Super Tycoon

Chapter 258: Music series

A week later, Zhang Yang also returned to the Ice City, and also brought a project planning book that he made by himself.

Back in Bingcheng, I rented a small theater and opened the executive meeting of Zhiduoxing Company. The executives of the two companies held together. With Zhang Weiguang's closing statement that everyone's bonus will be paid tomorrow, everyone is enthusiastic. applaud.

Everyone thought that this meeting should be over. They went to dinner as usual. Everyone had dinner, drinking and chatting, but Zhang Yang took the stage again.

"Don't be restless, I have another news to announce next, which is also related to the future development of the company."

The laughing expression on everyone's face disappeared, sitting tightly, waiting to listen to Zhang Yang's following.

"Have you ever been to KTV? Even if you haven't, you should have bought a VCD at home. Do you like to sing two songs occasionally?"

"Mr. Xiaozhang, is the company going to hold a singing competition? I signed up for the workers in our factory, but that won the first prize in our city's singing competition." The director of Chuanshu said with a smile.

"This proposal is good. One can be held this year. It is a lively event for everyone to write down." Zhang Yang said above, and some people have recorded it below.

"I'm just giving an example. Many people sing when they are alone. Does that person dance? Do you like to dance on your own? Can you dance?"

No one said anything, they liked to watch dancing, but it was too ugly to jump on their own. Many times I like to sway with the music, but find that others twisting are enchanting, they twist like maggots are fine!

"I think everyone's expression should be like it, but I am embarrassed, I feel that I can't dance well, right? If there is a product that can let everyone dance and play, it will not be ugly, do you say will anyone like it?"

Everyone was stunned. Is there such a product? Never heard of it.

Wait, what Xiaozhang said just now is that the company wants to develop this kind of product? But how to develop it, and still get some things tied around to teach people to dance?

"Everyone can see that a person's body can be divided from the waist to the top and bottom, and the same is true for dancing. Most ordinary people dance and the waist is relatively stiff, mainly through upper and lower limb movements."

"The dance of upper limb movements is more difficult to make people feel good-looking and fun, but the movement of lower limbs is relatively simple. One leg moves back and forth and moves left and right. This is the basic dance movement."

"Our product is to teach you this dance movement. If you learn well, you can also add some upper limb movements to increase the viewing, let's look at the screen."

A square is projected on the screen, and there are four arrows on the square, up, down, left, and right, with different colors.

"Many people don’t know how to move their footsteps, so we will teach them how to move through the display on the screen. As you can see, these are four directional arrows. When you see the upward arrow, your feet move forward and you see the direction The next one, move back, is it simple?"

Someone raised his hand, and Zhang Yang clicked on the other side: "If you have any questions, say."

"Xiao Zhang, you mean that the footsteps follow the direction of the arrow. This is too simple, can anyone like it?"

"Simple? Okay, you come up, I said back and forth, you try to move your footsteps."

Just a few seconds later, the person felt that his feet were messed up, and he didn't move over at all, almost fell.

"Did you see it? It looks very simple, but it's really difficult to play with. But of course, this is the most basic, and you can make some changes."

"We often say in all directions, so this arrow can also have eight directions. One arrow at a time, or even two arrows at the same time. Of course, there can only be two at most, because we only have two legs."

The following people laughed, and they were all thinking, will this product really be fun? Some people even sit there and move under their feet, as if it were not that simple.

"The popularity of this product will exceed your imagination. We can divide it into two styles, one is the family model, which can be stored, and the other is the arcade model, which is exclusively used in game halls and entertainment venues. "

"When using this, you need to cooperate with the music and beat with the rhythm of the music, so we need a lot of music copyright."

"In this regard, I will contact you through the friends of Wan Yan Company. What we have to do is to make this game device. Hardware and software should go hand in hand. In software, Li Junsheng, you personally lead the team. For hardware, there are Who wants to claim this task?"

Uh, uh~~

Almost everyone raised their hands. They all know that successful research and development, then the subsequent production can be included in their performance evaluation, the better the sale, the more beautiful their performance evaluation will be.

Judging from the speed of the company's development now, sooner or later it will be It's impossible for the two companies' shares to be so dispersed all the time and it's not easy to manage.

After the reorganization, there will definitely be some core vacancies, but they all have opportunities. Even if they are almost sixty, they hold their hands high. Who said that they can't continue to work when they are sixty? Some of those leaders who have reached seventy or eighty are.

"If you have a research and development task, let's put your hands down first. Any product technology research and development of the company is very important. Each of you is the backbone of the company, and I will not be thin and thin."

"Mr. Xiaozhang, some people haven't participated in the company's product development so much. Can they rest assured that it's up to them? Although we have a task at hand, it is not a problem to carry out two at the same time." Some people shouted.

There are several R&D projects in Beihe at the same time. Just because it is closer to Beijing, it seems to be a trend of becoming a research and development center. The director of the branch plant on the other side of Beihe is also particularly high, and other branches The director has long been dissatisfied.

"The opportunities are equal, and I also believe in everyone. Well, Mr. Zhao and Mr. Sun, you two will come and talk to me later."

Others let down their hands disappointedly. Director Zhao and Director Sun glanced at each other. The relationship between the two was good, but at this time, they became competitors, and they were not polite, not only related to the status of the factory, but also to them. Own future.

Even if he can't take this promotion, he can show his own value, which is more valued in the mind of President Xiao Zhang.

They all know that whether it is now or in the future, the core of Zhiduoxing Company is one person, Xiao Zhang, Zhang Yang, not Zhang Weiguang.

"I named this product the Zhiduoxing Y series, that is, the music series. In addition to the dancing machine, there will also be tambourine machines and other products, so you two have tasks."

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