Super Tycoon

Chapter 249: Can't let them wish

Zhang Yang was actually depressed. He grabbed Bandai's fist product electronic pet, originally thinking of being able to further cooperate with Bandai.

He did not think that the shareholders of Bandai Company would be so stupid as to directly become a subsidiary of Zhiduoxing, but considered the merger of the two sides, but Zhiduoxing must be a major shareholder, and the merged board of directors must be Zhang Yang’s dad, even the library Rishenko will not work.

Or a joint venture between the two parties to establish a subsidiary that can each take up 50% of the equity, and even some of the operating rights, Zhang Yang can make concessions, such as game development is based on the other party, anyway, he is just to make money.

But all of these solutions failed, and Bandai had no plans to merge with Zhiduoxing unless it was to annex Zhiduoxing.

Of course, Zhang Yang will not agree to this kind of condition. Why should I take a company that makes money faster and merge with a company that loses money? Why do you want you to be the boss?

In this case, don't blame Zhang Yang for continuing to mess up. He had to muddle the water in the market and let the cake be redistributed so that he could take a bigger bite.

Before Zhang Yang divided the future competitors into two grades, Nintendo and Chang Ni are one grade, Sega and 3DO are the second grade, and the rest are not influential.

But now, the results may change. Once Sega merges with Bandai, it will become the first-tier company, and the plot of the top three might become a melee in the top four.

Fortunately, the first partner of Bandai Company to consider is not Nintendo and Chang Ni, otherwise it will be more troublesome.

Zhang Yang grabbed the phone on the table and called Zhang Benxiong of Xiangjiang: "How is your resignation going? When will the new company be established and how many channels can be reserved?"

"That Chief Zhang, I am leaving early next year, the company will pay a bonus at the end of the year, I need this money as a turnover. And at the end of the year, the company will contact some customers, I can also pull more Partner." Zhang Benxiong said a little embarrassedly.

Zhang Yang frowned: "Is your company's year-end awards high? You don't know how much I invested in you? Before the end of the year, if you haven't made a decision yet, I don't mind changing partners."

"Two weeks, at most two weeks, I can definitely finish my resignation here. Give me two more weeks, I will leave some customers, especially in Southeast Asia, the channel is already in my hands, Western Europe, I It took a month to get it." Zhang Benxiong quickly made a guarantee.

"You will be happy about the decision you made. By the way, Wanxin Company was originally an agent of Bandai Company, right?" Zhang Yang suddenly asked.

"Yes. Wanxin's first pot of gold is the agent of Bandai's products, including the release of toys such as Salted Egg Superman and some animations. Up to now, the two parties still have cooperation."

"Mr. Zhang, Bandai has lost a lot of money to develop game consoles this time. I heard that they are planning to dissolve the subsidiary responsible for console design and sales to get rid of some debt."

This news, Zhang Benxiong also just heard. It is said that Bandai is very dissatisfied with the sudden withdrawal of Apple. If Apple is willing to help, they still have the hope to overcome the difficulties. At least the development of new auxiliary peripherals can be faster, and their project may not die.

"Then you can get some animation and gamification copyrights from Bandai? If I can, I can increase your share of the new company."

"This, I can only say try it. The one who has the most contact with Bandai is actually the boss of Wanxin. Although I am an executive, I only work part-time."

"Mr. Zhang, what conditions can you accept? What copyright are you interested in?"

"I am interested in any anime copyrights. Whether it is fighting or life, it can be adapted into a game. I can also come up with a chip here, the animation copyright of KOF and the pet elf that has just been put on the market. Copyright, if Bandai is willing to cooperate, these two can be exchanged."

Although these two Zhang Yang have sent people to develop comics, they are only comics, they have not been animated, they haven't made dolls, they have no special movies, and the development potential is still great.

These two copyrights were not prepared by Zhang Yang before, but now they have to. Even if it is still unsuccessful, it can also slow down the pace of other companies merging Bandai, and even have to add some chips.

When competitors lose more, in fact their own advantages also increase. Zhang Yang can accept that Bandai Company does not cooperate with them, but cannot accept Bandai Company to cooperate with other companies very happily, so that a strong competitor will appear.

Given that there is a strong competitor Nintendo, a competitor who is about to become strong, and even Microsoft in the future, when a strong competitor appears at this time, then the development of Zhiduoxing will be Very cake is so big, it could have been eaten by three people, but now it has to be eaten by five people. You have to put in more effort to really eat big pieces.

The game is Zhang Yang’s previous life’s career, and this one’s career. The career is not the same as the work. The work may be just to make money. The career also has a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction, and can even be passed on to children and other family members.

Matsuda Shiji is still intensively conducting the final debugging of the Pokemon. They have developed the first version. The Japanese name is Pokemon, and the English name and Chinese name are also determined. After preparing to make a multilingual version, Just launched on the Zhiduoxing Z2, to establish Zhiduoxing's position in the handheld in one fell swoop, at least to be the second in the industry.

It is not realistic to surpass Nintendo in one fell swoop, but it is still very easy to surpass the handhelds of companies such as Sega, as long as Sega launches their color screen handhelds as scheduled.

The commissioning of the Zhiduoxing Z2 equipment has also reached the final stage. The contract with SanDisk has been signed, and a relatively low price has been obtained, which ensures that the cost of the Zhiduoxing Z2 will not be too high, and the cost of launching game cards in the future will not be too high. high.

There are certainly no problems planning to launch the Zhiduoxing Z2 early next year, but before that, Zhiduoxing will soon launch a new product, that is, their gamepad.

The research and development of this product has been completed. At present, some games may not show good vibration effects. Players can get the after-sales point of Zhiduoxing G to upgrade the system for free, or they can purchase a system disc to upgrade.

At the same time, Zhiduoxing G also released a shooting game that will show you the characteristics of the new game controller, and it will also show for the first time that it is beyond the first line of other game consoles!

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