. He was directly transferred to manage the files. How many people laughed at him as a college so fast!

   "Second brother, do you still regret the original choice? If you regret it, you have time to resign now, leaving them with a chic back, you can still become a foreign affairs legend."

  Zhang Shengchang shook his head: "No regrets, I will not resign. I have to work hard. This was my dream when I was a kid. Now that I finally see the opportunity to realize it, how can I give up?"

   "I understand them too. Actually, the leader gave me the opportunity at that time, let me admit the mistake, I did not agree, this was idle. Now it proves that I am right, I am very happy."

   "Everyone is a colleague in the future, there is no need to do those things. Besides, my good things are coming."

   "Well? Have you chosen a new position?" Zhang Yang understood it as soon as he heard it.

   "Yes. A new persimmon was brought in newly. He personally talked to me and wanted me to be his secretary. I want to follow him, learn more and enrich myself."

   "And in the past, my position can be adjusted. After the new year, your second brother, I am right~~ Kela, although not the youngest, but definitely more than most of his peers."

  Zhang Yang raised his wine glass: "Second brother, congratulations. It seems that you have agreed, then work hard. Although this position is not easy to get results, but you can learn a lot."

   "If you have any confusion, you can come back to discuss with me, I can give you the staff. I also wish you a great cheer in the future."

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