Super Tycoon

Chapter 275: Wen Quxing rushed out of the country

The unusually hot sales of Wenquxing's 2nd generation also made many people notice. Everyone found that this thing didn't seem too difficult, they could do it.

At this time, a lot of electronics research institutes, etc., started the public relations of this project. They do not seek to suppress Wenquxing, just like selling 8-bit game consoles, just earn some money.

If you can have some characteristics, then you can hold your feet, and maybe you will be able to take a slice in the future.

Especially those research institutes, they ask themselves that the technology is stronger than Zhiduoxing, but the only difference is their vision. Now that you know that this thing makes money, then do it.

There are also some electronic research institutes that already have products such as translators, but they are developing translators and text translators for simultaneous interpretation, such as products for students, they think they are easy to Can make it.

Zhang Yang also knows that when the second-generation Wenquxing goes public and makes the market more popular, there will surely be more companies joining in and want to take a slice of it.

It took two or three years for the previous life to appear in large numbers, and this life was advanced.

But that doesn't matter. Wenquxing is now the industry leader, so he will never give up his position.

When those companies paid attention to the domestic market, Zhang Yang was already thinking about opening up foreign markets.

A week later, Kurishenko arrived in Beijing.

"Chapter, I heard that you went to the United States to play some time ago. Why didn't you come to Moscow? There are many interesting places on my side." Kurishenko said enthusiastically.

"It's not to play, it's to invest in some industries. I don't want to grab the market in Moscow." Zhang Yang said that he was very angry and actually looked down on the Moscow market. At least Eastern Europe is far inferior to the United States. There is no enterprise he is interested in.

Are there some companies worth investing in Eastern Europe? Yes, but it is difficult to get started.

After the disintegration of the Soviet Union, Eastern European companies were mainly divided up by the two groups. Part of it is still a political axe. They retain many core industries, especially industry.

The other part is the investment group headed by the Americans. They rely on loan rubles to invest in factories and minerals in Eastern Europe. Even before Zhang Yang’s rebirth, these people continue to harvest the fruits of victory.

Of course, there is also a small part that has been divided by the native honors of Eastern Europe, and Kurishenko is also one of them, but in fact it is not ranked at all.

"Hahaha, Zhang, you are so good friends." Kurishenko felt very happy when he heard Zhang Yang's words, "I have something to tell you. The Nintendo people contacted me."

Zhang Yang raised his eyebrows: "What do they want to say, want to buy your company?"

"Yes, they said that the game console I produced before was infringed, saying they wanted to sue me. If I don't want to be sued, I can choose to become a subsidiary of Nintendo. They can also give me some shares of Nintendo."

"You come to me, it means you refused, right?" Zhang Yang asked with a smile. He opened the drawer, took the cigar out of it, and handed it to Kurishenko.

Cigars and cigarettes, Zhang Yang has no love, this is just something to entertain.

Kurishenko lit a cigar and exhaled a smoke ring: "Yeah, why should I agree? I have consulted a lawyer. Our external design and internal design are slightly different from Nintendo FC. They can't win. . Our system is slightly different from Nintendo. Although part of the code may be the same, is this a coincidence?"

The benefits that Nintendo can give him are far worse than the benefits he received on Zhiduoxing. Why shouldn’t he have more, but less?

Besides, he is only developing the Eastern European market. Can Nintendo manage Eastern Europe? That's his territory!

In the Eastern European market, Kurishenko is the absolute overlord, and the rules of the industry are all up to him. No one else is easy to use. He even tried to get products to enter the Western European market through Germany.

"Chapter, this time the Zhiduo Z2, can we sell it on our side? It has been a long time later than other regions." Kurishenko asked.

"Okay, if you come this time, just sign a license contract and produce it over there. Have you already translated the system?"

"Of course, our human efficiency is still very high." Kurishenko is a little proud. Among the people he hired, there were many top engineers in Su.

Those people were very proud, but now they are not working for money? Therefore, money is the most important!

"This is an electronic dictionary launched by Zhiduoxing in China. The brand is Wenquxing. Are you interested in making this product available in Eastern Europe?"

Kurishenko picked up Wenquxing and pressed it a few times. However, there was not much trade between Eastern Europe and China at this time, and not many people used this product.

"How to split the account?"

"It's still the old rules, but the licensing fee can be reduced to half. This is enough to ensure that you can make money, and it depends on your own."

"Okay, then I did." Kurishenko agreed without hesitation.

This can be used to translate not only into Chinese characters, but also into English. With certain business functions, there should be a market.

Although Eastern Europe does not pay as much attention to children's education as Huaxia, it does not matter. And this little thing, he thinks it's also very interesting. It can be more convenient for him to match his assistant than holding a big book.

There are also translators in Moscow, but they are not sold very well. This thing looks good, you can try it. Even if you can't make money, you shouldn't lose money.

In fact, he has long known that Wenquxing's product also sent people to investigate the relevant markets in Eastern Europe, and felt that it was not suitable. Now this second generation has some new features, but you can try it.

He can also use this to derive other products, such as products that translate German, French, and Japanese, which are also three countries that trade more frequently with Eastern Europe.

"Chapter, I let people develop a few games. Do you want to buy it?"

Kurishenko also invested in a game production company, publishing game discs and selling them in Eastern Europe. However, the Eastern European market is still too small after all, if all the Zhiduoxing G can play his game, it will definitely make a fortune.

"Okay, I will look at it tomorrow. If it is appropriate, it will be launched in other languages ​​and listed in major markets. Old library, your electronics factory, the technology must continue to improve."

"If you only produce some mainstream electronic components, of course you can make money, but you can't make big money. And in addition to the core processor, you can also consider making some progress in graphics display."

"I can tell you in advance that the Zhiduoxing G2 is under development. The next generation will definitely launch 3D functions. At that time, the electronic components with the best performance will be selected."

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