Super Tycoon

Chapter 231: Game company ranking

As electronic pets are also starting to sell well in Europe, several software agency translation agreements have also been signed, and electronic pets in different languages ​​will soon be available in several European countries.

Many companies have also begun to study why electronic pets are so hot. Some pets are not creatures on earth at all. They are virtual and legendary. Why are they so popular?

Some people think that most of the common pets now are cats and dogs, which can no longer satisfy children. They like more novel pets.

And whether it is a virtual or legendary pet, there is a characteristic that is cute and cute. Sure enough, cuteness can't be resisted by anyone, even many adults bought a play.

At this time, a data analysis company called Xinzu in the Netherlands published a ranking of global game companies.

The number one is naturally Nintendo of the island country. Since the rise of fc, and then sfc to consolidate its position, and the introduction of gb, Nintendo's position as the industry leader is unshakable.

The second place is Sega, which is still an island company. Whether it is a handheld gg, or a video game console d, Saturn, Sega's product sales are not low, and they are also very popular.

Although several attempts to challenge Nintendo's status ended in failure, no company could challenge the status of Sega's second brother. At least in the game console market in the United States, Sega can break the wrist with Nintendo. 35xs

The third place is 3do, which is an emerging company. A number of companies have established joint ventures and authorized multiple consumer electronics brands to produce 3do. Currently, there are 8 known 3do brands in the world, and some are said to be in talks. in.

3do's strategy is to cooperate with local consumer electronics giants to authorize technology and produce 3do game consoles, so that the standard of 3do will become the standard of a new generation of game consoles.

It is a pity that they lag behind in game development, the price is too high, the brand is too scattered, etc., and the sales volume is not satisfactory, but technically, it is definitely one of the best.

Ranked fourth is the Zhiduoxing company that everyone did not expect. This is an emerging gaming machine manufacturer. At present, the main products are TV game wit multi-star g, handheld wit multi-star z and electronic pet.

The sales of Zhiduoxing g once suppressed 3do, Saturn and ps1, but as 3do gave more brands authorized production, Zhiduoxing g has been overtaken.

Sega also increased its advertising volume, plus some re-enactment games, so Saturn's sales have also increased. Also for newcomers to the industry, relying on powerful console performance and a large number of games, sales have also increased very rapidly.

Fortunately, the sales of Zhiduoxing z have also increased a lot, relying on simple and fun games and cheap prices, it has captured the hearts of many players. Just because the number of games is small, the cassette cannot be replaced, and it cannot be expanded, which makes some players dissatisfied.

The emergence of electronic pets has made Zhiduoxing Company famous all over the world. In every big game market, electronic pets are extremely popular. This welcome level is comparable to the original GB of Nintendo.

I heard that this game was developed by Zhiduoxing itself. They launched several very popular games, such as Super Tetris, kof series, alloy warhead series and so on.

It is said that there are still several games that will be seen in the second half of this year, which is also very much expected.

The fifth-ranked company is the Changi Company. This is an absolutely emerging gaming machine manufacturer, and the first gaming machine launched has hit the market.

And the number of games is still increasing rapidly. At first, everyone was curious, buying so many game copyrights, that is not a small amount, how can the company make money?

Su Ni also made other game manufacturers understand that they are not bugs, but Jiangjiang. Just hit money, hit more games, hit a market.

Game consoles are not making money right now, and many games are not making much money. It is indeed at a loss. But the loss is getting smaller and smaller, and profits are growing rapidly.

As long as there is a hot game, they can protect the capital, if there are two, they can make money. It feels like a venture capital investment game, just like those VCs. Spread the net and watch luck. If you are lucky, you will make a fortune.

From the sixth place, no one paid attention to this list, because the gap between the sales volume behind the previous one is ten times.

Zhang Yang saw the data and made a decision in his heart. Within three years, he would pull Sega down and 3do down. By the time, the first three meetings would be Nintendo, Zhiduoxing, and Chang Ni.

As for who ranks first, I dare not guarantee now.

However, Zhang Yang also noticed that this ranking also made predictions for the sales of some new game consoles. Nintendo's 64-bit machine will be available next year, and they predict it will explode.

Yang Ke couldn't agree with this chapter. Nintendo's game console was good in its previous life, but its sales volume was only more than 30 million units. Now there are Zhiduoxing g to join the spoiler, maybe the sales will be even worse.

There is also a game console developed by Apple in cooperation with Bandai, an island country, which is expected to be available next year.

Zhang Yang knew at a glance that was destined to be a street. From his previous life to his rebirth, Apple’s self-developed games weren’t that great, let alone the lack of experience. Bandai is not a big company, it just wants to take a slice of it.

This incident in the previous life was also on Apple's black history list, and this time is no exception.

Many people have also noticed this list. In fact, it is not just the Dutch company, but some game magazines such as the United States and the island countries have also ranked the game machine manufacturers.

Nintendo's position as the boss is unshakable, and the remaining rankings of the second, third, and fourth are slightly floating, but no matter which company or media makes the list, Zhiduoxing is in the top five, and officially entered the ranks of the world's gaming machine manufacturer giants.

The fastest decline in ranking is Atari. Whether it's a video game console or a handheld, it's a thrash. It is said that there is a backlog of products, and now the parent company is planning to sell Atari once again.

The founder of the once prosperous industry, the leader, is now difficult to get up after several blows. But Atari still has some valuable assets, and Zhang Yang is still interested in some of the company's assets.

After seeing the ranking, the president of Nintendo felt that Zhiduoxing was particularly eye-catching. Nintendo, Sega, Cheney and 3do are either companies in their island countries or their main shareholders are island countries. Only Zhiduoxing turned out to be Huaxia.

And this company's game consoles are not very well sold in China. I heard that the total sales of Zhiduoxing g in China are currently less than 100,000 units. Most of them are bought by some game halls.

This company must be suppressed and must not be allowed to rise again!


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