Super Tycoon

Chapter 192: Prototype complete

Duan Yongping was in Beijing during this time and also met many people. He trusted a friend to ensure that the patent application review process is accelerated and will be approved in about a month.

Zhang Yang looked at the company's report here and returned to his hometown to live a leisurely life every day.

In mid-August, the patent application was successful. Zhang Yang, through Zhang Benxiong, found an agency company to help apply for overseas patent rights. It is expected to be completed in three months to six months.

Zhang Yang has already talked to Jiang Wanmeng, first of all, continue to improve the technology to ensure that it can be produced through the equipment assembly line, and at the same time acquire the copyright of audio and video, and prepare to build a VCD disc production line.

As for the VCD, it is too late to launch it next year. First, some pre-heat treatment can be done to get market feedback.

Moreover, it cannot be sold at this time, so that some foreign companies can apply for patents in some countries in advance after purchasing, causing economic losses to them.

During this time, Jiang Wanmeng was even more disappointed with Mr. Sun. Mr. Sun couldn't get more than 40 million RMB at all, but only less than 20 million. This was twice in a row, which made Jiang Wanmeng very chilled.

Of course, this part of the shares, Jiang Wanmeng also had no money to buy, the result can only cheap Zhiduoxing Education Fund.

With a big stroke, Zhang Yang donated a large sum of money from Zhiduoxing in the capital, thus increasing the holdings of Zhiduoxing Education Fund to 68%, and suddenly became the largest shareholder.

In this way, Jiang Wanmeng continued to thank Zhang Yang and felt that if it were not Zhang Yang, Wan Yan Company would not know what it would develop into.

During this period of time, he has not less studied the rise of consumer electronics manufacturers in the world, and he really understands the hidden dangers of his previous practices. Those manufacturers will definitely seize the opportunity.

He has been abroad, but most of the time, he is doing research work. In fact, he has little experience in business management. The same is true of Mr. Sun. His company is actually a small company, and its annual profit is not high. How much successful experience does it have?

Perhaps the best investment Mr. Sun made was to invest in Wan Yan.

At this time, President Sun is also busy acquiring audio-visual copyrights in the United States. After this part is completed, the company can definitely make more profits.

It was also at this time that Zhang Yang got another piece of good news, and Zhiduoxing's new video game prototype was ready.


A black machine, flat, looks like a large electric baking pan. Open the cover above, put the disc inside, and then buckle the cover. Zhang Yang feels ugly about this mode of installing the disc.

There are several interfaces next to the machine, including two handle interfaces, a power interface, and a TV line interface.

Zhang Yang looked at the game console connected to the TV, opened the experiment, and ran a simple game, Super Tetris.

Wang Liang hasn't finished the new game they made yet. However, Zhang Benxiong obtained authorization for some games from abroad, and has not burned a VCD disc, so it is temporarily impossible to try it.

After only a few plays, Zhang Yang put the handle down: "Dad, do you have game discs from other companies? Can our machines use their game discs?"

"Ah? Theirs is in CD-ROM format, isn't ours in VCD format, different."

"What do you mean, it's not compatible? Do you remember I talked to you about different TV systems? There are different standards in different countries, and there are four mainstream ones."

"Now that our domestic TV sets are compatible with at least two formats, so why can't game consoles be compatible with other formats?"

"They all use optical to read the data on the disc, just need to have a new code receiving software in the machine. CD code receiving software, we have also studied it, get it together."

At that time, their game consoles can play other people's game discs, but other people's game consoles can't play their games. Look at the expressions of those game machine manufacturers.

Of course, each gaming machine manufacturer will have some technical protection measures to prevent others' gaming machines from reading games that are only released on their gaming machines.

In fact, this is not difficult to crack, otherwise there will be no examples of violent and **** games produced by small game manufacturers that can run on Nintendo game consoles.

For this reason, Nintendo did not sue lawsuits from that company, but wanted to instruct the Sega company, thinking it was secretly instructed by the Sega company. But actually, Nintendo is in the island country, and has produced some similar games by itself. This kind of game is very prosperous and legal in the island country market.

Those families who bought such game discs do not sue the game publishers, but the game console manufacturers, because the game console manufacturers have more money, and they hope to claim more money.

Zhang Weiguang nodded thoughtfully: "It's just that our memory will be bigger and the cost will increase. And it will affect the heat dissipation and operation of the machine. All parameters may have to be adjusted."

"Then adjust. We are not saying that we will do our best once, but at least we have to do a good job before we can sell it. Also, don’t put this disc in and out so that it can be flipped into cover and swallow it out. CD case."

"Since the discs we use are different, we need to make a bigger change so that players can see the difference at a glance. And in this way, does it look higher-end?"

"There is also a need to increase the interface behind, in addition to the handle, you can also connect two light guns to play our newly developed shooting games."

"By the way, this handle also needs to make some changes. I will draw one. You look at the production. There will be more functions on the handle."

" The archive function is okay, it won't appear that I haven't finished playing today, will I start from the beginning next time?"

"This is no problem, we have solved it. But according to your request, this prototype will be readjusted, I am afraid it will take another month. It will be time to launch on the market on New Year's Day next year."

There is no energy production and no time for publicity. If the sales situation is not good, the backlog of products will hit the morale of the company.

"It's okay, I will start to promote it abroad after your adjusted prototype is made. Wanxin company has already contacted them. Some of their channels in Southeast Asia are still good. Europe and the United States are now expanding."

Unfortunately, he has little experience in expanding foreign channels. Wanxin is the best channel he can find. He also entrusted General Manager Sun to contact the sales channel in the United States. He promised a lot of benefits and did not know that General Manager Sun did his best.

When reading the new King of Fighters comics, many people find that there is an extra page at the end, which says that the King of Fighters game is about to launch, which makes many fans excited. They are all guessing which company developed and which game. Issuing on board.

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