Super Tycoon

Chapter 253: Sega's surprise

Sega's new handheld ND went on sale, but instead of choosing their home base island market, they chose the North American market.

Because they felt that Sega’s original MD was the best sold in North America, and its market share once reached 60%, suppressing Nintendo’s SFC, which has a large player base.

In fact, this ND is also changed according to the MD. At first, Sega designed a game machine that can be played on the plane for the airlines of the island country.

They think that as long as the screen on the plane is transplanted to this handheld, it is a 16-bit handheld game console. This configuration is a lot stronger than GB!

Moreover, Nintendo's GB sales have also declined, and the market should be temporarily saturated. Everyone has no interest in black and white screen handhelds. I definitely want to play a more fun color screen handheld.

So they designed this handheld and wanted to challenge Nintendo's status. On home game consoles, Nintendo is now in a backward stage, so give Nintendo another blow on the handheld, you can pull Nintendo from the throne of the dragon head.

In fact, after learning that Sega's handheld is a color screen, Nintendo has an attitude with Zhang Yang, which is obviously a street product.

Why is it still a question of battery life.

The power consumption of the color screen is too large, so far it has not been able to solve this problem. If a handheld cannot be used for four hours, what portable game console are you talking about?

Previously, the color screen handheld designed by NEC had an endurance of four hours. When faced with the Nintendo GB, it was still a failure, let alone this endurance.

Sega's ND endurance is only two hours. When it comes to this data, Nintendo's R&D personnel are all laughing.

Sega's R&D personnel clearly don't understand the characteristics of the handheld. In order to improve the endurance, they also got an external power cord or battery block.

The price of the battery block is very expensive, and it is not convenient to carry. The power cord can be connected to the car charger and the home charger, but it is also not easy to use.

The voltage in the United States was originally low, only over 100 volts. Some families bought this handheld and connected to the power supply. They found that the light suddenly dimmed.

Sega also made an innovation, that is, this handheld has a TV data cable interface, which can be used as a home host.

In other words, you bought this handheld, which is equivalent to a 16-bit game console for home use. They think this design is very good and will definitely be popular.

However, when Zhang Yang saw this function, he also felt that Sega's R&D personnel had pitfalls. Now the mainstream is 32-bit home game consoles, who likes your 16-bit home game console!

If it was before Saturn, Zhiduoxing G, PS and other game consoles were launched on the market, Sega may have a good sales, but now, this function as a home console is too tasteless.

Sega also made a special design, that is, the game cartridge used by this handheld is the same as Sega's MD, which means that players do not need to buy a new game cartridge to play on this handheld.

But 16-bit games have fallen behind, and now everyone is playing 32-bit games with more refined characters and more beautiful graphics.

Besides, game console manufacturers originally made money by selling games. The console should be low-profit, even not profitable. Now that everyone can directly use the old cassette, how can this handheld make money?

So Sega made a stunned decision. When the game console under the market was launched to the market, could it be sold at a high price? We can do the same.

So they set the price of this handheld at 180 US dollars, so that they can have sufficient profits. You can make money without relying on games, and change the status quo of the game industry!

However, the sales of 3DO have already shown that this solution has failed, and that is still the latest technology of game consoles. This Sega technology is not the latest. Why do you think you can make money through hardware?

It can be connected to a TV and an external controller. It sounds good, but it only sounds, but the experience is not very good. When connected to a TV, the heat dissipation is not very good.

And the performance of this is similar to MD, but the price of MD is only 99 dollars. I spent nearly twice the price, bought a gaming machine with no performance improvement, what is the picture?

If you can really play as a handheld, you can only use it for two hours, play an egg! Nintendo's GB is priced at only US$50, and Zhiduoxing Z is only priced at US$49 at this time.

However, the emergence of this ND, Zhang Yang is very happy to see, so Nintendo will focus on Sega's body, thus ignoring Zhi Duoxing.

After a month or two, the Zhiduo Z2 will be listed, and it will once again impact Nintendo's GB.

However, this also reminded Zhang Yang that the color screen at this time is indeed what many players expect. The handheld with color screen can attract players more.

It's a pity that today's technology really can't meet the shortcomings of power So Zhiduoxing can only carry color screens on the third generation handheld.

In this aspect of technology, Zhiduoxing is not bad, their electronic pets are color screens.

Sega ND's sales statistics on the first day came out, 180,000 units, Sega held a short celebration party there. None of you are optimistic about our products, but we just succeeded.

Looking at this sales data, this product may be able to sell more than 10 million units, at least 5 million units. Then hesitate to inform the factory, overtime and overtime production, some products that can not be sold, such as MD.

This data surprised Zhang Yang, much better than he expected. It seems that many people still like the handheld with color screen, or think that GB is not interesting, and want to change to a handheld for fun.

But the sales data came out the next day, only 110,000 units. On the third day 80,000 units fell on the fourth day to 30,000 units. It was followed by sales of about 10,000 units a day, which lasted a month.

According to the sales statistics for the first month, this ND that everyone is not optimistic about, actually sold 700,000 units!

Sega opened a grand celebration, and then informed the factory to continue to increase production capacity, ready to start selling in the island market. At the same time, they also relaxed their contact with Bandai. Before they wanted to merge and reverse their disadvantages, now they are no longer a disadvantage.

If the sales of the island countries can be kept like this, it can definitely pose a threat to Nintendo's GB and they succeeded.

At this time, Nintendo announced that they will launch a new handheld, which will definitely surprise players.

The Zhiduoxing company also announced that their handheld Zhiduoxing Z2 will be listed soon, which will bring a fun game to the top!

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