Super Tycoon

Chapter 236: Game template

Today is the May Day holiday. The game development department of Zhiduoxing did not sit in front of the computer, but did not take a holiday. Instead, everyone sat in the conference room and said that they wanted to learn. 35xs

They thought they had invited a foreign game company boss to come to the class, but it was Xiao Zhang who was standing on the stage.

Looking at the team that had grown to more than 40 people, Zhang Yang smiled. These are all talents, but they are far worse than he expected.

For example, they rarely have their own ideas, generally what Zhang Yang said, or what Li Junsheng said, what they did, and they have not yet developed a new game that makes Zhang Yang particularly satisfied.

"It should have been a holiday today. Many people are going home to visit their parents or go out to play, but I have called everyone to a meeting and study, everyone forgive me."

"Because I just bought a game from Treasure Island, I saw it very much. I plan to use it as a model to explain to you and divert your thinking."

"As you all know, who of you is leading the research and development of the game, after the sale, there will be follow-up bonuses or dividends, but up to now, who of you developed the game and sold it well?"

"Hot games can sell millions of copies, top foreign companies can sell tens of millions of copies. I don't have that much demand on you, but the games you develop independently are the best It sold 160,000 copies, and the player's praise score was only 63 points."

"The rest, no one has more than 100,000 copies, and many of the good scores fail. Are you worried?"

No one said anything. Who wouldn’t want to get more bonuses? What games can they develop if others don’t like it? They find it fun.

"Everyone has their own favorite games. Although some games are niche and not sold very much, the ratings are very high, while others are sold a lot but the ratings are not high.

"Many of you like the former and think that this kind of game just hasn’t got enough promotion, otherwise it will be a big fire. But I want to tell you that the latter has a low rating but sells more It makes me more satisfied."

"What do we develop games for? The most fundamental thing is to sell to make money. If your games are not sold, Qu Gao and widow, what's the use?"

"Those who sold it and everyone didn't score high, at least made a profit for the company, and made a profit for the developers. Everyone was dissatisfied, maybe they hated iron."

"Of course, if you can develop and sell well, and the test score is high, I would welcome it."

"Look at everyone, here are a few screenshots of this fairy sword game. Let's take a look, can anyone tell the advantages and disadvantages?"

The slide was projected on the curtain, everyone was wide-eyed, many people exclaimed, this character looked so beautiful.

"Mr. Xiao Zhang, I know that the characters in this game are more beautiful and dashing, so they are attractive." Some people said with their hands raised.

"Is there any?"

"Also, there is the proportion of this character, the absolute nine heads."

Someone said this, everyone else was laughing, but Zhang Yang didn’t, because it was right.

"Very good. Do you think this is a joke? But who of you who sees a nine-headed body, doesn't want to look twice? Even if the face is not very good, the back will be very attractive, this is the simplest Aesthetics converge."

"Some people like strong, some people like thin, everyone has a different aesthetic, but few people like that kind of body shape?"

Everyone is laughing again, earth tank, what does that look like?

"Game characters, must they be handsome and good shape? My answer is not necessarily."

Everyone was stunned. You just said that for a long time, didn't you say this, why did you refute it yourself?

"But the protagonist must be handsome, must have a good figure, and the weapons are good. The supporting character can be a fat man, a dwarf, or a thin monkey, so that the characteristics are more distinctive."

"You designed the villains BOSS, every time they are ugly, tall and strong. But can't the villains be handsome? Haven't you seen handsome villains and popular villains in movies and TV shows? Think of Yang Kang in the carving."

"Character design, we will study it in detail later on, and I will go on. Let's take a look at these screenshots to see what you have to say?

Everyone took a look at the pictures of some ancient buildings, which also look very beautiful.

"This is to tell everyone that in addition to the characters in the game, the surrounding environment must also be done with care. It must be beautiful to make the picture more attractive. After setting the game background, all scenes must match the background at the time, except dialogue."

If you play a game, there are people who are full of mouthfuls, many people will also have headaches.

"Look at this plot again, this character set. The character set is the character set, including the character's appearance, gender, age, personality, and even some specific languages, such as mantras."

"I won't say more about the plot. You all know the KOF series of comics. This is the plot. With a good plot, it will be more attractive."

"This plot has also constructed a complete worldview, which is different from our current worldview, and also different from the worldview in martial arts novels, but it has constructed a world of immortal heroes."

"In this world, it also contains some of the myths and legends of our ancient China. You see some foreign games, such as magic games, are also the same."

"Another point, this game is the only male host, but there are three female hostess. You want to finally get away with three female hostess, it is not so easy, which draws on some collection elements and love elements."

"It is clever to blend different elements together without robbing the main line."


Zhang Yang said a lot, and everyone listened carefully. At first, everyone didn't care too much, and then one by one became very serious.

They all want to improve their game development level so that they can make more money. Did you give up your public office and come to a private company for the purpose of making money and making your family's life better? Now have the opportunity to know how to improve, where will they be distracted?

As university students of this era, they were originally the arrogant sons of the sky, most of them also graduated from prestigious schools, and their learning ability is naturally stronger.

Many people have confirmed this game with the game they developed. Especially after they have a better understanding of the focus of a game development, they understand the shortcomings of the previous game.

They feel good, not that the game is really good. It is far from making everyone like it.

But starting today, many people understand a direction.

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