Super Tycoon

Chapter 232: Ways to increase revenue

"Mr. Zhang, this is our Beijing City Zhiduoxing's statement this month. Our revenue has increased by 12% over the same period last year. 35xs" Duan Yongping said very loudly that he felt he could afford the promise Zhang Zhang gave him.

By the end of the year, their previous contract was about to expire. He needed some results to get Zhang Yang to give him more shares.

It's just that he looked at the report of Beijing Zhiduoxing Company and knew that the ratio he wanted was absolutely impossible, because this company is too profitable.

Last year's sales exceeded one billion, and this year is expected to reach 1.5 billion. Based on at least 30% of the company's net profit, he can get one-thousandth, with hundreds of thousands of dividends a year.

Zhang Yang glanced at random and put down the report: "Old Broke, you did a good job. Remember, the second generation of Wenquxing will be launched at the end of this year."

"Now there are other brands of electronic dictionaries on the market. We are different. We are a handheld computer. The function must be more powerful. Not only the learning function, but also the business function."

"After the second generation is launched, the first generation should not stop production, lower prices and sell out all the companies that come in. The company’s legal affairs must be paid attention to. When it is time to protect us with laws, don’t be embarrassed. Are tens of millions of profits."

Duan Yongping nodded: "Relax, I remember very well."

"Really? Why is that little bully still there?" Zhang Yang asked back.

Duan Yongping was silent. He knew that he couldn't hide it. When designating a market plan, he always kept a hand on Xiaobawang. After all, that was where he used to work.

Even though he was sad when he left, he still has many beautiful memories. And after he left, he helped the new owner to kill the old factory. Would he like to return to his hometown?

"Old, if you are really reluctant, you can buy that company and become one of our branches. But you must remember that you are now the vice president of Zhiduoxing, the first vice president, the company plans to restructure in the future. , You will become the general manager and CEO, if you can't make this decision, it will disappoint me."

Zhang Yang must also beat Duan Yongping. I invite you to help the company develop. You are nostalgic, but you can’t hurt the company’s interests. There is no reason for me to lose money to take care of your hometown and the company you used to work.

Duan Yongping lowered his head: "Mr. Zhang, this is my fault. I will make a strategy as soon as possible and strive to acquire that company."

"You just understand. Go to work, and the research and development team assigned to research the recorder has also increased some funds to let them speed up their research and development."

Watching Duan Yongping go out, Zhang Yang sighed. Emotionally he understands Duan Yongping's decision, but intellectually he cannot condone this matter, otherwise the company will be more difficult to manage in the future.

What treatment he will give Duan Yongping next year depends on how Duan Yongping chose this year.

Picking up the report, Zhang Yang looked carefully, and the phone on the table suddenly rang.

"Hello, son, Bingcheng Zhiduoxing's report came out. The fax has passed. Have you received it?"


"Mr. Zhang, this is the financial statement of Bingcheng Zhiduoxing. I just faxed it."

Zhang Yang reached out and clicked on the table, and continued to tell his dad on the phone: "I just received it, I haven’t read it yet. Let me tell you about the data here in Beijing. This month has increased by 12% over the same period last year. The total sales for this year to this month are 590 million, and it is planned to adjust revenue to 1.5 billion this year."

Coming soon to the summer vacation, there will definitely be another peak sales period, and new Wenquxing will be listed at the end of the year. The goal of 1.5 billion is not impossible to accomplish.

Zhang Yang heard the rapid breathing on the phone, and it seemed that his father was stunned by the data.

"Son, you said that our Bingcheng Zhiduoxing company, how to increase revenue? I know that our products are selling well overseas, but the domestic market can not fall."

"That Zhiduoxing G, sold in our mainland and Eastern Europe, is very general, is it because our economic conditions are insufficient?"

Zhang Weiguang was actually in a hurry. The sales of Zhiduoxing G exceeded 3 million units overseas. This data made him happy to talk, but in the base camp, he sold very bleakly.

There are about 100,000 units in the mainland, but there are less than 100,000 units in Eastern Europe. Isn't this too miserable?

"Dad, did you investigate, who did we buy the Zhiduoxing G?"

"Huh? What do you mean?" Zhang Weiguang froze for a moment. Let's sell something, but who else will buy it?

"There are a lot of game halls. They bought our game consoles and then charged them by the hour. If they are in good business, they will be able to pay back in one year, and the rest of the time will be earned."

"So what's the use of knowing this?" Zhang Weiguang was puzzled. Could he encourage others to open the game hall?

"Dad, our game arcade is in a competitive relationship with those arcade-operated game arcades. Our games are attractive, but there are more arcade arcades."

"Have you thought about it, we can produce arcade machines for sale. An arcade hall sometimes buys dozens of machines, and even large ones will have dozens of machines."

"That is equivalent to a large game console + TV screen, you can let people study how much this cost There are more in the country. I dare not say that there must be hundreds of thousands of sales."

In general county towns, there are arcade halls at this time. There are dozens of more and fewer, and there are more than one county towns. Just like the future Internet cafes, they bloom everywhere.

And with the development, it will develop from the county to the township, even before Zhang Yang's rebirth, there will be some large game halls that survive in shopping malls and other places.

"Well, we don't have experience in making TV. I heard that the price of fluorescent screens has also increased. Let me ask." Zhang Weiguang hesitated.

Hundreds of thousands of sales, but there are already so many companies doing this, how much can they get, and how high profits can they get? After struggling to research and develop, he made a profit of 1.8 million, which he felt was not worth it.

Now 1.8 million, it is no longer in Zhang Weiguang's eyes. When developing a product, how can it be difficult to run a profit of 100 million?

"Dad, there is another way. Do you know that all game consoles in the game hall can be replaced with the motherboard? The games are all solidified on the motherboard. Replacing the motherboard is to replace the game."

"Now the game is being launched faster and faster, more and more people like to go to the game hall. For example, our KOF series, alloy warhead series, if transplanted to the arcade, it will definitely be very popular."

"You can consider only producing motherboards, and then cooperate with an arcade-producing company to borrow their channels for distribution. You can also directly contact our agents and let them help with distribution."

"Only producing motherboards, our technology will be completed soon, as long as the interface meets other people's standards. The sales of this one may reach one million!"

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