Super Tycoon

Chapter 276: Fool others first

Zhang Yang's current funds are not enough for him to buy more hardware companies. With the development of technology, the hardware performance of game consoles will be higher and higher in the future. Even the core of the game console is no different from the core performance of the computer, and in some aspects, the performance is better.

Among the hardware companies of the past life, the best performer is AMD. The acceleration processors launched by their companies have been purchased by Microsoft and Nintendo. Some emerging game console manufacturers have also chosen the company's products.

But now, this type of technology is still far behind.

However, since he knows the future direction of development, Zhang Yang will certainly not take any detours.

He invested in SanDisk to solve the storage problem. The remaining processors, graphics cards, sound cards and the like should be in the hands of partners, so that he can check and balance other companies in terms of hardware technology in the future.

In fact, since last year, TV game consoles have had some technological innovations. For example, Sega has introduced a dedicated modem to allow Sega's Saturn to be connected to the Internet.

In the future, video game consoles can be networked, which is standard.

There are also Sega handhelds that can be used as video game consoles, which is also the standard for future handheld technology.

It can be said that many of Sega's design concepts are very advanced. But it was because of the advancement, the technology was not mature enough, the promotion was not strong enough, and the shortcomings were difficult to cover up, which caused the failure of Sega.

With these characteristics, Zhang Yang urged the company's R&D personnel not to think that others have failed, indicating that this direction is wrong.

Kurishenko was not upset when he heard Zhang Yang’s words, but instead asked: “Where should I specifically improve? Only the graphics processor?”

"There can be many directions, such as the core processor, sound processor, internal memory, etc., even if it makes a breakthrough in the battery, it can bring great benefits to our products."

Except for storage devices, do you mean that all our technologies are falling behind? Kurishenko is a little displeased, are you not even more backward in China?

"Why don't you invest in these industries?"

"I'm investing. I went to America some time ago and bought a lot of stocks from SanDisk. I basically invested all the profits I made in recent years."

"Is it all cast in?" Kurishenko could not believe it. Was it a bit big?

Kurishenko also made investments, but at this time he would not be desperate to spend money. He always prepared for two hands and did not want to return to the poor days of the year.

In fact, Zhang Yang also knows that Kurishenko's impulse at this time is much smaller than before, and has become more and more conservative. This is true when many rich people are old.

They don't want to be too risky. In their view, it doesn't matter if the top ten of the rich list is up, anyway, they can't spend all their money. For high-risk projects, they rarely get involved again.

In addition, he will diversify his assets to ensure that no matter what industry rises, he will be able to share a slice of the soup. No matter which industry is rapidly declining, they will not become poor.

This choice cannot be wrong. However, Zhang Yang Ke didn't want his partner to become like this, and Kurishenko was not old enough to start thinking about retirement.

"Lao Ku, are you satisfied with your life now? Feel that you have saved a lot of U.S. dollars and pounds in UBS and will worry about food and clothing in the future?"

"But have you thought about it? After all, you sell products in Eastern Europe. The depreciation rate of the ruble is so fast. You actually lost a lot. If one day, what is the depreciation of the US dollar and the British pound?"

Kurishenko panicked: "Can't it? The dollar and the pound are so strong, how can they depreciate?"

"Nothing is impossible, gold will still depreciate. So you should actually invest your money in more industries, so that no matter how the currency depreciates, the industry is still there, you can be a rich person."

"You can also see the future development. Ten years ago, what was the computer and what did the appliances look like now? Even if it is a game console, it has evolved from an 8-bit machine to a 64-bit machine. Although we don’t have it yet, but Nintendo’s 64-bit machine will be available soon."

"The performance of products must be doubled in order to keep grabbing consumers. Many companies will sign exclusive supply agreements with hardware manufacturers, even if only for a period of time, enough to allow them to occupy the market."

"You think about it, if we have the best hardware products to ensure that our game consoles surpass the performance of other companies, then this piece of cake will be ours."

"Anyway, I'm already working in this direction, and I'm definitely paying more than you think. My shares in domestic companies have already been used for mortgages."

Kurishenko: "???

Not only did you invest all your profits, but also mortgaged the company's share loans?

"Chapter, is the profit of hardware really high?" He also made electronic components and sold them to Zhiduoxing Company without making much money.

"To be the best, the profit must be very high. Look at Intel, how many computer manufacturers choose their CPUs now, how much money do they earn?"

"There are also some electronics manufacturers that you have seen. They all have their own hardware departments. It is also because of this that they are allowed to become world-class electronics companies."

"If you look at it again, the VCDs we produce need hardware? Do you need TVs to produce hardware? Do you need game consoles? You also need these. There are some advanced CNC machine tools in the world that also require computer hardware support. UU reading"

"You can make money by doing any one of them. If you can do two of them, you can make a lot of money. Anyway, we have common interests, and Zhiduoxing will also purchase from your side first, so you Don’t worry about losing money."

Su's electronics industry is also among the top in the world. After the disintegration, some enterprises have been divided up, but the experts inside will not disappear.

"My friends in China are doing this industry at this time. And I now have a strong interest in the technology of the display screen."

Zhang Yang continued to flicker, he was interested, but had no money.

How big the panel industry will be in the future, I am afraid that those companies that make panels now have no clear chapter. Mobile phones, computers, TVs, tablets, large screens, etc., the scope of application is too wide.

The core technology has been in the hands of companies in island countries and South Korea for a long time, even in Europe and the United States.

Kurishenko took a deep cigar: "Okay, then I will look back. If there is a suitable one, I will invest in a related company!"

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