Super Tycoon

Chapter 269: I can help you better

"Are you Mr. Zhang from Zhiduoxing, right? I'm eo Sanjietra from SanDisk Corporation. I was entrusted by the company's board of directors to talk to Mr. Zhang."


  Sang Jietra looked at Zhang Yang, this is the person in charge of Zhi Duoxing, some are too young. However, Zhiduoxing Company can purchase f-cards from their company, and it is a big customer.


   The fact that customers become bosses is very common in shopping malls, which means that their company's products are very important for Zhiduoxing, and account for the bulk of their production costs.


   "Hello, Mr. Terra. Since the board of directors sent you, does it mean that your company meant to sell shares to me?"


   "I am one of the founders of the company, but I don't hold many shares. So if I sell the shares personally, I will not agree, nor will my companions."


   "Fortunately, before the company went public, many investment institutions invested in us and optimistic about the development of our company. Among them, two companies have other investment directions, so they have to sell their shares."


   "But this kind of transaction has nothing to do with the company, and the company has no right to prevent it. And not long after the company went public, the funds are still relatively sufficient. Now our f card is selling well, and we have no plans to accept capital injection."


  Zhang Yang frowned, so what are you doing here? You can't sell me shares, nor accept my capital injection, what else to talk about?


   "Mr. Zhang, your company is a major customer of our company. I came here this time. On the one hand, I wanted to meet and chat with Mr. Zhang, and didn't I tell Mr. Zhang what should I do?"


  Acquisition of the stocks of the two investment institutions?


   "Which stocks of those two companies have the right to vote? What is the proportion of voting rights and the proportion of shares held?"


Sang Jietra looked at Zhang Yang with a smile: "It seems that Mr. Zhang is young, but he still has some understanding in this respect. However, it is not convenient for me to disclose this kind of thing. I have a question. I want to ask Mr. Zhang. ."


   "If Mr. Zhang becomes a shareholder of the company, or even a major shareholder, can you think of competing for the seat of chairman, or becoming a president?"


Zhang Yang shook his head: "I'm not interested in the two positions. If you don't make mistakes, then the two of you founders are suitable to sit in these two positions. I believe you also want the company to develop better. But the seat of the board of directors, I It needs at least one, but also financial supervision."


   "Mr. Zhang is very frank. So, if Mr. Zhang becomes a director of the company, can he help us open the Asian market?"


  Zhang Yang understood that this was the purpose of the other party. I want to use Zhang Yang's connections to help SanDisk to open up the Asian market, rather than just developing in the United States.


  In fact, observing the board of directors of some large companies, you can always see that some people who were not shareholders of the company bought a little stock, and suddenly became a director of the company. They are independent directors, or outside directors.


   These people are actually working for shareholders like the company's president and vice president. The highest power of a joint stock company is always the shareholders' meeting, not the board of directors as many people think.


   Of course, most of the time, the board of directors acts on behalf of the general meeting of shareholders. In general, the major shareholder must also be a member of the board of directors.


   "No problem, I have a good sales channel for electronic products in Asia. Whether it is an island country, China or other parts of Southeast Asia, there are my partners."


   "More than that, I can help your company's products to enter the Eastern European market. This market, I think with your company's strength, it should be difficult to develop."


  Curryshenko as a sales agent, the old library will certainly not object, who does not make profitable business? Just to become an agent, but also have a certain strength, but not everyone can represent SanDisk's product sales.


   The larger the company, the harsher the conditions for selecting agents. Because large companies have the strength to establish sales channels themselves. It's just that in many cases, considering the time, money, and possible competition to establish a sales channel, some companies choose the agency model, and some companies choose the dealer model.


  Each model has its own advantages and disadvantages. How to choose depends on the company's executives.


   "Are you sure you can open the Eastern European market?" Sangjietra was a little excited. This was a surprise.


"I'm sure. You can inquire. We have a company in Moscow. In fact, when Su Wei was disintegrated, we had business dealings there. Now the popular game consoles, TV sets and other equipment are all there. Produced by our company, or a company controlled by our company's shareholders."


   "Actually in Western Europe, we also have some sales channels. We also have a company in Xiangjiang. The relationship between Xiangjiang and Britain, don't I have to say more?"


  Sanjatra suddenly stood up: "Mr. Zhang, on behalf of the company, I am willing to cooperate with you. Do you want to buy shares in the name of an individual, or in the name of the company?"


   "Temporarily an individual."


  Personally, this answer indicates that Zhang Yang’s shares in Zhiduoxing Company must not be low, otherwise he would not get so many dividends. I can't think of such a wealthy person in such a backward China.


"A small shareholder of our company intends to withdraw, and he is also my cousin, so I can persuade him to sell the stock to you, which probably holds 2%. But Mr. Zhang is assured that you can definitely become the company’s director."


   Two percent? This stock Zhang Yang didn't even think about it. He has to buy it, which is at least 20%.


   "Can't accept my investment?" Zhang Yang frowned.


   "I'm The company is really not short of cash at this time, our assets can be easily loaned from banks, and it is also easy to continue to issue stock financing, so it is difficult for me to agree with you."


   "However, you can serve as an executive director of the company and own a large number of stocks as compensation at the end of the year, which is enough to increase the proportion of your equity in the company."


  Chapter Yang Yang lipped, just as executives reward that point of stock, how much can it improve, is there 0.1%?


   "I remember Mr. Terra told me just now that there are two investment institutions that want to sell their shares?"


   "Mr. Zhang, IMHO, the voting rights of the stocks held by those two companies are not high, and the number is large. They will not sell them in batches. They definitely want to sell them at one time to ensure the maximum benefit."


   "Really? Can you help me to contact the person in charge of those two companies? I want to invite them to have a meal."


  After Sanjatra left, Zhang Yang leaned on the sofa and just bought the stocks of those two companies. He thought it was not enough. If possible, he would buy some stocks in the market and increase his shareholding ratio!

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