Super Tycoon

Chapter 267: I'm going to America for 1 trip

"Are you going to the United States? What's so anxious, can't you wait for the summer vacation?" Zhang Weiguang frowned.

"Dad, I can't wait. I have several important tasks this time. If it goes well, it may be completed in a week or two. If it doesn't go well, I will try to come back within a month."

"But what do you do when you go to school? Can the school give you such a long vacation? Can you keep up with the courses? Son, parents have no other requirements for you, I hope you finish college, you agreed."

"Dad, this is my sophomore year. I will be on business for up to one month. How many courses can I delay? And I will ask the teacher for leave. If the test results are not enough, I can postpone my graduation for one year.

"Repetition? College students repetition, it's so unpleasant!" Zhang Weiguang shook his head. "You decided, I don't advise you too much. Anyway, you have to pass this year's exam, can't you repetition."

"Yes, I will pay attention. I will take most of the company's liquid funds. I have no funds for settlement in overseas accounts, and I will also take them away."

"Take it all? That's more than one billion RMB. What are you going to do with so much money?"

"Acquisition of shares in some companies, striving for direct acquisition of the other company."


Zhang Yang took Sun Tengfei and two full-time translators to New York after the plane took off and landed. After getting off the plane, I saw Sun Yansheng coming to pick them up.

"Mr. Zhang, welcome to New York. I have arranged for the hotel where I will stay. After a while, I will follow your rules and regulations, and give you a chance to clean up."

"Okay, but have all the information I requested been brought in?"

"Of course, it's all here. After dinner, I'll tell you in detail."

Sun Tengfei and the two translators looked at the scenery outside the window all the way. New York is truly the most prosperous city in the world, with many high-rise buildings.

When I arrived at the restaurant, it was not a box. Although the distance between the tables was relatively far, Sun Tengfei still found it inconvenient. What's the matter?

"Many restaurants here do not have private rooms, but they are quiet and the lights are relatively dark, and things will not be disturbed. Of course, we can also speak Chinese. I think people who understand Chinese here should be rare." Sun Yansheng laughed. .

"It doesn't matter, we will listen to your arrangement and discuss it in detail after we return to the hotel."

During dinner, Zhang Yang accidentally found that the food here fits his appetite. It seems that the top chefs will adjust the taste of the dishes according to the guests, not just talking about it casually.

When it came to the last dessert, the head chef came over and asked them if they were satisfied with his dishes.

"Very good, you deserve to be the top chef here. If I come back here again, I will definitely patronize your restaurant."

"Thank you, it is my honour to make customers happy. This is my business card. If you want to come next time, you can call me and maybe save you the trouble of making an appointment."

Zhang Yang looked at the chef curiously, was he too enthusiastic?

"He is my wife's brother." Sun Yansheng explained, "I told him that today is my most important customer, a customer who helped me make a lot of money, and is also a major shareholder of my company in China, so he advances Prepared, it seems that his cooking can still satisfy you."

"I'm interested. Let's go, let's go to the hotel and have a good chat."

When he arrived at the hotel, Zhang Yang entered the general office. The two interpreters were arranged in another room. Sun Tengfei also lived in this suite.

"Mr. Zhang, this is the information of Atari and JTS. I talked to the CEO of JTS twice. They are willing to discuss with us about the sale of some Atari assets. I asked them to talk with my company at ten o’clock tomorrow morning. ."

"Okay, no matter whether it can be negotiated or not, there should be no less commission."

Zhang Yang Ke didn't want to talk about human relations, or talked about money more directly. He also didn't want Sun Yansheng to come to him for help in the future, and the price to be paid at that time was definitely more than the commission given now.

"By the way, President Zhang, I contacted a lawyer here for you. This is my company's legal adviser and my personal lawyer. He is very good at handling commercial contracts."

Zhang Yang did not receive the business card handed over from Sun Yansheng: "I have already contacted the lawyer and have a cooperative relationship with the lawyer office of my domestic company. Thank you for your kindness."

"What about SanDisk? Which one is it?"

"This is it. SanDisk went public at the end of last year. Their CF cards are currently selling well and have become one of the storage standards for digital cameras. Digital cameras are cameras that use electronic cards to store photo data without film. "

Sun Yansheng was afraid that Zhang Yang wouldn’t understand. He also specifically explained that this thing is also new in the United States. At present, the island country is developing the fastest.

"I know that this industry is good. If you are interested, you can invest in it." Zhang Yang looked down at SanDisk's information and the listing was on Nasdaq, counted as a technology stock.

Nasdaq is known as the cradle of technology stocks, and many technology stocks have performed very well on Nasdaq. However, there are also many companies whose stocks have been delisted on the has plagued many investors.

SanDisk has just been listed, and the current stock price increase is not large, and because some investment institutions have cashed out after the listing, many shares are circulated in the hands of individuals.

At this time, the market value of SanDisk was only more than 300 million US dollars, of which more than half of the outstanding shares were in circulation. If the senior executives of SanDisk were not negotiated, he would buy SanDisk's stock in the stock market.

This company's storage technology can solve the current handheld storage problem very well, and is also very important for future development. VCD and DVD technologies will become mainstream in the next ten years, but will be gradually eliminated in another ten years.

SanDisk's technology will become mainstream, from memory cards to solid-state drives, so with hardware technology, Zhiduoxing can also have more initiative.

Of course, there are many hardware companies that Zhang Yang is interested in, but the prices are too high, and SanDisk is currently the most suitable.

This time, he didn't think he would be able to negotiate right away, but there was enough progress. He could come and sign the contract in a few months.

At that time, his funds will be more abundant, and he can do more things.

Now he has too much cash, and leaving it in his hands is a waste. There are several companies he is optimistic about, as long as he can win two or three of them, he will not lose on this trip.

"Mr. Zhang, then I won't disturb you to read the information. At 9 o'clock tomorrow morning, I will let the driver come to pick you up. We will call you by then." Sun Yansheng got up and said with great eyes.

"Okay, hard work, see you tomorrow."

After Sun Yansheng left, Zhang Yang distributed some information to Sun Tengfei to see how to talk to Atari tomorrow, which can help the company to maximize the benefits.

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