Super Tycoon

Chapter 238: Compatible with CD discs?

  Ozawa Ogaza asked the company headquarters, and soon agreed, and then on behalf of the company, signed an agreement with Bingcheng Zhiduoxing.

   The content of this agreement is very simple and does not have too strong legal effect. Just like the previous cooperation agreement between Niuni and Nintendo, it is torn at any time and the compensation is extremely low.

  Will not sign a formal game mutual authorization contract until both parties have measured the value of the game.ァ新ヤ~⑧~1~中文网ωωω.χ~⒏~1zщ.còм

   After Ozawa Kohiko left, Zhang Yang's face couldn't conceal his smile. The opportunity for Zhiduoxing to surpass Sega was coming. Within two years, Zhiduoxing would have the chance to become one of the three giants in the game market!

   A week later, a few more people came from the company. On the side of the capital, I talked to Zhang Yang for a long time, and finally decided to authorize the exchange of several games.

  Chang Ni used the authorization of twelve games in exchange for the authorization of seven games of Zhiduoxing. After getting the license, Zhang Yang ordered to do technical processing immediately, and then began to produce VCD discs for these games.

After   , Zhang Yang called Zhang Benxiong to let the other party release a message.


   "Are you stupid, how did you buy the game disc of the Schneider Company? This is a CD disc, and the Zhiduoxing G is a VCD disc, and the format is different!" a white guy shouted at his black partner.

   "But I see that this game disc is on sale at a discount, which is cheaper than Zhiduoxing's. And I heard that you can use the CD game disc of the company from Zhiduoxing G." The black guy said timidly.

   "I don't understand what I told you, is it different, not the same thing. Can Ford use a general-purpose engine, can it be used?" The white guy felt like he was playing the piano to the cow.

   "Yes, my grandpa's pickup truck used a Chevrolet engine repaired. Otherwise, let's try? If not, I will run again and maybe I can return it?" said the black guy.

   "Okay, then let you die. Come, let's try it, anyway, after you tear it down, you won't be able to refund it, but you spent the money."

  When the CD is placed in the game machine of Zhiduoxing G, the picture on the TV does not appear to be spiced or stuck, but the normal picture of the game running appears.

  The white guy's eyes widened. What's going on, can it really work?

   "You see what I'm saying, people tell me it's okay, let's try, can you play it." The black guy immediately grabbed the handle of P2 and couldn't wait to experience this game.

When they found out that they could play and found no problems, the white guys began to praise the black guys: "Mike, you are so helpful. You bought the game at half the price. Then our money can still Buy another half-price game disc!"

   At this time in many regions, genuine game discs can sell for more than one hundred dollars! This is not something that these students can afford. They usually weed their neighbors' lawns and help deliver milk, and they can't make a hundred dollars a week.

   Of course, there are also some cheap ones, priced at only two or thirty dollars, but those are discounted and promoted, and certainly not a popular game, what is the discount for popular ones.

   This news quickly spread to the United States and some parts of Europe.

   Zhiduoxing G can actually play the PS1 game disc of Schneider, which is really great. Some people have begun to try again. Can the PS1 of Nimble play Nintendo's VCD? Perhaps the two discs are simply a format, but with different names?

   But after some people tried it, they found it was not working at all. Suzy's game console, unable to read VCD discs, tried a lot, not a single line.

   Of course, not all Zhiduoxing G can play the PS1 disc of Schneider, they found that it seems to be bought this year, but not last year.

  Some people who know the technology have speculated, could it be that Zhiduoxing G cracked the system technology of the Schneider PS1 and added a compatible software package?

   Soon they discovered that those Zhiduoxing G bought last year can also play MD disc games, this Zhiduoxing G is simply a magic machine.

This year's global sales of game consoles were led by Changi, Saturn second, and Zhiduoxing G are similar to 3DO. Many people have inferred that this should be the final ranking. Perhaps each sales can exceed 5 million units. .

   No one thought that these game machines could sell more. After all, there are more competitors, and sales should always be scattered. And according to the hardware technology and the number of games, it should be the same.

  Although 3DO's technology is better than Zhiduoxing G, the game does not work, nor does the promotion effort. What's more, the brand of Zhiduoxing is now very loud. Even if you haven't played a Zhiduoxing game machine, you have always played an electronic pet. The current growth momentum is still extremely rapid. New 81 Chinese website updates the fastest mobile terminal: https:/

  The summer vacation of 1995 is here, and every major manufacturer knows that this is another golden period for sales. Although some schools in Europe and the United States have shorter summer vacations, and their sales are certainly better than usual, many companies in Europe and America pay wages and bonuses on a quarterly basis.

  Everyone has increased their advertising efforts, including NEC, Atari, etc. who have obviously fallen behind, and they want to struggle again.

However, they suddenly found that the number of advertisements did not increase, and even reduced the Zhiduoxing G. The sales volume rose against the In the beginning of July, the shipments once again exceeded the Schneider PS and also exceeded Other game console manufacturers.

This surprised the company. They shouldn’t have. They bought all the licenses of the popular games of Zhiduoxing. Although they are the first generation, they are also very unique. And the second generation said that they will license them at the end of the year. .

   There is no gap in the game, the performance of the machine is better, and the price is cheaper. Why is it not comparable to the Zhiduoxing G?

   Other companies are also puzzled. They just regarded Chang Ni as the first competitor. How come Zhiduoxing emerged again?

When Nintendo saw this data, it was also very surprised. They thought that major manufacturers would fight advertising wars, price wars, resource wars, etc., which led to a decline in the profit margin of every company, even multiple losses, or even all losses. Situation.

   At this time, Nintendo continued to launch the second generation of GB, while continuing to make money, while sitting and watching the dragon and the tiger, and then waiting for their new machine to come out and harvest the market.

   But the situation is not the same as they thought. Why did the Zhiduoxing G come later, this game console was not sold very early this year, but it opened up the Eastern European market, but there are not many people over there.

   I heard that it was cooperating with Shunyi Company. I really don’t know what the two companies thought, but actually cooperating with competitors. Is there any special agreement between the two companies in private?

  One month later, game manufacturers have discovered a terrible situation. Zhiduoxing G is actually compatible with the CD disc formats of several companies, but they use different operating systems. How is this done?

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