Super Tycoon

Chapter 251: Three DO companies have problems

"How about, how about our new gamepad sales?" Zhang Yang looked at Sun Tengfei.

It has been on the market for a week. Looking at the sales curve, we know whether this product is successful.

"It's selling very well. It's only a week's time. The promotion is not as big as electronic pets. It has sold 930,000. It is not a gift. Some people bought one, and some people bought two." Correspondingly, our newly developed shooting game sold 600,000 copies, which is our highest selling game."

"At present, in some game magazines, the feedback we get is not bad. We are very satisfied with our game controller. And even if the price of our new game has increased, it is still cheaper than the games of some other companies, so Price is not our disadvantage."

"According to the order quantity in various regions, this gamepad can continue to sell more than two million units or even higher. At the same time, our sales of Zhiduoxing G reached 290,000 units this week. After we lowered the price, the week with the strongest sales growth."

"We have concluded through calculations that the sales of Zhiduoxing G are likely to rise rapidly again. By the end of this year, total sales are expected to exceed 5 million units, widening the gap with Saturn, PS and 3DO!"

The price reduction, coupled with a vibrating handle, has made Zhi Duoxing G once again followed by many players. Now that there are new and fun games, sales growth is certain.

But at this time there must be many players watching, waiting, waiting for Nintendo's N64, after all, it will be available in a few months.

Nintendo’s fame is enough to keep players waiting, and even every pre-sale before Nintendo’s pre-sale can allow many players to queue up all night, which is the strong position of the leader.

"How much has Sega announced the price adjustment this time? Has the company of Niny and Songxia been lowered?"

"Sega is particularly ruthless this time. They announced that they will launch a cheap version of Saturn. Some non-essential functions have been weakened. The price has been lowered to less than 30,000 yen. However, the specific amount has not yet been announced."

Zhang Yang knocked his head, and he suddenly remembered that the previous Sega released the cheap version of Saturn before Nintendo N64 launched, priced at 20,000 yen.

It is said that Sega in order to quickly return funds to facilitate their merger with Bandai Company, but also need funds to promote their new handheld.

In this life, he does not know what the situation will be, but according to the current situation of the global game market, I am afraid it will still happen.

After Sega launches Saturn with 20,000 yen, then sales will definitely continue to grow, and may have the opportunity to surpass Zhiduoxing and PS.

However, in the previous 32-machine market, PS1 was the overlord, and sales of Saturn and 3DO were not very good. This time, with the addition of Zhiduoxing to compete, the market is so large, and there will definitely be sales of some companies.

The 3DO decline of multiple brands operating simultaneously should not be too large. After all, they have authorized companies in Europe and the United States. The performance of game consoles is not bad. With the promotion of large brands, sales will inevitably increase to 10 million. Above. Even now, the overall sales volume of 3DO has exceeded 5 million units.

It's just that the sales of 3DO are only three million units, but there are several brands such as Sanyo and Samsung. The overall sales of 3DO are the best in 32-bit machines.

And he remembered that after 3DO did not make money according to the ideas of those shareholders, Songxia put forward another plan. Aren’t we worse than the PS graphics processing of Schneider, then develop an external device, so that 3DO can really play 3D games.

After this plan was proposed, other shareholders expressed the need to discuss, because it would have to pay a lot of money. Moreover, Song Xia is responsible for R&D, so it means that no matter whether the R&D is successful or not, Song Xia will not lose money, and other shareholders will bear a lot of risk.

Other shareholders also found that the biggest gap between them and other companies is actually game software. Looking at Zhiduoxing, the hardware technology is not as good as they are, but there are many games and they are cheap to sell. In the 32-machine market at this time, sales are second. If it is not more than 3DO authorized, Nintendo is the king of sales at this time.

So 3DO company started to buy some game companies by itself, and other companies do not support us, then we will develop ourselves. So they launched a classic game in the history of 3DO consoles-D Zhizhuo. After this horror game was launched, the praise rate was extremely high, and the sales were not bad.

3DO tasted the sweetness and decided to vigorously develop the game, making money by relying on the game. As for game consoles, this is enough now, and hardware research and development can be postponed.

This is also in line with EA’s previous strategy. After all, the CEO of 3DO was the founder and CEO of EA. He understood how big the game market is and how to make money.

The reason why EA did not develop particularly well was because EA focused on developing computer games at the time, but Nintendo and Sega brought TV game consoles back to fire, so EA will join 3DO in order to regain the market.

At this time, the 3DO company was full of contradictions, and sold the 3DO it produced to the American market. The American market also has 3DO company shareholders AT&T, who also produce 3DO game consoles.

In this way, AT&T will be very You just sell it in the island country, why come to the United States to grab it with me?

Songxia believes that the original authorization to Sanyo was also promoted by AT&T, which allowed Songxia to have an opponent in the island market, but it was cheaper for Sanyo to sell.

This is the drawback of multi-company cooperation. Once conflicts arise, it is difficult to reconcile. Each shareholder has its own interests. It seems that they have their own strengths, but they are difficult to integrate.

However, with the price reduction of Sega and other game consoles, the price of 3DO game consoles has also begun to decrease. At present, the hardware is no longer profitable, which makes Songxia more dissatisfied.

What are we doing for non-profitable game consoles? The authorized game is also authorized to 3DO company, not only authorized to me. The dividend is for everyone. Why should we waste the production capacity to produce this game machine?

I want to improve performance here, and you don't agree to take the money, this cooperation cannot continue.

A few days later, Zhang Yang got a message that the representative of Songxia was arguing with several other directors on the board of directors of 3DO. The company’s business direction was seriously divided, not to mention the rapid growth of game console sales. , But it won’t take long before it will no longer be a competitor of Zhiduoxing.

Because there is a new idea within the 3DO company at this time, let the company become a company specializing in game development, and give up the hardware research and development, which makes Song's advantages disappear.

Abandoning hardware research and development means that there is no second generation of 3DO game consoles. It seems that it will not take a long time for the game console market to lose a strong competitor!

Just after the good news came, another bad news came.

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