Super Tycoon

Chapter 179: Only sell nine hundred and ninety-eight

A week later, Zhang Yang received a call from Zhang Xinxiong of Wanxin Company, saying that Liu Sheng was dead and died of killing himself.

  Zhang Yang was silent for a while and sighed.

   Zhang Benxiong also quickly digressed on this topic, and agreed with Zhang Yang that the next month's supply would increase by 50%.

  Although Zhang Yang did not speculate on Nintendo's compensation, other game console manufacturers will not miss this opportunity. Nintendo's reputation has declined and sales have also declined.

  Wanxin Company wants to sell Zhiduoxing's handheld to Europe this time, and at a cheaper price, there will always be some sales.

  However, the number of orders for video game consoles has declined. This can only be sold in Southeast Asia, and not many people buy it now.

  Wanxin company also tried to sell some learning machines, but unfortunately the sales were too poor and had given up. The software inside is suitable for the Chinese market, but not suitable for other regions.

  After the New Year, the sales of Zhiduoxing's computer learning machines have declined, and new learning machines on the market are emerging, and they want to take a slice of the pie.

   They also played the banner of 486, and even some companies also installed the chip directly in the keyboard, making it very similar to Zhiduoxing's products.

   And each has its own promotional methods, such as some give away light guns, give away game cassettes, some give a handle, and some directly reduce prices.

  Zhang Yang looked at the sales statistics and felt that he could proceed to the next step.

   "Take off, Sun Tengfei?"

   "Mr. Xiao Zhang, wasn't you transferred to Beijing to take charge of your brother Sun." Someone reminded.

  Zhang Yang stunned, suddenly transferred Sun Tengfei away, he was still not used to it.

   "Are you Xiao Wang? Notify agents, come to me for a meeting three days later, and the price of the learning machine will be reduced."

   At present, there are too many learning machine products on the market, and the price gap is too large, which will have a great impact on the sales of Zhiduoxing products. Although Zhiduoxing has the highest profit margin, but its sales volume declines, its overall profit also declines.

   His price reduction sales, in fact, the overall profit may not be able to increase much, but it can also allow other manufacturers of learning machine sales to decline, reduce their profits, and increase the market share of Zhiduoxing.

   Last year, Zhiduoxing's market share once exceeded 90%, but now it has fallen to 80%. This is not a good phenomenon.

   market share also represents a company's right to speak in the market. The higher the occupancy rate, the heavier the right to speak, and industry rules, such as pricing rules, can be formulated.

   If the price of other learning machines is similar to that of Zhiduoxing, which is more than a thousand yuan, then Zhang Yang will not think about price reduction. At the same price, with the sales channels and brand awareness of Zhiduoxing, the sales volume is definitely the best.

   Plus after-sales service, as well as its own learning card, the market share continues to ensure that more than 90% is absolutely no problem.

   But those who produce learning machines, the price has dropped too much. The price of a game console with an external keyboard has been reduced to more than 600. This chapter Yang ignored, because this kind of original selling is not good.

   But the same type of keyboard embedded chip, the layout of the connection port is the same as that of Zhiduoxing, and the price is reduced to less than 1,000 yuan, which has to be paid attention to.

  Consumers are pursuing the brand, and feel that the quality is better, but it is three hundred dollars worse. This is not a small number, and there are also many people who are looking for cheap.


   "Xiao Zhang, the price of the learning machine should be reduced? How much?" Wang Liang asked after sitting down.

   "I will talk about it later in a meeting. You have also investigated your agency area. Are you sure you have the appropriate retail price in your heart? You can say it as a reference."

   Soon everyone was here, everyone sat down and waited for Zhang Yang to speak.

"Everyone's delivery volume in March has dropped a lot. The feedback to us is that there are too many other brands of learning machines on the market. Our products are too expensive and have no price advantage. So what do you think the retail price is set at? Is the location appropriate?"

   "One thousand dollars." Wang Liang said first.

  Everyone else agreed with it. Now that this keyboard-type learning machine is at a low price.

"Then it's set at less than one thousand dollars, such as nine hundred and ninety-eight. It feels less than a thousand dollars, three-digit and four-digit numbers, the difference is still quite big. Everyone turns back to retail Discuss it and let them put out advertising slogans, only selling in 1998." Zhang Yang clapped.

   "Mr. Xiaozhang, the retail price is lowered, so will the supply price for us be lowered? Can I ask, if the retail price is 998, what is the supply price for us?" Someone tried.

   Their agency fee is linked to the supply price. If the supply price drops too much, even if the sales volume increases, they may earn less, which is not cost-effective.

   "If the retail price is 998, then the supply price is about 800 yuan, and it needs to be calculated in detail."

  Everyone has figured it out, if the sales volume can be increased by one hundred units, it will make money. With prices falling so much, a province’s monthly sales will only increase by 100 units, which should not be too difficult.

   In fact, each of them still has some promotional methods that are useless. The sales volume of the agents is counted throughout the year, not monthly, and their promotional promotions are kept in the peak season such as winter and summer vacations.

   "Xiao Zhang, what other conditions have changed?"

   Before they advertised, including logistics and transportation, Zhiduoxing Company paid half of the cost, which is very important for them. If all of these costs are borne by them, profits will fall a lot.

   "We require advertising, necessary logistics and transportation, Zhiduoxing company still bear half of the cost rules are still the same, subject to our review."

   "The preferential conditions that should be given to you, Zhiduoxing has never been discounted. How much do you earn, you have your own heart, we also have."

   "We work together to achieve a win-win situation, so Zhiduoxing never treats you hard, and hopes that you can jointly maintain the Zhiduoxing brand and let us continue to win together."

   Chapter Yang's sentence means something. Multi-brand learning machines have appeared in some agency areas. Do agents really have no control?

   Absolute control is impossible, but how much can you talk to the mall to stop the sales of those learning machines. For example, check for the misappropriation of Zhiduoxing learning software, and check for the patented design of misappropriated Zhiduoxing appearance.

   Zhang Yang's last thing I want to see is that there are agents colluding with other brands to help them distribute in private. If it happens, he will never be light. Not only deduct all deposits, but also pursue the other party's legal responsibility!

   "The new retail price is set at 998 yuan, and the supply price for everyone is set at 800 yuan. If there is no problem, it will be so."

   Zhiduoxing suddenly started the price reduction promotion, the price reduction was extremely large, and many manufacturers of learning machines were caught off guard. If you cut prices like this, don't your profits also fall?

   And some shopping malls, no longer enter the learning machine of other brands, this blow is more serious. Without a retailer, how can their products be sold?

  When many manufacturers were discussing countermeasures, Duan Yongping took an application report and went to the leader.

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