Super Tycoon

Chapter 193: Why rank so

"Xiao Zhang, the closest game exhibition is the Xiangjiang Game Exhibition. The level of this exhibition is not too high. It is not as good as the island country and the United States. It can be regarded as a good one. Other game exhibitions, or The Consumer Electronics Show will not be big until next year."

Zhang Benxiong has been trying very hard to find, this is the best one he can find.

"Okay, you will send me a copy at a specific time, help me contact a booth, I will take someone to see it, and I will also promote it by the way."

Of course, Zhang Benxiong will spare no effort. Every time such an exhibition, not only various manufacturers, distributors, agents will pay attention to it, many game fans, game media will also pay attention, many small companies, all at once at the exhibition Rising.

Zhang Yang has promised that the new game consoles overseas agents will still give them Wanxin Company, so what he needs is that the new game consoles have a higher visibility, so that they can promote sales and make them earn more money.


"Eh, this is the passport. I'm seeing it for the first time." Jia Tao looked up and down with Zhang Yang's passport.

"You can also apply for one in the future. Hurry and give it to me to pack up." Zhang Yang snatched his passport back and stuffed it in his bag.

"Isn't Xiangjiang our country? Use a passport to go there?"

"It's still British rule, and of course you need a passport. Yes, I will bring you some fun when I come back. You study hard, but now you are in the third year. If you have a poor college entrance examination level, you can't go to the university in Beijing, regret it Don't rely on me."

"You don't need to play that one. You can see if there are any good rheumatism medicine there. Bring me back two boxes and I will give you money."

"Brought to Auntie? Mature? Okay, I remember. Go, go out and eat something. I have to go to bed early at night."

Early on Saturday morning, Zhang Yang flew to Xiangjiang by plane and made a transfer halfway. When they walked out of the airport, they saw Zhang Benxiong dangling there with a sign.

Many pick-ups around, but most of them are tour groups or something. There are already many people visiting Xiangjiang at this time. Xiangjiang is one of the top cities in the world and the most developed city in China.

"Xiao Zhang, here. The car is ready, let's go to the hotel first."

While in the car, Zhang Benxiong and Zhang Yang introduced the exhibition in detail. The world's top game manufacturers have come, including many emerging companies like Zhiduoxing.

And Zhang Benxiong also got the news that those top game manufacturers are optimistic about the Chinese market and are ready to attack. Some people even say that whoever can occupy the Chinese market completely will get the fastest development in the next ten years.

"Have you come?"

"Xiaozhang also pays attention to the company of Shunyi? They announced at the beginning of the year that they would launch their own game consoles next year. Nowadays, they have little contact with game companies in the island countries and the United States, hoping to get more game companies. Support, with fun games, help your game console increase sales."

"However, some people say that this is a modified product of the game console they developed in cooperation with Nintendo. Nintendo publicized that the technology of Schneider had many defects at that time, so they conducted it with Philips, the top European electronics manufacturer with stronger technical strength. Cooperation."

"Some people say that this is to vent up with Nintendo, not optimistic about how good the products of Niuni can sell, it may be a major failure of the company."

Zhang Yang shook his head: "I think that Channy might come later. Chany thought about making a game console early on, and the time they have worked with Nintendo is not too short. It already has experience and foundation in this area. ."

"Now they invest so much money and cooperate with so many game companies, which also compresses the choice of other game console brands."

"In my mind, there are currently three gaming machine manufacturers that deserve the most attention, Nintendo, Schneider and Sega."

Zhang Benxiong froze for a moment. Zhang Yang's order made him a little puzzled. Nintendo’s number one is undisputed. At present, global sales are the best, and it is also an old game console manufacturer with many loyal fans.

But why should Niuni be in front of Sega? Although Sega has been lonely in the past two years, the thin and dead camel is bigger than the horse, at least it is also the top three in the world, and the game consoles of many companies such as NEC are also selling well. In the end, it may be those brands that are later in the rankings. Why did a game console for the first time rank so high?

And Zhang Yang's ranking seems to rank Zhiduoxing in fourth place, which is a bit too high-profile? Although Zhiduoxing is selling well in the mainland, according to the total sales, the top ten in the gaming machine industry is not counted, where is the confidence?

How good is this new game console?

"Why, looking at your expression, it seems that I don't quite agree with me?" Zhang Yang asked with a smile.

"No, it's just that I'm curious, why do you attach so much attention to Niuni, but don't take other old game console manufacturers into your eyes?" Zhang Benxiong couldn't help asking.

"Because Cheney's strategy is very good, this is what other game console manufacturers ignore, and even Nintendo may suffer."

"The sales of a game console are good or bad. I think it is mainly divided into four parts. The first part is the fame. This is not as good as other old game console manufacturers. UU reads but their brand The popularity is not low, and it is also the first class in the field of consumer electronics."

"The second part is the hardware. This part is better than Nintendo and it is definitely in the first gear."

"The third part is the operating system. This part is also good. Nintendo has more experience, but also has a lot of related experience. Even if it is not the first grade, it is not much difference."

"The fourth part is the game. Is the game console fun? The most fundamental thing is whether the game is fun. Whether it is popular with players. The sales of many game consoles are actually brought by the game. Take a look at some of Nintendo’s models. Hot products are all because they have better games and cannot be used on other game consoles, so the game consoles are sold so well."

"And the company has also grasped the fourth point. They not only own some game development companies themselves, but also signed exclusive contracts with many game development companies, so that they can provide players with more and more interesting games. At this point, they do better than Nintendo."

"So I think that the game consoles of the company will probably develop extremely fast in the next ten years. And we must also improve our strength in these four areas and strive to enter the first gear."

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