Super Tycoon

Chapter 196: The game is not complete

At night, Zhang Yang sat on the hotel sofa and listened to Li Junsheng's report.

"Mr. Xiaozhang, I took a look. There are more than 100 game production companies this time. Among them, there are mostly island countries, South Korea and Treasure Island. There are also some in Europe and the United States, as well as other countries in Southeast Asia. Home."

From this data, it can be seen how poor the domestic game market is at this time, and there are not many companies that actually develop games.

"How about the two games, what type are they, and are they highly playable?"

"They launched computer games, they are all very simple adventure games, there is one I feel like imitating Adventure Island and Super Mario."

"But there are more innovations in the design. The same is a horizontal scrolling game, the number of mobs is more than those, and the characters do not die at once, but have a blood bar, which is attacked multiple times by the mobs, or The gate monster will die three times before hitting.

"The characters can not only jump up and hit the mobs, but also pick up weapons, such as swords and the like. Listen to them, there is a version that has not been made in the later period. The characters can pick up firearms and use machine guns to kill monsters."

Zhang Yang pinched his chin, which sounded similar to Dinosaur Kombat (Yellow Hat). This is also a very classic arcade game, and it was very popular in the game hall in the past.

"Contact them and buy them if you can. I will look at them first and then decide whether to buy them out exclusively or just to authorize them."

"Another one, what is their game?"

"It's a scrolling game from bottom to top. The characters jump up and down, kill the mobs, and reach a certain score to pass the level."

"The mobs on the screen don't finish, the picture will not move up. And the mobs can emit light balls, you must avoid, if you hit it, you will die. The characters manipulated by the player also launch light **** to kill the mobs , Need to jump and keep avoiding."

Zhang Yang frowned, and the game's playability was much lower, but it was not bad.

"Yes, talk to them, try it out again, and then decide the price. Have other foreign game makers ever contacted them?"

"Contacted, some of them, like the two domestic ones, expressed willingness to discuss licensing or buyouts with us. Some expressed that they had signed agreements with other companies and could not give us buyouts or exclusive licenses, and some Said that it has signed an exclusive license with other companies, asked if we want other games, and even said that we can develop games according to our requirements, but only requires a prepayment."

"I think it is not appropriate to find them to develop games. We have good ideas and it is more cost-effective to develop ourselves. I admit that some game companies abroad have developed very good products, and we can't compare them in some places, but we also have Desirable, technically, we will soon catch up with them."

Li Junsheng knows that Zhang Yang has many ideas. He thinks that Zhang Yang should have some ideas for the game. After providing them with a few, they all find it very interesting and have a high level of enthusiasm for development.

But if these ideas are allowed to be done by other companies, it will not only affect the interests of his development team, but also affect their enthusiasm. Of course, the final decision is still in Zhang Yang's hands.

"You can rest assured that good ideas are of course developed by ourselves and will not be handed over to outsiders. You will collect the game catalogs of the copyrights we can buy tomorrow, to include their game selling points, we will do a preliminary screening first."

There are some games that can never be bought. For example, some games developed by island companies have age restrictions, and they cannot be released in many countries. Even if they are allowed to be released, they are also vulnerable to criticism.

Nintendo has suffered such losses and has been sued by parents.

Maybe they may release such games in some regions in the future, but at least not now, lest they will be said in the future that their company started with this kind of game!

The next day, Zhang Yang got a catalog of games they could continue to talk about.

Video games, currently divided into simple ones, are divided into role-playing games (RPG), such as Pokemon; action games (ATC), such as dinosaur Kombat; adventure games (AVG), such as the future Tomb Raider, Resident Evil The series, etc., partially incorporate the characteristics of action games.

Shooting games, including first-person shooting games (FPS), such as Counter-Strike, third-person shooting games (TPS), such as the Delta Force, and simple control characters or aircraft tanks and other shooting games (STG), such as Saroma Snake, Thunderbolt, etc.;

Fighting games (FTG), such as KOF; sports competitive games (SPT), such as football, basketball and other games; racing games (RAC/RCG), such as racing and racing games; real-time strategy games (RTT/RTS) ), such as the hot red alert in the future, Warcraft and so on.

There are still a lot of game types missing, such as the island country's best love game (LVG), before this point Zhang Yang had PASS, because most of them contain some taboo elements.

Zhang Yang also found a problem. It seems that there is no company developing music games. This kind of game in the past life is also very popular, such as Jinle. It's just that this game doesn't seem suitable for playing with a controller.

There are no life games or development games. The island country has some similar games, but it is similar to the love game. Zhang Yang gave up selectively.

There is no card game, and it seems that no one has developed it for the time Zhang Yang also has no good ideas. In the past life on mobile phones, this type of game has been hot for a while.

There are other games like jigsaw puzzles, which seem to be unsuitable for playing with a controller.

In fact, according to the future division, games can be simply divided into stand-alone games and online games. What he has seen so far are all stand-alone games, because the global Internet is not yet developed at this time.

Not only is China in the age of dial-up Internet access, it is similar in foreign countries. Even South Korea, the region with the best Internet development in the world, has poor internet speed.

Zhang Yang thought about it. At present, Zhiduoxing has action games, adventure games, shooting games, fighting games, racing games, and there is still a lack of mainstream role-playing games, sports competitive games, real-time strategy games, other love and life. , To develop games such as.

If you want to make the game console popular with more people, then every game needs to have it, not to mention the explosion, nor too bad. It is on this point that the previous life-long Ni has risen rapidly.

Zhang Yang drew a circle on several game types. These kinds of games are the direction that the company will focus on next development. As for now, let's take down the authorization of some games first.

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