Super Tycoon

Chapter 255: Hot Pokemon

"Notify our factory to intensify production time, our ND sales in island countries will definitely explode, and strive to enter the European market next month."

"By the way, the cost of publicity in the North American market has increased a bit. The profit margin of this product is still good. The era of our Sega is coming."

"President, I have something to tell you right away. Our daily sales in North America have fallen below 1,000." The subordinate reported with his head down.

"What?! What's wrong, what's wrong, is it a quality problem?" Nakayama Yoshio, president of Sega, was shocked. If it's a quality problem, then the products produced now will become defective products, which have been sold Those who face it may also face the possibility of recall.

"Not a quality issue."

Hearing this answer, Zhongshan Yan sighed with relief, and immediately asked, "What's the reason?"

"It's an authoritative gaming magazine in the United States. It did some detailed analysis of our products and listed our advantages and disadvantages."

"And players cannot bear our shortcomings. Behind this magazine, there is a shadow of Nintendo."

Zhongshan majesticly patted the table, Nintendo, it's awful!

"Then our sales in the island market have been affected?" The island country is the base camp and Nintendo's strongest place.

"I haven't found it yet. However, we are temporarily at a disadvantage in the competition with Zhiduo Z2. It is estimated that Zhiduoxing is also publicizing the shortcomings of attacking us."

"Huh, then you will not increase our propaganda? I still teach you this!"

Nakayama Yoshio is still full of confidence in their ND, but after only a week, he was dumbfounded.

"What are you talking about? Our daily sales in the island market fell below 1,000 units? There was no improvement in the United States? What happened? Didn't you increase your promotional efforts?"

"President, it’s not that we don’t have enough publicity, mainly because we don’t have a fun new game on it. Zhiduoxing has launched a game called Pokemon on their Z2. This game has been loved by many players, and the popularity is not weak. The original electronic pet."

"Many players who bought electronic pets now start to buy Zhi Duoxing Z2. The popularity of this game is also continuing to rise, and it is likely to reach the point of close to Tetris."

"And Zhiduoxing also announced that their new handheld will be available in North America next week, so many players in the North American market who want to buy handhelds are watching."

Shigeo Nakayama trembles and took a breath: "How many units do we have in our ND inventory? How much publicity costs are currently being spent?"

"The inventory has exceeded 1.8 million units, and the cost of publicity is currently the same as the profit. Our total sales at this time reached 1 million units."

"The notification will stop production of ND immediately, and let's talk about the current sales first. Besides, in the company's internal sales plan, whoever can help us sell the inventory, I will give 10 million yen in bonuses!"


"What are you playing, when did you have this game on Zhiduoxing, don't you not support changing the cassette?" Someone looked at the handheld game console in the hands of friends, why didn't he play this game on Zhiduoxing Z?

And why the Zhiduoxing Z screen in the hands of friends is so bright, it looks very clear, even in direct sunlight, the screen will not spend.

"I am a new model, Zhiduoxing Z2, which supports the replacement of game cards. This game is also included in the machine, called Pokemon, you see, I am Pikachu, which is fun."

"Pikachu, isn't that an electronic pet? Oh, it's from a company. Let's play for me?"

"No, I haven't played enough yet. You have to buy it yourself. I bought it for a long time, but also sold the previous game console."

When the other party heard it, his eyes were bright. Yes, you can sell the old handheld, so you have money to buy the new one. Um, the old model is sold to the little brother of the neighbor's house. He doesn't always want one, but he doesn't have enough money. Buy a second-hand one and play it.

Anyway, he has played enough old games, just to play a new game. Since the game card can be replaced, it means that there will definitely be more interesting games in the future, which will not be boring.

At first, Zhang Yang also hesitated. The launch of Pokemon on black and white screens will cause this game to be criticized by players. After all, electronic pets are also colored screens.

However, after the listing, the sales situation still gave Zhang Yang confidence, especially the sales upturn, which made him particularly satisfied.

I will inform the factory immediately and step up production. If the American market performs well, then it is necessary to shift production in three shifts to ensure production capacity.

After all, Nintendo's new GB is also coming out. Before that, we must first sell some and lay the foundation before we can compete.

As for the competition with ND, Zhiduoxing has won because of the player's word of mouth in the magazine.

After the shortcomings of ND were exposed, it immediately became And ND failed to stimulate the sales of Sega 16-bit game cartridges, which also dissatisfied many third-party game companies in the Sega camp. This is not what you promised to us. We produced a lot, but the result was not sold.

According to the agreement, Sega will compensate those third-party game companies, and the amount of compensation is not low. If it's just a family or two, it's okay to say, but Sega's camp is also very large, and this compensation alone will make Sega suffer miserably.

Of course, if sales can increase in the future, Sega can withdraw some money, but now that everyone plays 32-bit games, who likes to play 16-bit?

Sega's failure is to combine the handheld with the video game console. Nintendo separated it and succeeded. Sega had to do the opposite, and the result was failure.

In fact, it is not just Sega, the future PSP, etc., but also wants to challenge Nintendo, but the result is still a failure, no money, or even a loss.

In fact, the most crucial point is that Sega launched a new handheld, but did not launch a new game, which caused the player's interest to drop a lot in an instant.

Then, the shortcomings of Sega's handheld were enlarged by Nintendo and Zhiduoxing. Even if Sega is fighting back, the effect is extremely poor.

How important is a fun game? Just look at how many GB Nintendo sold on Super Mario and Tetris.

Look at the current Zhiduoxing Z2, which relies on a Pokemon game, which is loved by the majority of players.

Now walking to the street or entering the school, you can hear many people talking about Pokemon, and these people have either bought Zhi Duoxing Z2, or are ready to buy.

The popularity of Pokemon is unstoppable!

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