Super Tycoon

Chapter 143: Chance is coming

Zhang Yang went home from school and saw that his second brother bought wine again and sat there to drink himself.

   "What are you doing again? Didn't I tell you, there must be news this month, and after the new year, you will definitely be valued and even reused."

  Now the situation in Su's situation is changing, and there are more and more people who believe that Su is having problems. However, there are still disputes about when Su will disintegrate. Even a small number of people believe that Su will survive the difficulties and restore the glory of the past.

  No matter what, Zhang Shengchang's original analysis report is no longer a problem. Some people may think that Zhang Shengchang is greedy, but he can't deny that Zhang Shengchang is a personal talent.

   Things have already seen the light, why is this second brother drinking boring?

   "Brother, come, sit here and drink with me. Our leader asked me to talk." Zhang Shengchang poured a little liquor into Zhang Yang's glass.

   "I have talked to you? Good thing? Are you celebrating? Go home and celebrate, let the uncles be happy, too. This year, you have no worries."

  Zhang Yang took a sip of liquor, picked up chopsticks and threw a piece of red intestine into his mouth. I haven't drunk for a long time, and I have a sip occasionally.

   "I don't know if it's a good thing, I haven't dared to tell the family yet." Zhang Shengchang sighed again.

   "Huh? What unit do you want to transfer to? Have you been promoted?"

   "Our leaders talked to me and said that they are now encouraging public officials to take the lead in economic development. They also heard that I had a relationship with Zhiduoxing Company and asked me if I was interested in working in the city electronics factory."

"I have two other options. The first one is to stay in the Foreign Affairs Office, which will give me a sub-department practical job and be included in the department ~~ long inspection sequence. The second is to transfer to the city and go to a newly formed The work of China Merchants Office is also a deputy department.

  Zhang Yang frowned: "Did you get promoted? Although it is for a real job, it is the same. Is there only these three options?"

  Zhang Shengchang looked at Zhang Yang with a weird face: "The leader has given me three choices. Are you still not satisfied? Others are mobilized to listen to the organization and can be solicited for advice. It is already a special care."

   "Foreign Affairs Office will not consider it first, there are not many chances to make great achievements, step-by-step work, if you stay in retirement, you may be able to become a department ~~ level."

"Investment office, this is actually not suitable. There are fewer people who are willing to invest in our Northeast, and fewer people come to Bingcheng. Your work is also difficult to achieve, unless you are agreed to let you sell the enterprise, if it is In this way, it may be attractive to many businessmen."

   As one of China's old industrial bases, Bingcheng has a solid industrial foundation. But there are also disadvantages, such as bloated personnel institutions, heavy burden on enterprise retirees, and high wages of workers, which are resistance for those investors.

   Some small factories do not have much acquisition value at all. After all, there are not many people in Longjiang, the population density is small, and the economy is not developed. This means that the market is not good enough.

  Invest in the South, the wage base of the workers is low, the local government axe is particularly polite, the conditions are good, and there are not so many burdens, and the surrounding population is also large.

   The Ice City side is a geographical disadvantage, so many investors can be dissuaded.

   If you sell the company directly and allow others to divestiture and reorganize the company's bad assets, then the attraction is definitely very great, but can the political axe agree?

   "What position does the city electronics factory give you? Retreat or pragmatic?"

   If it is a retreat, then he will suggest that the second brother wait again, now there are three options, maybe there will be more in the future, after all, the disintegration of Su has not happened yet.

   "Nothing. Even pragmatic, what can I do at this level? The factory director is a deputy town level cadre, and the workshop director must be the deputy~~."


  Chapter Yang blew a tooth, it was a bit difficult.

   The three positions are not very good, and it is not easy to make achievements in any of them. In contrast, the China Merchants Office is okay, he has a way to spend a little bit of achievements, let the second brother go one step further.

   "Second brother, what do you think?"

   "I don't want to go to any of them. But I see the leadership's meaning, suggesting that I go to the electronics factory. He said that the salary of the electronics factory is higher, and now the salary of the enterprise is much higher than the political axe, but the electronics factory is going downhill."

   "The second uncle told me last time that he wanted to buy the electronics factory. I transferred it. What should I do with my uncle's plan?"

   "My dad said he wanted to close the electronics factory in the city? When did it happen, why didn't I know?"

   Chapter Yang froze for a seat, but he had to stop. The area on the side of Bingcheng is not suitable. A county electronics factory is enough, otherwise the transportation cost will be much higher.

  Why many enterprises will open many branches all over the place, just to facilitate the transportation of products, especially fast moving consumer goods, the factory layout is the most.

  Although their game consoles are not FMCG, Bingcheng's electronics factory is not a good choice. So many older workers, so many retired, and the equipment is relatively old, completely unnecessary.

  It is enough to dig out some professionals from the electronics factory at a high price. The factory will leave the city with a headache.

   "I told you last year, don't you know?"

Zhang Yangsong said with a sigh of relief: "It's okay, it has been abandoned. The company has acquired the factory in the south, and the electronics factory in the county has expanded a lot. It will not continue to purchase the factory in Bingcheng, nor does it mean to move the factory to Bingcheng. ."

  The electronics factory in the county is the largest factory in the has the most workers and creates the highest output value, which is provided by the county leaders. In the city, there are those large state-owned enterprises with more than 10,000 employees. Their thousands of factories cannot be ranked at all.

   "Second brother, wait a second, I believe there will be a good opportunity soon. If you haven't waited after the New Year, then you will go to the investment promotion office, which is relatively easier to achieve results."

   "During this time, you will not be directly assigned to your position, right?"

   "No, the conventions are all promoted around March next year, and now they are all inspections."

   "That's good, you just keep waiting. There will definitely be some changes around next year, maybe a lot of good positions can be vacated." Zhang Yang said very firmly.

   "There will be changes next year, what do you mean?"

"Changes in policies may encourage the development of a market economy, but also encourage knowledgeable, cultural, capable, and courageous public officials to go to sea and start businesses to try the ones they have thought about but have not been adopted by leaders. Industry."

   "At that time, there will definitely be a group of people going to the sea to start a business. They are familiar with national policies and have some understanding of some industries. They can bypass many minefields and will develop very well. At least they will earn more than work in their units."

   "There will still be some people who are transferred to the enterprise, and some people will apply for leave without pay to stay, find a way to make money, and even some people will secretly take part-time jobs."

   "At that time, there will be more good positions. All you have to do now is wait."

  :. :

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