Super Tycoon

Chapter 237: Talking about buying games

Two days later, Zhang Yang was about to return to Beijing to go to school, but was delayed by another incident. 35xs

"What are you talking about? The person responsible for the PS project came to me?"

"Yeah, the other party said that, I heard that I want to buy some game licenses."

Zhang Yang raised his eyebrows, and Ni Ni came to them to buy the game, which also shows that Ni Ni increased investment in the game.

It's no wonder that there are more than 4,000 games promoted by the genuine past life of Niuni, and there are six or seven thousand unauthorized games. The total number of games is known as tens of thousands, which defeated Nintendo and once took the throne of the gaming machine industry.

"Okay, did he come to Ice City, then ask him to meet tomorrow morning."

Early the next morning, Zhang Yang arrived at the company for a while, and Jia Lemei came to knock on the door, saying that the representative of the Suzy company had arrived and had been taken to the reception room.

"Mr. Zhang, hello, I am Koizawa Ogawa, the representative of the Suzy Company, responsible for the purchase of ps games."

Zhang Yang looked at Ozawa Kohiko with some curiosity: "Your Chinese speaks very well. Have you been to China before?"

"Uh, Mr. Zhang, I will only learn the Chinese sentence just now, and have studied for three days. I heard that Mr. Zhang understands English. Can we communicate in English?"

Zhang Yang's mouth twitched twice, and he even thought that this person was a Huaxiatong.

"Yes, communicate in English. Mr. 35xs Ozawa came to me and wanted to buy a game license?"

"Yes. We know that some of your company's games are very special and very popular, so we want to be authorized. We have prepared two kinds of contracts, one is to buy out the authorization, Mr. Zhang can quote a price, and the other is Sales dividends. For every game sold, a certain percentage of dividends will be given. Mr. Zhang can also quote a price."

"Mr. Zhang's company also bought some game licenses in our island country, and the price should be clear, so I don't need to introduce more?"

Ozawa Kohiko seems to be very frank, you give the quotation, the initiative is to you. In fact, this made Zhang Yang passive, because he did not know the psychological bottom price of the other party.

Moreover, when Zhiduoxing purchased the copyright of the game of the island country company, the price was very low, and Kozawa Ozawa estimated that Yang was not clear about the price of the game.

Zhang Yang looked at a piece of paper in his hand and listed seven games developed by Zhiduoxing, including the kof series and the alloy warhead series.

He silently pushed the paper back on the table, and Ozawa's face changed.

Why can't you even talk?

Do you think our bid will not be high, or do you think we are competitors? Shouldn’t everyone’s biggest opponent be Nintendo? At least it must be Sega?

"Mr. Ozawa, our game does not sell money. 35xs, but our company is not incapable of cooperating with Chang Ni."

Ozawa Kikohiko had a happy face, but was a little puzzled. How did he cooperate?

He thought of a possibility, wouldn't Zhiduoxing want their gaming console technology license, absolutely not!

The ps1 of Schneider has the most advanced performance in all current game consoles, especially the graphics display performance is super strong. When others can only do 2d games, they can already do 3d games. This will be Steve and other companies. The only chance to open the grade.

If Zhiduoxing also has this technology at this time, then the promotion of 3d games is indeed better, but Chang Ni is not exclusive to this cake.

The company has always made long-term plans. They can also accept short-term losses, as long as they can earn back in the future. Just like when they entered the film industry from music, they lost money in a short time, but they can promote the sale of their video recorders and video tapes, and the copyright can also be used for remakes. As long as the movie market breaks out in the future, they will make a lot of money.

The same is true of this game console. It seems that they have invested too much in hardware. Others’ game consoles still earn a little. Their sloppy game consoles really don’t make a dollar.

Obviously, the cost of hardware is higher, but the price is still lower. It is in this way that other companies will lose money than they do, so that they will retreat in the game market and let them make up for this vacancy.

"Mr. Zhang, it is impossible to license our game console technology to other enterprises. This is still to be understood."

Zhang Yang smiled: "Of course, I understand. But don't you listen to the quotation, maybe I have touched your quotation? But since you don't want to listen, then I won't say it."

Originally, Zhang Yang could use VD to cooperate with Chang Ni. VD's patent authorization in exchange for the other's graphics technology related authorization, so that the promotion of VD in the international market is also easier.

In the recorder market, the two companies, Song Ni and Jie Wei Shi, failed to compete for technical standards. Their technical standards were more advanced, but Song Xi passed more technical licenses and had more allies to let Su Ni It became a lonely fight.

At present, Chang Ni is in a disadvantage in the recorder market. In the previous life, Zhang Yang remembered that in the future, Chang Ni even reconciled with Song Xia. As a result of the settlement, Chang Ni gave up his own standards and joined the camp of Song Xia and because of the need for as soon as possible. They sell video tapes, they own film and television companies, but the video tapes are not good enough, the profits are far below expectations, and they actually lose a lot.

After everyone uses the same standard, although the sales of video recorders will be affected, the video tapes will sell better. Of course, at that time, it was also because of the existence of a DVD, or even a DVD, and Chang Ni also saw that the traditional video recorder would eventually be replaced.

Since the other party is not interested in cooperating on the hardware, you can go back and talk to other companies to discuss cooperation, which in turn allows the other party to limit the development of Schneider. Competitors do not develop well, which is a good thing for them.

It's like I didn't run fast enough, but if your speed is slowed down by others, I have a chance to catch up.

"Chang Ni Company exclusively sold out the copyrights of some games. I don't know if these games can be licensed to us?" Zhang Yang put forward his own conditions.

"Do you want us to play Ninja? Mr. Zhang is just kidding, Chenni is not a game development company." Koizawa Kogami squeezed a smile.

"I said, what I want is some of your exclusive games, even the game copyright you have bought. And your company seems to have recently controlled a number of game development companies, and some are shareholding, licensing many games , Should you have the right to decide?"

"My conditions have already been stated, if you want our company's games, then your company's games, you have to authorize us. We convert the value based on sales and praise rate, as long as the value is equal."

Zhang Yang looked at Ozawa Kohiko and urged the other party to agree quickly. After he agreed, his check and balance move could be formally implemented.

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