Super Tycoon

Chapter 257: Things to dance at home

"Zhang Yang, don't you go back to your hometown during the winter vacation?" Jia Tao put a chopstick in his mouth to rinse the mutton, and put another chopstick in the pot.

During the summer vacation, Zhang Yang did not go back and stayed in the Ice City, making him feel bored when he went back.

"Go back to the ice city, wait again. What about you, the ticket you bought?"

Although there were not as many college students as Zhang Yang was born before this year, the number of trains was also small. And most people are actually reluctant to sit in berths, sit on hard seats, or even get a pony and sit in the aisle.

"We are all tomorrow night and will be home the day after tomorrow."

Gudong made two sips of beer, and Jia Tao burped comfortably.

Everyone was eating mutton while talking about interesting things in school. The friendship of the student era does not involve money, work or anything at all, and it is easy to chat with joy.

The meal time also passed quickly. After eating, Zhang Yang glanced at his watch, still early.

"Anything you want to play with in a while?"

"Go to the bar." Jia Tao wanted to go long ago, but he didn't dare and Li Wei wouldn't let it. Now Zhang Yang is different.

"How about you? If you have no opinion, then let's go over to the bar. Don't think too much. The bar is not just a place to drink, there are some cabaret shows."

Li Wei looked at Zhang Yang: "Have you been?"

Zhang Yang's face was as usual: "I've been there twice and talked to customers."

There have been more than two times in the past life, and more than two hundred times. But in this life, he really hasn't been there again, and he doesn't know what the bar was like at this time.

The four people went out and took a taxi, and soon came to the bar street. At this time, when the lantern was on the bar street, the bar street had begun to become lively.

Jia Tao and the three of them are a little excited, but they haven't seen them before. Is there such a lively place in Beijing at night?

"What do you want to drink?"

"Mix two women's cocktails for the two ladies, and then beat the first half of the beer. One for the fruit plate and one for the dried fruit, first." Zhang Yang ordered and drank skillfully.

"Hello, a total of 228."

Jia Tao jerked upright: "How much? So expensive?"

Zhang Yang patted Jia Tao on the shoulder and took out two hundred and fifty dollars from his wallet and placed it in the tray of the waiter: "No need to find it."

After things came up, Jia Tao was still whispering: "It's too expensive. How much do we four eat for a meal of lamb? How about this?"

"Do you need money to watch the show? It's not that you spend money."

Jia Tao's eyes turned around and found that the business of this bar was really good. Remember to see that the business in some other stores is also very good before you come in. Will you definitely be able to make money after opening a house?

After a while, I saw a resident singer on the stage, carrying a guitar and singing the most popular "smiley face" at this time.

"Eh, I sing well. I feel better than the singers I saw on TV." Jia Tao commented.

"Then compare with you?" Zhang Yang asked deliberately.

"Compared with me? He is far worse than me. I told you that last time our school held a campus singer contest, if it happened to be that my throat was inflamed, it would definitely be the champion."

Li Wei rolled her eyes next to her: "Did your throat become inflamed? You can't sing that high voice, so you shouted your throat dumb."

"Who said, I can sing nicely, this is no chance."

"Why not?" Zhang Yang glanced at Jia Tao and waved at the waiter. "My friend wants to sing a song, is that okay?"

The waiter nodded: "You can go up and sing a song after spending over 200, but remind me that many people drink alcohol here, and if they don't sing well, they will be easily stunned."

"Also, there are not many accompaniment bands on our side, but you can find a band to help the accompaniment. They are generally accompaniment for pop songs, but you have to pay some money."

Zhang Yang took out fifty yuan and handed it to the waiter: "Find a band accompaniment for my friend. Eh, eh, say you, don’t eat fruit, go sing."

At first glance, Jia Tao couldn't hide, and stood up stubbornly: "Sing and sing. Today's throat is not particularly comfortable, so sing a lower tone. Will the accompaniment of "Drunken Fist" work?"

[I'm upside down and upside down, like waves~~]

Zhang Yang raised his eyebrows, not to mention, he sang a little bit like his brother, so he wouldn't be driven off.

After a song was sung quickly, Jia Tao stood on the stage and arched his hands at everyone: "Today's play is normal, so everyone laughed."

Returning to the seat, Jia Tao raised his chest and said: "However, you just say what you want, but don't accept it!"

"Would you like another one?"

Jia Tao's momentum immediately vented: "Forget it, give some opportunities to others. I heard that those singers who live by singing do not make a living by singing."

A singer sang two more songs on stage, the lights changed, and several people came up.

"Break dance, break dance!" Jia Tao turned into a fan.

"Yeah, do you want to say this too?"

"I won't do this. I can't coordinate. The waist is too hard."

At this time, break dance is a very popular dance among young people, equivalent to the street dance before Zhang Yang’s rebirth. However, the difficulty of breaking dance ~ ~ is much lower than street dance.

"It's so good to jump." Ye Jia looked at some dancers on the stage enviously.

"In fact, it's just that. Don't look at the whole, stare at someone carefully, and find out if you can do every action? It's just that they dance very neatly, and the combination of music and lighting will make you feel good. "" Zhang Yang took a sip of beer and didn't even do a handstand. He prefers to watch the floor dance in street dance.

"It seems that this is the case. Their footsteps are simply moving back and forth, turning around, and so on!" Jia Tao shouted as he discovered the New World.

"You jump up, I will call you an accompaniment?"

Jia Tao quickly waved his hand: "I just said. Hey, you said that there is a KTV dedicated to singing. Even now you can sing with a VCD at home, why don't you have something to dance at home?"

What can dance at home? Something flashed through Zhang Yang's mind.

This past life is very common in the amusement hall. There are a lot of people who like it and even play it well. It can also attract many onlookers. Of course you can play at home. There is a TV external device, which is also very popular.

He knows what the company's next product is to be launched. This product is on the market, the popularity is absolutely not low, the profit must be very high, and it can be done for many years!

You can even derive a series of products through this product.

"Eh, eh, you suddenly laughed. What good thing did you think of?" Jia Tao's hand dangled in front of Zhang Yang's eyes.

"Nothing, just what you just said, you can dance and play at home, Zhiduoxing's next research and development goal is this!"

Jia Tao was shocked, so I said casually, are you going to develop?

Good brother, really good brother!

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