Super Tycoon

Chapter 270: Is this heaven?

Zhang Yang looked at the lawyer, and his help was not enough. This lawyer also represents the business negotiation work, and can buy stocks from the stock market. It is best to hire a professional financial broker.


   As for Sun Tengfei, it was all to meet the world. The same is true of the two translators.


   "Mr. Zhang, what did you talk about with SanDisk, can you buy shares?" Sun Yansheng saw the representative of SanDisk leaving and walked into the reception room.


   "Still talking, fight for it. By the way, I would like to invest in some stocks here, are there any good financial brokers?"


   "There is a financial company under the Wells Fargo Bank near my company. You can find it there. I don't have much investment in this area, but I also have a broker, but a small company."


   "OK, then I have time to see."


   "Mr. Zhang, if it's okay today, I will show you the characteristics here? Such as sports events, nightclubs, bars, concerts or something?"


   "I am only twenty years old, can I drink here?"




  Sun Yansheng was confused by this problem. He instinctively ignored Zhang Yang's age. In fact, the United States has stricter prohibition on drinking. Of course, there are a lot of people who secretly drink alcohol and smoke, but they can't make it clear. In case it is really caught, it is quite troublesome.


   "What about the concert? There is a tour of the Guns and Roses tonight. It is rumored that their band may be disbanded. Do you like rock?"


   "Or in the afternoon, there is a baseball game, uh~~ Do you like baseball?"


  Baseball is very popular in North America, and it is also good in the island country and Treasure Island area, but in the hinterland of China, many people have not even heard of it at this time, they don’t understand the rules, why do they like it?


   "Let's watch a concert, can I still buy tickets now?" Guns Rose, this band was still there before Zhang Yang's rebirth, but the members came in and out, and even many people have become old men.


   "I can still buy it with my friends, but the front row is unlikely."


  Sun Tengfei They are also very excited. At the concert, they just heard about it and have never been to the scene. Usually they listen to songs. Most of them are recorders or vcd. The scene of the rock band is definitely more enjoyable.


   In the afternoon, Zhang Yang went out and found a very famous financial broker. This is often used as an investment advisor to some companies, and his personal business is rarely done, only big customers.


  When Zhang Yang told him that when this single business involves hundreds of millions of dollars of business, the other party did not hesitate to push away another client in talks and expressed his willingness to serve Zhang Yang.


   His commission ratio is not low, 2%, if it is a business with hundreds of millions of dollars, then he can get at least two million dollars in remuneration, which allows him to buy a small yacht and take his family to go on vacation.


  If he can save some money for the employer, or let the employer make more money, he can also get an extra commission.


  Zhang Yang is also investigating this financial broker. If the other party can pass his assessment, he does not mind setting up a company and let this person manage it.


  Although he didn't play stocks much in his previous life, he can remember several times the global stock market turbulence. If you don’t have money, you can only look at it. If you have money, you will naturally have to go in and get a slice of it.


   He needs a lot of money to implement his future plans. Although the rate of making money is not slow now, it is just not slow. With those in the game industry, Nintendo's profit at this time is more than one billion US dollars. It is profit, not revenue. From this point of view, Nintendo is worthy of the industry leader.


  Don’t forget, it’s because Nintendo didn’t have any new products last year, mainly because of selling games to make money.


   Although Nintendo's vb this year is on the street, gb's performance is also general, but they are about to go on sale n64, this is Nintendo's killer this year.


  Nintendo's royalty system, which was considered the mainstream standard in the industry at this time, also brought a lot of profits to Nintendo. At this time, Nintendo still has the largest number of cooperative game companies in the world, which is a place that cannot be compared with Schneider, Sega and Zhiduoxing.


  Zhang Yang knows that there will be several game companies that will develop very well in the future, mainly because the games they sell sell very well. In the United States, he has a promising company.


   This time, he will also find out, and strive to be a shareholder of this company this year, and even hold a controlling stake.


   In the evening, everyone went to the concert. Rock is still heavy metal, the scene is really very manic. In fact, when they entered the field, Zhang Yang felt that their blood was pouring.


   Because when entering the field, someone actually took the gun. The man also stated that he had a license to hold a gun and at the time scared both translators with trembling legs.


  Who says New York is paradise is too dangerous!


  Sun Yansheng also told them that after dark, there are many places not to go. If you have to go by, don't walk, but drive, and never get off.


   If there is a robbery, it is best to obediently give the other party all the money, so not only carry a credit card, but also bring some cash.


   After these words were spoken, Sun Tengfei didn't even want to come to the United States. He decided to stay in the country honestly, travel abroad, and go to some countries with good security. The United States is too dangerous!


  After returning to the hotel, Sun Tengfei was relieved.


   "Mr. Zhang, has America always been like this? They don't feel afraid?" Sun Tengfei was a little puzzled. The United States he knew was not like that.


"So almost every household here has a gun. Use this to protect yourself. As if you have this, you have confidence. One thing is very interesting. The burglary rate here is much lower than ours because you enter other people's homes~ Others can shoot and defend themselves."




  Sun Tengfei feels unbelievable. Being a thief is still life-threatening? There are so many thieves here?


   "Of course, most of the time, in most areas, public security is still possible. After all, there are not many desperates, no one wants to die, right?"


   "Why, when I asked you if you came or not, weren't you very happy, now you regret it?"


   "Well, I regret it. I still want to stay in the country and be safe in the future." Sun Tengfei directly admitted.


Zhang Yang laughed: "Relax, we will go back next week. These days I mainly talked to a few people, and I understand the situation here. Tomorrow you check the sales report on the US side, if you have something to do I won't panic."


   In fact, Zhang Yang was a little flustered, but he didn't show it. He secretly decided that it seemed that he would have to hire a few bodyguards in the future, at least people would not dare to offend when they saw it from a distance.



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