Super Tycoon

Chapter 268: Atari game company

"Hello, I am a negotiator for JTS. You can call me Miller."

"Hello, Miller, you can call me Zhang." Zhang Yang shook hands with a bearded white man.

"Zhang, I heard that Chinese people are very long-lived. I didn't believe it before. Now that I see you, I believe it." Miller exclaimed.

Zhang Yang did not explain that he didn't look young, he was really young, only 20 years old this year.

"If you have time, you can go to Huaxia and go to some landscapes, maybe you can be much younger."

After the polite conversation, Miller sat down and went straight to the topic: "Chapter, you want to buy some of the assets of Atari in your company. I don't know what you are interested in?"

"What is your company willing to sell?" Zhang Yang asked.

"Everything. Everything in Atari can be sold as long as the price is right."

Zhang Yang scolded the old fox, this sentence is simply nonsense, the price is appropriate, what price is appropriate? Now if someone pays $3 billion, he can also sell Zhiduoxing as a whole without hesitation.

"Atari game copyright, I am more interested in these, including some unfinished development, I also want." Zhang Yang deliberately proposed this first.

Generally speaking, when negotiating, you will not expose your true purpose. Try it out first, and then tell your true purpose. But Zhang Yang did the opposite. He directly stated his true purpose. If the other party thought it was not, it was his chance.

"Game copyright? Do you want to authorize or buy out? If it is authorized, I can give you a package price of 5 million US dollars. If it is a buyout, then the price is relatively high, 12 million US dollars."

Sun Tengfei next to him took a breath, which was too expensive. For $12 million, how many CDs do they have to sell to make a profit?

And Atari is mostly 8-bit games, some are higher, but it is not very easy to sell. Why should such a backward game sell so expensive?

"If that's the case, then I'm going to be part of it. There are a lot of Atari games. At the time, they didn't even sell 10,000 copies. I bought them back. It's useless. I think the price can be reduced?"

"No, no, all Atari game rights belong to a subsidiary company, you have to buy them all. I can assure you that the assets of this subsidiary company are not bad."

Subsidiaries, this pit is even bigger.

In other words, Zhang Yang may not only buy the copyright of the game, but also the debt of this company. If JTS is operating fast, it is likely that many of Atari’s debts will be dumped to its subsidiaries.

"If this is the case, let's put the game first. Is Atari's hardware department ready to sell? Our company intends to upgrade the game console. I think I may need some related talent and technology."

Zhang Yang instantly changed the subject, which made Miller feel more that Zhiduoxing wanted Atari hardware technology to upgrade Zhiduoxing G.

After all, in the game console market at this time, the performance of Zhiduoxing G is relatively backward, and Nintendo's N64 will also be launched immediately, and Zhiduoxing will upgrade the product. This is very normal.

"The hardware of Atari is our core asset, and we are ready to upgrade the Atari Jaguar and re-enter the gaming market, so if you really want to buy it, the price will be very high, $30 million!"

Zhang Yang's mouth twitched twice. Atari's technology is worth the price? Plus the factory is almost the same.

Atari once made a lot of eye-catching products, but they all failed in the end, because Atari's business direction had problems, and did not find its own market positioning.

Like Nintendo, positioning is the leader, and the products made must be industry benchmarks and fine products. It is also true that Nintendo can guarantee a high profit margin and can always guarantee a transcendental status.

The positioning of Zhiduoxing is more popular, and the goal is to bring players a game machine with many fun games, so that more people can afford it.

Therefore, the profit margin of Zhiduoxing's game products is far inferior to Nintendo, but it has a certain position in the minds of the majority of players, and now it has completely established its foothold.

Atari also wanted to be the boss and wanted to take the cheap route. The problem is that what he produced was really not very good. Several innovations have not been accepted by players, and naturally it is getting worse.

"What about Atari's factory, how much is it worth?"

"Why, Zhiduoxing is going to open a factory in the United States? This is also to say, I can give you an affordable price of 10 million dollars for all the factories of Atari."

Zhang Yang looked at Miller. When you bought Atari, you paid a total of 50 million US dollars. The price of these three assets exceeds this number. You have not counted Atari’s brand and other assets. I want to make a lot of money if I put my hands down.

"Then let's talk about the copyright of the game. If you are willing to give a suitable price, I am willing to buy it all. As for the company, I am not interested."

"No, all the copyright belongs to this company. If you want the copyright, you have to buy this subsidiary. The price of 12 million is a little high, so how about a reduction of half a million dollars?"

Zhang Yang said nothing looked at the lawyer who followed him, and the lawyer nodded and took out a piece of information and put it on the table: "Mr. Miller, I am Mr. Zhang's lawyer. According to I got the news that this subsidiary, which owns the copyright of the game, currently has a market value of 12 million US dollars, but it has a debt of nearly 10 million US dollars. So the real value of this company is 2 million US dollars. about."

Miller stood up directly: "Then we don't have to talk, our company develops it ourselves."

"Mr. Miller, does JTS really want to develop games? Does your company have relevant experience? The head of Atari’s game department, who has left many positions, has created his own game company, and Atari has The ability to develop games?"

"What you need is nothing more than Atari's hardware assets and factory assets. This game is not originally in your development plan."

"Sell to Mr. Zhang, your company can withdraw a sum of money and at the same time be able to get rid of some liabilities. We are a win-win situation. If your company wants too much, then Mr. Zhang will choose to give up the acquisition, they will take the money to go The island nation's acquisition of some game companies is believed to have a good harvest."

Zhang Yang looked at lawyer Mikeson and gave him enough money, and it turned out that people could become full of combat. With a few words, Mikeson made Miller stop.

Zhang Yang leaned back in his chair and gave it to a professional like Mikeson to help him negotiate the contract. It took about an hour and the two sides made an initial agreement.

Zhang Yang spent $5 million to acquire Atari’s gaming subsidiary, including all Atari’s game copyrights at this time, and JTS wanted to help Zhang Yang reduce the company’s debt to under $8 million, and the company’s The layoffs are also given to JTS.

Zhang Yang's initial goal was achieved.

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