Super Tycoon

Chapter 250: Where do they come from?

"What do you say, this time we release the news of the upcoming price reduction, and Chisato has not followed the announcement?" Sega Uekawa, the vice president in charge of sales at Sega, is a little puzzled. 3DO may respond slowly, but Chisato should not, this company Isn't it always a price war?

Starting from game sales, Zhiduoxing's price is half cheaper than others. Their masterpieces are relatively expensive to sell, and hundreds of dollars are normal, but there is no best-selling game for Zhiduoxing, which is more than fifty dollars, and even the cheapest is only a dozen dollars.

It is also because of this that the sales of Zhiduoxing G can be so good, otherwise the channels, brands, technologies, etc. are not as good as them. Why is the sales of Zhiduoxing G pressed against Saturn, 3DO and PS?

Last time, Saturn took the lead in cutting prices, and PS and Zhiduoxing G all announced price cuts. The 3DO produced by Songxia and Sanyo also cut prices, but this time things are very strange.

"President Uekawa, indeed they have not announced that they will continue to cut prices. But they announced that they will provide a new gamepad for Zhiduoxing G."

New gamepad, what does this mean?

Uekawa Shiro doesn't quite understand it. Even if you give away more handles, what's the use? In fact, most of the game consoles are played by one person, and some are played by two people, but there are fewer than three or more people. Besides, there are not so many interfaces on Zhiduoxing.

"Look at it and see what happens. I want detailed information. Do you understand?"

Several companies felt inexplicable about the announcement of Zhiduoxing, but they all knew that Zhiduoxing was definitely not aimless, so they were watching.

Three days later, some shops, counters, etc. displayed banners and announced that they would now purchase Zhiduoxing G with a new game controller.

Some players who bought Zhiduoxing G looked at it curiously in the past and found that the packaging has not changed, but unlike the previous gift of a game disc, it is now also given a new vibration handle.

Vibrate the handle, listen to the name, seems to be able to vibrate? But a gamepad, what do you want to shake?

Some stores offer trial games, and they also specifically inform them that the new shooting game launched by Zhiduoxing G has better effects.

They experimented, and they all felt incredible. It really felt like they were shooting, and they had recoil!

What else to say, buy a new game controller. What, this gamepad will cost three thousand yen? It seems a little expensive, but it doesn't matter, it's fun.

And this handle not only has the vibration function, but also the trigger button controlled by the index finger, and not only the original button, but also two things called analog sticks, the left side can control the direction, and the right side can replace the original punch button, simply Amazing!

I bought a new controller, so I must buy a new shooting game, so that I can have more experience. Five thousand yen, this is the most expensive game of Chistar, but think about it, buy it!

Well, I also gave away a system disk for upgrading, so that some of the previous games can also experience the feeling of vibration. Before, who said that the technical strength of Zhiduoxing Company is not good, other companies can't do this gamepad!

Sega bought a vibrating handle for the first time, and even Vice President Uekawa Shiro also personally experienced it. He was very shocked by this innovation.

What is the most important thing to play the game, the sense of experience. This vibrating handle makes Zhiduoxing's gaming experience soar, leading other game console manufacturers.

"Immediately notify the company's technology research and development department that our game consoles must also have this kind of handle. Even if it is not launched in this generation, the next generation of game consoles must have this!"

After Sasuke Uekawa finished his order, he went to the president's office again to report the situation in person. Before, the company paid more attention to Niuni and was wary of Nintendo, but now, it has to add Zhiduoxing.

I thought that Zhiduoxing was just a passer-by, and it would not be long before it would be eliminated. Now it seems that Zhiduoxing is not only a good game, but also has good hardware technology.

After seeing Zhiduoxing's vibrating handle, the head of the game project of Shunyi also felt that they were shining brightly. They had new ideas for the design of the next-generation game console.

But now, they do not plan to upgrade the game console, their performance is already the strongest of the 32-bit machine. Even the selling price has been reduced to less than 30,000 yen, and it cannot continue to fall, otherwise you will lose money.

As for the price reduction of the game, this can't be done. The contracts they signed with third-party game makers are also royalty models. They don’t produce, but they sign a guaranteed sales contract to let third-party game makers make their own production, or entrust them to produce, and then each Produce a copy and give it to Shunyi for a sum of money.

Although they charge only 1,000 yen for royalties, which is much lower than Nintendo's 2,000 yen, they are still much higher than Zhiduoxing.

Zhiduoxing's strategy of selling games at low prices ~ is completely disrupting the market. However, there are many game companies willing to cooperate with Zhiduoxing, because the sales volume is large, which can enhance the reputation of the game company and lay a foundation for them to make big money for the next game.

For example, the first generation of games is very popular. When the second generation is launched, the price can be increased reasonably. By relying on game fans, they can make their sales not bad.

Chang Ni has always made the fight for third-party game companies a top priority, and even the importance of hardware research and development.

At this time, Nintendo also saw Zhiduoxing's new game controller. When they found that the design and features were very similar to their N64 controllers, they were shocked!

How is this possible, and creativity just crashed? There has never been such a Zhiduoxing company, a separate game controller.

They have introduced other external devices to improve the performance of game consoles. They have seen many, and it is the first time they have introduced new controllers.

Under normal circumstances, this new technology will be sold with new game consoles. With this feature, it can greatly increase the sales of new game consoles. Isn't Zhiduoxing unclear?

What's more, with this technology, they knew that the island's new power company had it, but did Nintendo have already bought the exclusive license for the game console, why is there more Chi Doxing, is it different?

The vibrating handle was originally a selling point that Nintendo plans to vigorously promote when the N64 launches next year, but now it makes them a little bit waxy.

Innovation can be vigorously promoted, can imitate still be? The problem is that they developed this product last year, and it has been successful. They are not imitators, they should be pioneers.

No, you must investigate immediately. Where does Zhiduoxing come from?

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