Super Tycoon

Chapter 256: Nintendo's failure

"Hahaha, son, have you received the news? Sega's ND sold only 60,000 units this month, but they landed on the European market this month." Zhang Weiguang's excited voice came from the phone.

"Dad, I know. Don't be too excited. I didn't say that at the beginning. Is this Sega's handheld a thump?"

"No, how do I remember you told me that this handheld can't even sell one million units, but now it's running to 1.3 million units." Zhang Weiguang said intentionally.

"Dad, do you know how many units Sega produced? I got the news that the two factories of Sega are fully engaged in the production of ND handhelds, and even lowered their Saturn output for this purpose. Conservatively, they may have produced two million units. Above, it may even be close to three million units!"

"Do you know what this means? It means that Sega will have a large number of products that are unsaleable or even impossible to sell, and they will suffer a lot."

Other companies do not make money selling game consoles, they can make money through game cartridges. This Sega handheld, the cassette can not be sold, there is no other way to make money.

Once the handheld cannot be sold, they will inevitably fall into huge losses.

Originally, Sega also wanted to teach Nintendo and Zhiduoxing a lesson in the handheld market. As a result, he fell down without even climbing up the mountainside.

This ND's word-of-mouth is not as good as their previous GG, and now it is compared with the Zhiduo Z2, and it is both a word of mouth and sales.

"Son, Sega has a loss here, does that affect their sales of Saturn? Do they still have money to advertise?" Zhang Weiguang asked excitedly.

The decline of competitors is their opportunity. At the beginning, he could not have imagined that Zhiduoxing could really break out of the country and performed so well.

As for the domestic market, Zhiduoxing's game consoles are not selling well at this time. The old models have long been discontinued, but Chinese and English computer learning machines are still the overlord.

In addition to those remote areas, even in many rural areas, everyone has heard the name of Zhiduoxing.

"Dad, Sega's previous fund reserve is still very large, but this time they pressed hundreds of millions of dollars, and the impact must be great."

The biggest impact is the merger of Sega and Bandai, which is likely to be seriously affected. What Bandai Company needs is capital, and Sega had sufficient funds, but now it can't.

Saturn's sales volume is not normal, and it failed to meet expectations. This ND is even slower to sell, and it has caused a serious backlog of products. It is estimated that Sega has discontinued production of ND internally, but it cannot be announced that the current product must be sold.

"By the way, son, there is another news, you may not know yet, Nintendo suddenly announced that they will launch a 32-bit portable game console VB next Friday."

Zhang Yang was stunned by the news, what is this operation? Before Nintendo launched any product, it would be announced a long time in advance to warm up the product.

And before the sale, it will accept the reservation one month in advance to determine the sales volume of the product, so as to adjust the factory's production capacity, this time is too sudden.

Yang of VB also knows that Nintendo has failed. In the impression of many people, Nintendo started from FC, and all products have not failed.

Whether it is FC, SFC or GB, all of them are selling well, which has also created the status of Nintendo industry hegemony. But in the history of Nintendo, there is indeed such a failed product. It is precisely because of the failure of this product in the past life that it prompted Sega to launch ND in advance. It is believed that Nintendo cannot keep up with the times. It is their turn to take the lead.

But in this life, Zhang Yang did not hear the news, and thought that Nintendo had already abandoned this product. Why did it suddenly go on sale again?

He did not know whether it was because of his appearance, because he founded Zhiduoxing Company, which caused the historical process of these game companies to change.

But what about that? Even if Nintendo did not have this failed product, it would have little effect on his plan. Now I'm getting this failed product again, it's just helping him.

Soon, Nintendo’s VB went on the market, and even the head of research and development of this device, also the father of GB, Yokoi Junping, announced to shareholders that this product had a guaranteed sales of 5 million units. protocol.

That is, to meet this sales expectation, he can get a huge bonus, beyond this sales data, he can also get an extra dividend.

If he can be as big as GB, he can make a fortune.

However, reality has poured cold water on Nintendo. The predetermined number of this product is very low. Many players have tried it in Nintendo's stores and counters and have not placed orders.

The design of this product, like the future VR glasses, does not have a display on the main unit, but an external head-mounted display. It is said that playing games like this is more enjoyable.

However, many people find that this display is dark red and very dazzling. After wearing it, I feel that the eyes are not very comfortable. After taking it off, I feel that the eyes are full of pain.

And there are currently two games, the main one is called Mario Tennis, which is obviously a derivative game of Mario, it is not fun at Plus many people wear glasses at this time, and this The head-mounted display cannot use glasses at all. Some people may feel a little blurry when looking at the picture. If they keep their eyes wide open, they may feel more dazzling.

Therefore, this product went on the market for a week, including the previously scheduled sales volume, which was only 130,000 units. In the next few days, the daily sales volume was only one thousand units. This product was obviously on the street.

So Nintendo immediately made a decision to provide a new game cartridge for this product, hoping to stimulate sales through fun games.

But hurrying and hurrying, only one more was launched, not to mention how much it didn't sell, and Nintendo will also give a third-party game company a compensation.

At this time, Nintendo did not believe in evil, and pushed this product to the American market. The market in the United States is better. Perhaps more people like this high-tech design handheld?

Zhang Yang looked at the VB that someone brought back from the island country, did not try it on at all, and knew that this product was destined to pounce on the street. The biggest feature of the handheld is portability. With such a large head-mounted display, where is it still portable? And power consumption has also increased a lot, poor battery life, and Nintendo has fallen into the same wrong path as Sega.

However, this head-mounted display reminded Zhang Yang. He wrote down a few words in his notebook, VR glasses.

When Nintendo launched this handheld, it thought it could sweep the market, but the actual result is that it is not as good as ND, but instead stimulates the sales of Zhiduoxing Z2 again.

And Nintendo is also in a dilemma at this time, is it to introduce GBP in advance, or wait any longer? Launched in advance, then this product will definitely not be bought. Wait a minute, I am afraid that the sales of Zhiduoxing Z2 will be difficult to suppress, how should I choose?

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