Super Tycoon

Chapter 178: Revenge of Liu Shengan

"Baga! They were given the money and the agreement was signed. How dare they do it!" Matsushima Shinji's tea cup fell to the ground, and the debris and tea splashed his subordinates' faces.

   "President Matsushima, we can in turn sue them, according to the agreement, they will pay us ten times compensation. 30 million US dollars, enough to hurt Zhiduoxing company."

  Matsushima suddenly felt something was wrong. Since the agreement was signed, and the agreement was read by a lawyer, there was absolutely no loophole. What did Zhiduoxing do?

  Nintendo's reputation will indeed be damaged, but it is the companies such as Sega that can take advantage of it. Chi Duoxing suffers.

   He surveyed, Zhiduoxing and Sega and other companies have absolutely no problem, but they have contacted with Chang Ni, but they have not reached a deal, but who benefits?

  Zhang Yang was also calling at this time to ask the agents to investigate who broke the news. I also contacted the newspaper office, there may be information here.

  Anyway, they didn't do it. He wanted to know who was in the pit. Hard steel like Nintendo can only result in both losses.

   If Zhiduoxing actually compensates 30 million US dollars in return, let alone the efforts of the past two years have been in vain and the losses have been huge. The funds for the development of new game consoles may have to be cut off.

   Soon, my dad's elder brother rang loudly.

  Zhang Weiguang thought who made the New Year's call, and he smiled when he received it, but his face changed instantly after receiving it.

  Zhang Yang walked over: "Dad, where is Nintendo?"

   Zhang Weiguang nodded and handed his brother to his son. Zhang Yang took two steps to the side: "I am Zhang Yang."

   "Zhang Yang! You have violated the agreement, we will let the lawyer sue you, be ready for 30 million US dollars!" The voice of Matsushima's bad anger was heard on the phone.

   "President Matsushima, I now suspect that this matter was exposed by you yourself, in order to lie to us for 30 million US dollars. We Zhiduxing exposed this news for any benefit, we have never done it!"

   "Does Nintendo confess ourselves? Nintendo's reputation is only worth 30 million US dollars? The specific amount is only known to you and us, not who else can you have?"

  Zhang Yang listened to Matsushima Shinji's tone, and Nintendo did not make sense to do so. Because as long as there is no evidence, the lawsuit Zhang Yang is not afraid. There is no need to pay 30 million US dollars. Instead, this incident has become bigger and Nintendo’s losses are greater, which will give other colleagues the opportunity to catch up.

   "President Matsushima, don't you forget that another person who has left Nintendo on that day knows this news."

  Matsushima Shinji's hand holding the phone is tight, is he? !

   Yes, it can only be him. There is no interest relationship with the two companies, and they know the content of their agreement.

   "Well, I will solve this matter. The best is really him."

   The phone hung up, Zhang Yang returned his elder brother to his dad: "It's okay, Nintendo suffered a loss, I think we did it."

  Zhang Weiguang was a little worried: "Will we really be compensated tenfold? 30 million US dollars, the company's liquidity will be cut off at once."

   "Dad, calm, not what we did, why lose money? It is very likely that Liu Shengan did it."

   After a while, someone from the newspaper wrote back, saying that one of their contributors had received money from an islander and wrote this article. At that time, they looked more topical and published it.

   Calls from various agents are also returned to ensure that they did not do it. In fact, Zhang Yang did not doubt them, because those people did not know how much Nintendo had compensated, and even the people of Zhiduoxing Company did not know that the compensation went directly into the account of Zhiduoxing Education Fund.

   The person in charge of the education fund is the father. Others know that the fund has a large amount of money, and they may not know that it is Nintendo's compensation.


  Liu Shengan lay on the hotel bed and looked at the newspaper in his hand. Although the other words were not well understood, he could understand the title.

   This news was released by him, the purpose is to retaliate against Nintendo and Zhiduoxing!

   If it is not Zhiduoxing Company, he will have a very good future in Nintendo. He will be the head of the room in his early thirties, and there will certainly be a broad room for ascent in the future.

  He thinks he will enter Nintendo's top management, at least he can take the position of Matsushima Shinji, and he will be responsible for a major market in the future, and get Nintendo's equity incentives.

  In his life, even if he is successful, he has his own business and rich income, and can enjoy his old age after retirement.

   But because of Zhiduoxing Company, they were hindered from developing the China market. Even the good agents were snatched by Zhiduoxing Company, which made him sent to the mainland of China, away from the core of the company.

   And after being sent over, he did not let Nintendo's sales improve, and was criticized a lot. If it is not Zhiduoxing, he will not make mistakes, nor will he be held accountable.

   Of course, he also had a lot of resentment against Nintendo. He has been working for Nintendo for more than ten years. Nintendo actually missed his merits and hard work, so he was expelled.

  Is it all his fault this time? Who can think of Zhiduoxing as a ghost, actually named a chip directly as 6486, which is obviously a deliberate misleading him.

   He thought that Matsushima Shinji was here and could help him, even if he was demoted, why did he fire him directly? Others don’t But he is very clear. Songji Shinji had some damages to the company’s interests at that time. He helped to conceal that matter.

  Matsushima did not speak for him, nor did he arrange a retreat. What else can he do now? His peers on the island, he was on the blacklist, and with the competition agreement, he could not engage in the game industry within five years. Should he be asked to go to another company to be a small employee?

  Not only the gap in status, but also the gap in income.

   A few years ago, he rushed to the east~~~ when Beijing had the highest house prices and bought a large house with a loan. As a result, house prices suddenly collapsed and fell to a quarter.

   In order to protect his house and his home, he also borrowed a lot of money to cover the difference. Now that he has lost this job, what is he doing to repay the loan? What can I do to repay the loan from my friend?

   He did this by others, he wanted to retaliate, to make these two companies fight, and to let them both hurt!

   He was not dared to tell his family about the news of his dismissal. He dared not imagine his family knowing what he would look like after he lost his job.

   Suddenly, the phone at the bedside rang.

  Liu Shengan lazily grabbed the phone: "Moxi Mosi?"

   "Liu Shengjun, the people of the bank came home and said they wanted to collect the loan. Where are you, can you come back? They want to take the house and take our car."

  Liu Shengan swiftly sat up straight: "You let them wait, I'm in China, and I will rush back immediately!"

  :. :

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