Super Tycoon

Chapter 252: Defended again

"What are you talking about? We're accused again?" Zhang Weiguang looked at his son. When I came to Beijing, would you tell me the bad news?

"Dad, calm. Economic disputes are not criminal cases. Isn't this normal? Just like you used to work in a factory, those who owe money but can't repay it, can you also sue?" Zhang Yang calmly drank. Hot tea.

"That's too frequent. The previous lawsuits with Chang Ni and Sega haven't been settled yet. This is coming again? International disputes, you really can stand it."

"Dad, what's the problem with international disputes? Maybe we will sue other companies in a few years. The peers are the wrongdoers, you haven't found out, all of us are the same?"

"Why do they sue, because through the means of management, they are not sure to suppress us completely, and they can't even suppress it now. I only hope that these methods will slow down our development."

"And what's wrong with the lawsuit, our exposure has increased. Many people who didn't know Zhiduoxing before, and now they are starting to pay attention to our company, then it may become our users."

"Furthermore, we were accused of being compatible with their CDs. Has there been any result? Has the trial been conducted three times, or there is no evidence that we did this deliberately."

"Those companies don’t know, they know it, so they are deliberately dragging. It’s very cost-effective to spend little money and continuously increase the exposure rate. You didn’t find that Nintendo and Senegal’s lawsuit also took a long time. Isn't it fruitless?"

At this time, it is absolutely impossible to promise any settlement out of court, otherwise it means that Zhiduoxing is really wrong.

"This time because of the defendant, is it a game company or a game machine manufacturer?"

"It's a game console manufacturer, Nintendo. You said that they lost once before, and this time they came back, it seems to be a memory." Zhang Yang opened a foreign game magazine and watched some related information. .

"They said that our vibrating handles were infringed, and we were asked to stop selling them immediately, at the same time take back the handles purchased by other players, and make compensation to Nintendo."

Zhang Weiguang froze for a moment: "Aren't we paying a 100 million yen patent license for our gamepad? And this patent was not bought from Nintendo, what's the relationship with Nintendo?"

"So ah, I don't have to worry about it. We bought the company that patented the vibration sensing technology and licensed the patent to Nintendo, but our two technologies are slightly different. We are the company in another region The applied-for patents have different patent numbers."

"As for the gap in the core content and what is the relationship with us, we are not stealing it. Nintendo wants to sue, and it should also sue the company. There is also a company in the United States that says that our software is infringed, our software It was developed by the two backbones of their company, and there is no patent, but the basic code overlaps."

"But when we bought it, there was no evidence that they had developed this software, and only part of the code was similar. There are more softwares with similar codes around the world. Why should we say that we infringed? Where did they get the rights?"

"If you want to sue, you have to sue, who is afraid of who. Nintendo can still afford it. The company in the United States called Immersion has the ability to sue us for a long time?"

"You mean, are we all right?" Zhang Weiguang sighed with relief.

"It must be fine. Dad, don't worry too much about this kind of lawsuit. There will be more in the future. By the way, what are you doing in Beijing this time and what kind of meeting are you attending?"

"Stinky boy, you haven't returned to the ice city during the summer vacation, can't I come and see?" Zhang Weiguang complained.

"Isn't it busy. These two years are very critical to the development of Zhiduoxing's game console business. You see, our game console export has been strongly supported by political axe, right? We have created foreign exchange."

At this time, Huaxia attaches great importance to foreign exchange, and it is for this reason that Huaxia can help RMB not be greatly affected by the Asian financial turmoil later this year, and also helped stabilize Xiangjiang. It has not collapsed like other Southeast Asian countries.

I am not as good as you in terms of operation, but I have more money, which is the advantage.

"I know, but this is all responsible for Bingcheng Zhiduoxing, what are you doing in Beijing?" Does this kid know that Bingcheng has a home?

"Work. The news here in Beijing is more smooth, and you can also reach many talents. You haven't found that the company has recently added a lot of management personnel, and the operation is smoother?"

In recent years, Zhiduoxing's factory is still in the stage of tax reduction, and it is absolutely right to develop vigorously. After another two years, the tax will be normal, and it will not be easy to guarantee such a high profit rate.

In fact, the overall profit of the Zhiduoxing G project is far less than that of other game console manufacturers, because the price of the games supported by the Zhiduoxing is very cheap, and the consoles are basically not profitable.

If you sell more, you earn less. If you don't rely on low development costs, you will even lose money.

Zhang Weiguang looked at his son with relief, work seriously, good I heard that you wanted to cooperate with the Bandai company of the island country, but was rejected by the other party? "

"It's not a complete rejection, they don't want to be controlled by us. However, we did not completely reject the proposal of copyright exchange, and we are still in contact."

According to the news from Zhang Benxiong, it seems that Bandai has no intention of exchanging copyrights, but the reason for the delay in the negotiation is to use Zhiduoxing to raise prices.

Zhang Yang doesn't care about this. It can increase the difficulty for his peers, which is a good thing for Zhiduoxing. And in the event of a collapsing conversation, they may not have the opportunity to cooperate.

In the mall, there are no eternal enemies, only eternal interests.

However, Zhang Benxiong still brought back news. Bandai seems to be more inclined to merge with the island game company, so the American EA may also be out.

Now the leader is Nangong Dream Games and Sega.

On the one hand, it is purely game development, and on the other side, it also runs game consoles. How to choose between the two paths is a consideration for Bandai.

Although Bandai failed to launch a game console, did some people say that wherever they fell, they climbed up wherever they fell, and Bandai might think so.

Zhang Weiguang didn't ask these things any more, let him handle it. What he is concerned about now is the commissioning of Zhiduoxing Z2, which is planned to be launched on the market around New Year's Day.

Tomorrow Sega's new handheld ND will be on sale. It is said that the pre-sale performance was average. Whether he can challenge Nintendo's status in the future will also be related to the interests of Zhiduoxing.


PS: My friend Fat Taifu’s new book "Opening the Era of Black Technology" is on the shelves today. If you are interested, please check it out. If you have the ability to subscribe to support it, even if it is just the first order.

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