Super Tycoon

Chapter 194: Okay

"Mr. Xiaozhang, this game exhibition in Xiangjiang has such a large specification. A large stadium, all of which are related companies, is too prosperous."

After Li Junsheng entered the venue, he felt particularly fresh everywhere. Especially excited to see the crowds inside. So many people like this industry, and it proves that his choice is absolutely right.

How can you develop a game without doing business? The products he makes are also for people to relax and be happy. In general, Xiao Zhang's career is not expensive.

If you don’t violate the law or virtue, then there is no problem!

"Yeah, there is no such scene in our country. The resistance is too great, and we have a long way to go."

Before Zhang Yang wanted to get a game show, but when contacted with the local political axe, the political axe did not approve at all. If you want the venue and other cooperation, you have to pass the political axe.

Obviously, it is an activity that can bring great benefits to the local government axe, but the local government axe directly rejected it. The reason is that they think they cannot promote the game. Beginning this year, CCTV no longer advertises game consoles.

This has a big impact on Zhiduoxing, but it is more affected by other game console manufacturers. They wanted to copy Zhiduoxing's successful model, but found that they couldn't copy it at all.

Therefore, the advertisement of Zhiduoxing at this time is a learning machine, and the game machine only advertises in some newspapers, magazines, etc., plus the advertisement of the mall. Fortunately, Zhiduoxing's brand has been established, and sales have not continued to decline, but the handheld has increased.

The game industry is an industry that has not received much attention. Political axe does not object, but it will never encourage it. Therefore, Zhang Yang can only take a roundabout strategy to come to the Xiangjiang side to participate in the exhibition, and then return to the mainland to promote it in the newspaper.

By then, relying on strong distribution capabilities to sell game consoles, the main battlefield is actually placed abroad.

"Mr. Zhang, the main market of Zhiduoxing should look abroad. The market here is more mature, there are not so many restrictions, and the economic conditions are better."

"Furthermore, if you sell the product, the profits are not yours? You Wanxin Company, but just to earn some hard money." Zhang Benxiong said with a smile.

"In my opinion, it's up to us to hand over the Eastern European market. We promise to increase our promotion efforts. Our company now has sufficient funds for promotion and is also contacting agents in Eastern Europe."

"Lao Zhang, the shareholders of our company in Eastern Europe will promote your own company, so you won’t have to pay for your company. However, your company’s sales capacity really needs to be strengthened. Don’t forget our contract, if your company can’t meet the requirements, we will always The agent can be changed."

Zhang Yang reminded Zhang Benxiong that if you want to make more money, you have to be willing to spend money, otherwise you will not only earn a dime, but also pay us money!

"Surely no such thing will happen. Well, these few stayed at our booth, let's go to see other vendors' booths?"

Zhang Yang asked the company's two people to stay, and Zhang Benxiong also left a person here. Zhang Yang took Li Junsheng behind him and went to see other manufacturers' booths.


"This is a new home game console that our Schneider Company spent ten years to build, using a 32-bit chip... 33MHz, 28M memory... Our graphics processor can handle not only 2D graphics, but also 3D graphics, the peak resolution is 640X480."

"We use an advanced CD-ROM drive. We are the best in this respect. Our graphics processor is customized according to the advanced computer of the workstation. The working principle is also based on the advanced computer working principle of the workstation."

"We independently developed dozens of fun new games, and signed licensing contracts with many companies. When we bought our products, we would never worry about not playing games or getting tired of playing the same game."

Representatives of Schneider talked happily in front of the booth. Many media representatives and manufacturer representatives gathered around and watched each other show the data of the new Schneider game machine.

At the same time, I also looked at the trial screens of the game consoles of Johnny, comparing the game consoles of my company or the game consoles of other companies to find the advantages and disadvantages.

Zhang Yang suddenly found a familiar figure in the crowd. Isn't that Nintendo's Matsushima really? Hey, it seems that there are many people in the crowd distributing leaflets, and some people went to other booths.

Instead of following the crowd, Zhang Yang walked to the Changi booth and asked in English: "Can I try it out?"

"Of course." The opponent handed a gamepad to Zhang Yang, thinking that Zhang Yang was a gamer. Word of mouth among these players can also greatly promote product sales.

After a while, Zhang Yang put the handle down. Some graphics processing is indeed better than Zhiduoxing, but the game is not so fun.

The representative of Shunyi felt something was wrong. The people who played their game consoles all paid tribute. Why is there no excitement on this young man's face?

"Hello, do you have any comment on our game console?"



The representative of Shunyi was not reconciled: "Don't you think that our function is very powerful? Have you not experienced the happiness that you cannot experience on other game consoles?"


Perhaps the technology of Chang Ni is leading at this time. Unfortunately, the games that Zhang Yang played before his rebirth are much stronger than the current experience. These are only okay in his eyes.

"Are there? Maybe."

Zhang Yang turned and left, leaving the representative of Chang Ni confused.

If it was said that it was sent by other manufacturers to but he waited for the others to come before he came, he did not say anything negative. But if it wasn't a hit, why is this attitude?

Zhang Yang went to the other side and looked at the prototype of Sega. They plan to introduce it to the market next year. In terms of functions, it is better than Nintendo's SFC, but it is still a little worse than the Schneider's PS.

There is also Sanling's new game console. At this time, when Nintendo cooperated with Chang Ni, Sanling developed its own, which is similar to SFC performance, but it is several years late. I don't know what this company thinks.

Sanyo, Songxia, NEC, as well as several European and American brand game consoles, all watched around. Among them, Sega's booth had the largest number of people, which was more attractive than those of Schneider and Nintendo.

Zhang Yang turned around and found that there were some people in front of Zhiduoxing's booth, but found that it was mainly some media, and no players were attracted.

That's not enough, let those players know that their new console is very good, and there are very interesting games, so as to attract more people's attention.

It seems that it is time for them to see the charm of the new game!

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