Super Tycoon

Chapter 195: This game is fun!

Zhang Yang walked to the booth, pushed the chattering people aside, and took the sound reinforcement equipment by himself, and began to publicize. He did not do this kind of work in the past life.

"Everyone, what we said is not the same as the reality of everyone watching and playing. In this way, I will show you our new game, a game exclusively released on Zhiduoxing G-KOF93, the Chinese name is called The King of Fighters, also known as the King of Fighters."

"Zhi Duoxing, the fun is endless~~"

After the familiar opening sound effects, the system loads into the game, and Zhang Yang picks up the console handle and starts selecting characters.

"Look at everyone, this is our new fighting game based on the comic "KOF93". There are a total of nine teams. Each team has three teams. In the situation of team competition, all three of the players are killed before the end."

"The group I chose was the Huaxia Ancient Wu Grandmaster Team. The game's design concept was from the martial arts of China. My opponent was a random group. As you can see, the island country team, the **** descendant, arrived at random. "

As Zhang Yang started to operate, everyone saw the character's cool moves. When combo hits, it was exceptionally smooth, and many people were bright.

When playing game consoles, especially fighting games, in fact, many times one-on-one fights are very boring, because it is difficult to obtain the chance of continuous hits, and it is impossible to take away opponents in a wave.

And this game, there are actually even moves. Although it is still impossible to take away opponents in a wave, it is also very exciting. There is also a storage pool below. After the storage is full, it can actually send out big moves, and the effect of the big moves is even more cool.

Hey, that was a BUG just now, the other side made a big move, why didn't you kill any blood? Even if it is a defense, it must be forced to bleed, just like this.

"Everyone noticed that no. I just controlled the character and evaded the opponent's big move. There are four common move buttons in this game, which are light punch, light foot, heavy punch, and heavy foot. When light foot and heavy punch are pressed at the same time, When it is down, there will be a dodge action for half a second."

"After dodge the opponent's big move, you can continue to attack the opponent without spending a trace of blood. During the game, in addition to defense, there is also dodge, which is in line with the actual situation of fighting."

"Heavy punch and heavy foot press at the same time, there will be a heavy blow, the attack damage is stronger, in some cases, you can break the opponent's big move."

"Also everyone found out that some moves can be avoided by jumping, squatting to avoid, and some moves can be broken by attacks. This game has many new operating methods, looking forward to your experience."

"When you have won five consecutive games, you can face the final pass BOSS. This is the strongest man in the comics. After defeating this one, you will really pass the customs..."

"Of course, this game can also play against two people. As you can see, when the two are playing against each other, you can also adjust the order in which the team characters appear."

"Each game character has its own special strengths, and there are other game characters to restrain the opponent's moves, so adjusting the different appearance orders will make it easier for you to win."

"Who wants to come up and experience it now?"

Below a moment a person raised his hand.

"I, I come."

"Choose me, my Street Fighter is particularly good, this one is definitely not bad."

"Me, I have seen KOF comics."

Soon, Zhang Yang chose two people to come up and let them try a game.

However, when the two operated, Zhang Yang felt very funny. Basically, it's all boxing, no tricks. Maybe they are not familiar with the operation, or they are game rookies, but the two have played back and forth.

He didn't make any big moves, but he yelled and was very excited.

Someone outside the booth had a gloomy face. Zhiduoxing really developed this fighting game, and some of the development concepts were similar to theirs and better than theirs.

If he didn't know that the other party had developed the game first, he thought someone in the company had revealed the news. In this way, their company's fighting game will have to make major adjustments, otherwise it will certainly not compete with this.

The representatives of several game machine manufacturers are not very good-looking, they all know that the hardware configuration of the game machine is very important, but if there is no fun game above, then the configuration is useless no matter how high, the most basic purpose of the game machine is to play game.

They are also observing Zhiduoxing's game console. Hey, is the configuration parameter of this advertisement wrong? Shouldn't it be a CD-ROM? What is a VCD-ROM?

Use VCD to store computer data? But what does VCD mean, shouldn't it be a CD? Is it a new disc format?

Is there more memory? This means that larger games can be stored, and the larger the game data, the more complicated it is. There will definitely be some places where the performance is more prominent.

"Your storage format is wrong, it seems that your company's level is not good." Some people questioned loudly.

"VCD is a unique technology of our company. It has just been developed and is more advanced than CD technology. Can't you see the performance of our game?"

"You haven't seen it, just because you have little knowledge, don't say that we have printed it wrong, thank you." Zhang Yang refuted unkindly.

For such a person, he would not meet with a smile. You are polite, I am also polite, you are not polite, I am more polite than you!

"Well, after a long time, there is not only one game, just to buy your game console for a game?" Another questioned.

"Who says we only have one game? This is our main fighting We also have shootout games, adventure games, etc. This is just one of them."

The development of other games has also reached a critical moment. Some games have already developed the first version and are undergoing final debugging. Zhang Yang also knows that the more games, the more popular.

So at this time Li Junsheng is shopping around the major game manufacturers to see which games the company does not have, and strive to buy copyrights from the other party.

It doesn't have to be an exclusive, multi-party authorization is also necessary, as long as they can play on their game consoles.

The reason why the previous game consoles can beat Sega and suppress Nintendo is because they had the most games for players in the early days, so they sold hundreds of millions of units.

The failure of Sega was also defeated at this point. It is not that the performance of the game console is poor, but that there are few games, which caused the reputation of the player to decline and eventually went bankrupt.

"Our game is not fun, everyone knows. I am here on behalf of Zhiduoxing company to promise that this game console will be brought to the market as soon as possible, so that the majority of players can play fun games."

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