Super Tycoon

Chapter 180: Duan Yongping's choice

"What do you say, do you want the factory to be restructured?" The leader looked at Duan Yongping for a long time.

   "Leadership, the factory must be restructured, otherwise there will be no living space. In terms of technology, we can work hard to improve ourselves. I dare to guarantee that we are not the first in the country, but there is also hope for becoming the first echelon."

   "But the funding problem, this gap is too big. Without money, many of our ideas can not be completed!"

   The leader's face is ugly. Is this an attitude to report work?

   "Old, you said that the factory was short of money and wanted a loan. Did I find a way for you? Is the loan of two million yuan approved on the same month?"

   "The result? The factory spent money on advertising, and developed its own software, and found someone to do advertising planning, but the sales were a mess!"

"The factory is your manager responsibility system, you say who should bear this responsibility? Now that the two million loan has just been repaid, you have to find a foreign investment of 10 million, and you have to give the management shares. This is what to do , Divide the country~~~Do you have assets?"

   This hat is too big, and Duan Yongping's face changed greatly: "Leader, I definitely don't mean that."

   "I have studied a lot of successful restructuring companies. They are attracting external capital, purchasing new production equipment, using more efficient production processes, improving efficiency, improving product quality, thereby reducing costs and increasing profit margins."

   "And attract foreign capital, not only attract external funds, but also some advanced management methods. They can make the factory have a tremendous change, and can also solve the plight of the factory at this time."

"Giving some of the factory’s backbone shares is also a practice that many foreign companies have used. Xiangjiang is very common. In this way, the income of managers is completely linked to the income of the enterprise. If they want to make more money, they must develop well. , High profits, which is equivalent to a long-term contract system."

  Duan Yongping reasonedly struggled, he really hoped the factory would be good. Although his wages and bonuses in the factory have not been reduced in recent years, he feels that others have received less.

   The leader leaned on the back of the chair: "Old Broke, if you say that, I'll take care of you."

"Li Jingwei of Jianlibao, how are you better than him? His monthly salary is only 10,000 yuan, and the bonus is very small. What about you? You have the same 10,000 yuan a month, and there are bonuses. You have more than Li Jingwei, But is the value you create comparable to Li Jingwei?"

"Don’t forget your identity. You are the factory manager appointed by the city and a member of the enterprise. Now you still feel that you are getting less, wanting shares, and in order to win over people and let others take shares, the enterprise What about other employees of the company, do they want to take shares?"

"Yes. Leader, I have another plan. That is to let all employees raise money, and everyone will use a sum of money to buy shares, convert them into shares in the enterprise, and give them dividends at the end of the year. The same is true for several of us, We’re not asking for shares, we are buying them with money.

   "In this way, the company has a sum of funds, and with the loan from the bank, it can raise almost tens of millions, which is enough to complete the transformation of the enterprise."

   "Our company is still collectively owned. What's wrong with this? We will become a model in the city and set an example for the restructuring of other companies in the city."

  Duan Yongping knew that the leadership would not agree to give the shares to others, so what I said before was to pave the way for this plan.

   "Duan Yongping, Duan Yongping, let me say what is good for you! Collective ownership has become a model and an example. How nice it is. I ask you, if employees are unwilling to buy shares, are you going to force allocation?"

   "Even if employees are willing to buy shares, how many people are willing to do it? What about those who are not willing to do it? Is collective ownership of you a small group?"

   "Take another step back, if you succeed and let the factory make money, everyone can divide the money. If it is lost, those workers have saved half of their life's money, just like this?"

   "Will the workers ask you for it, or will they ask for the political axe? Who will block this hole?"

   Leader's hand, knocking **** the table. This old phrase, thinking about the problem is too simple, only consider success, do not want to think about the consequences of failure?

  Duan Yongping was silent, and bluntly, the leader still did not trust his ability. He has led people to study a new generation of learning machines, and has also developed learning software, which is similar to Zhiduoxing, but it is also slightly different.

  If you have money to promote, you can’t say more than Zhiduoxing, but it is still possible to guarantee to sell 100,000 units a year. Even if one set only earns 300 yuan, that is a profit of 30 million. How can this lose money?

  All this, he wrote in the report, but the leaders did not believe it. The fundamental reason is that he hasn't been able to build the brand since the game console, and he hasn't allowed the company to make big money.

   But this is not to blame him. If the leaders listened to him at that time, instead of taking those profits away, but used them to expand production capacity and increase advertising, where would there be an opportunity for Zhiduoxing to rise?

   When he was studying the learning machine, he also had no money, only a few of them were dull trying every day, a small electronic component should be saved, because it also needs to report, the loss rate and the hard regulations.

   But it is too late to say anything now. The leader disagrees, and his next plan cannot be implemented at all.

  Pulling foreign investment is not enough, loan is not is not possible to raise funds by oneself. Without money, how can he let the company develop? It's just such a small trouble, although it can also ensure that the factory is not losing money, but now that Zhiduoxing's price has dropped, their sales will inevitably decline, and maybe their factory will be in a loss within a year.

   Don't make changes at this time. Will you change after the loss? Was it too late?

   "Leadership, this is not what I mean by myself."

The leader looked at Duan Yongping: "What do you mean, are you threatening me? What behavior are you doing, do you know it yourself? I will hand over the factory to you, stand in the way, and let you be the director of the factory, let you To be a gaming machine, to give you high wages and high bonuses, how did you return me?"

   "Okay, I think you are confused today, then I will give you two choices. First, go back to work honestly, concentrate on production and sales, don't think about those that are not."

   "Second, if you don't want to, then change to someone you like. Without you, the factory is not enough? Don't take yourself too important!"

   Duan Yongping walked out of the leadership office blankly, he came full of confidence, but left sullenly. His restructuring plans were clearly seen by experts, and there was no problem. Why did the leaders disagree?

   Go back to work honestly and watch the factory decline gradually?

   No, he has other options. Since the leader said that he can be replaced by others, then he can also replace others. He wanted to talk to a few foreign businessmen to see if they were willing to invest in himself. He wanted to build a new factory and produce new products!

  :. :

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