Super Tycoon

Chapter 266: Ungrateful Nintendo

"Yokoi Junping retired early? Are you serious? Well, very good!" Zhang Yang was very happy when he heard the news.

Matsuda Shiji heard the excited voice of Zhang Yang on the phone and knew that he was right to report the news.

"Mr. Zhang, Sega will definitely use this to attack Nintendo. Should we add a fire?"

"Yes, of course! Yokoi Junping has developed GB, making Nintendo's handheld the number one in sales in the industry and setting numerous records. Now because of the failure of VB, early retirement, how many people will be chilled!"

"And I guess it's not just Sega that will attack Nintendo, or anything, and it won't let this opportunity go. If some talent can be poached from Nintendo, those companies will not be polite."

"By the way, you tried to invite Yokoi Junping and asked him if he was interested in working at Zhiduoxing. I appreciate his design concept and would like to help him improve the VB architecture and launch a new portable game console."

Matsuda Shiri was dumbfounded: "Mr. Zhang, VB is a failed product. Should we continue to develop in this direction?"

"Yes, this product has many shortcomings, but as long as it can solve the key points, I am very optimistic about such future game consoles. Of course, not as a portable game console, but as a home game console."

This is very similar to the future VR equipment, if you can make it first, and then develop related games, it will definitely sweep the market!

"Okay, let's try it. I heard that Yokoi Junping invested all his pension funds for the VB project. The product sales failed, and the guaranteed sales of 5 million were far from reaching. Yokoi Junping is sure A large sum of money must also be compensated, and all the Nintendo stock he holds should be recovered."

"Lin Lao suddenly struggled for half his life, and the money was gone. Maybe we can use money to impress him. But I am worried that there are some competition clauses in his agreement with Nintendo."

"In our island country, many people’s contracts are for life. The corporate culture will also instill an idea in the employees. Only the enterprise makes money, the employees can make money. If the enterprise loses money, the employees will lose their jobs. This idea, It is also very popular in companies such as Baodao and South Korea."

The reason is simple, many people know it, but when they are laid off because of poor efficiency, they will be sad. Because it is easy for people to think, why the benefits are not good, it is me who is cut off, not others?

I understand the reasons for layoffs, and I don't understand the reasons for layoffs.

The same is true of Huaxia's enterprise employees who laid off their jobs. They know that if they don't lay off their jobs, they will find it hard to get a salary, so it's better to do something else. But when they were really notified that they were laid off, it was difficult to accept. They used to think that this was an iron rice bowl. Not only could they eat for a lifetime, but they could pass it on to their families.

May be forced by pressure, Yokoi Junping had to resign, but is Yokoi Junping really willing? He never thought about it because Nintendo gave him insufficient support and insufficient propaganda?

"Matsuda, you don’t need to tell me more about this matter, so you can go in contact with Yokoi Junping, or invite him to travel to China. As for adding Nintendo, let go and do it, I believe you can do it well. ."

"I understand." Matsudajiri paused. "Mr. Zhang, did you arrange for Zhang Jiangxiong of Xiangjiang to contact Bandai? They also promised each other that if they cooperate, they can hand over the copyright of some games of Zhiduoxing, including animation copyright. Development for Bandai?"

"Yeah, what's wrong? Is it because I didn't authorize you before?"

"No, not for this reason. Bandai's reply to me, even if I put forward this condition, they would not agree. However, the company that issued the KOF series of comics on the island side was acquired by Bandai."

Zhang Yang: "???

That is to say, people don't need cooperation at all, and have already obtained the right to issue islands? This news, Zhang Benxiong still do not know?

"Okay, I know. In the future, the agency rights of all Zhiduoxing products in the island country are owned by Huadao Elf Company, so after the agency right over there expires, you can re-authorize to other companies, or you can continue to follow Bandai. Company cooperation, I believe in your choice."

"Continue to keep an eye on Bandai to see which company they will merge with. Once determined, you must notify me immediately."

After hanging up the phone, Matsuda Shiji immediately ordered his subordinates to release news in newspapers and magazines, attack Nintendo's ungratefulness, and kill the donkey.

At the same time, he personally contacted Yokoi Junping, hoping to get in touch with each other. He believes that once he can successfully add Yokoi Junping to Zhiduoxing, or the Huadao Elf Company, his status in Zhang Yang's mind can be further improved.


The board of directors is being held inside Nintendo, and all the directors look very ugly. First of all, VB's slow sales have shaken Nintendo's status, and then some people have made a fuss about Yokoi Junping's retirement.

The employees of the company retire and they continue to give pensions. What's the problem? What's the matter with other companies?

There is also a VB project that they were not planning to intends to wait another year or two, and wait for the technology to become more mature. It is because Yokoi Junping made a military order with them, saying that the sales of 5 million units are guaranteed. They are only produced on the market.

They chose to believe in Yokoi Junping, but cost Nintendo a lot. The direct loss of hundreds of millions of dollars is not to mention, indirectly caused Nintendo's reputation to decline seriously, and this part of the loss is even more serious.

As the person in charge of the project, Yokoi Junping invested a sum of money with him. This is also a common practice. If he succeeds, Yokoi Junping can be divided into more. If he fails, he should naturally bear the blame.

It was Yokoi Junping who took the initiative to put all the Nintendo stock into the VB project. It failed, and the capital could not be recovered. Should Hengjing Junping still need Nintendo to pay for his mistakes? The bigger loss is Nintendo. Why should we say we are ungrateful? Is there less reward for Yokoi Junping before?

Why did they attack Nintendo at this time, and your company did not have such a thing? In the final analysis, it is because the Hengjing army has a very high reputation and is called the father of GB.

"Should we ask Yokoi to come back, and GBP is also the development of him. He was also responsible for the color GB project before, let him come back to continue to be responsible for this?" Some people suggested.

"Can a person who made a mistake erase the trace of the mistake because of past credit? If so, what future does our company have?" Someone immediately objected.

Besides, they did not lose to Yokoi Junping. If Yokoi Junping was interested, he should say something for Nintendo.

"I also disagree to invite Yokoi to come back and continue to be responsible for GB, but I can negotiate with him and give him a sum of money to let him speak for Nintendo."

Junpei Yokoi at this time is serving Matsuda Shiji at home.

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