Super Tycoon

Chapter 277: N 64 listed

After Zhang Yang's successful and ill-fated Kurishenko increased his investment in hardware technology, he wrote down something in his small book.

This year, he wants Wenquxing to appear in multiple markets around the world. As for whether he can sell well, he is not sure, but he always has to try it.

Even if the overseas market can only sell 100,000 units, it can protect the capital. If it can sell more, he will increase his investment in this area.

The time soon came to mid-June. At this time, one thing that the global gaming industry was paying attention to was finally happening. Nintendo's N64 was officially launched, and the first market was still selected for the island country.

This is the first 64-bit game machine in the true sense, much stronger than the Atari Jaguar, and it can also play 3D games. In terms of hardware parameters, it is better than the PS of the Schneider, and it also exceeds the overall. 3DO, Saturn and Zhiduoxing G.

For example, NEC's PC-FX has been discontinued because it cannot be sold at all. Even if they are discounted and promoted at a discount, no one buys it, and the game is pitiful.

Some of the products in stock are simply dismantled, and the electronic components that can be used are directly recovered, and those that cannot be used are destroyed on the spot.

The price cannot be reduced too low, otherwise it will affect the development of the entire brand. Not to mention the need to provide after-sales service after the sale, which is what NEC and others are unwilling to do.

Originally NEC was also considering a new portable game console, the design concept is very similar to VB. But VB thumped the street, NEC stopped the project directly.

3D0, PS1, Saturn, and Zhiduoxing G have been selling at a reduced price. Among them, Saturn has the largest price reduction, and the low price of 20,000 yen has greatly increased the competitiveness of Saturn.

In the island market and the American market, Saturn's sales have surpassed other brands, and Zhiduoxing G has also been left behind. However, Zhiduoxing G performed better in the European market.

However, after the N64 went public in the island country, all other game console sales suddenly fell to the bottom. On the day of listing, their sales fell to double digits.

Nintendo’s appeal is still unmatched. Although they still insist on using cassettes as game cassettes instead of mainstream CDs and VCDs, players don’t mind.

The most important point is that Nintendo pushed the price down to the extreme. The performance of this N64 is 64-bit, and the price is actually 19980 yen, less than 20,000 yen, making the previous price reduction of 32-bit machine manufacturers such as Zhiduoxing suddenly a joke.

At the same price, others of course buy better gaming consoles. What's more, Nintendo has always been known for its fun games and the number of games.

The sales statistics on the first day, including pre-sales, reached 330,000 units. This data allows Nintendo to proudly announce that they are still the overlord of the game industry!

At this time, Zhang Yang was talking to Matsuda Shiji. Matsuda Shiji felt that Nintendo was too overwhelming~~~ the price is so low, how can other companies' game consoles sell?

"Don't worry, Nintendo's usual routine is not that the game console does not make money, and then make money by selling game cartridges. I guess they also learned their lessons because VB's price increase failed."

Nintendo's price is very cheap, Zhang Yang is not surprised. Even if Nintendo sells 18,000 yen, it is normal, because Nintendo really never makes money on game consoles, they are sold at a cost price, so the advertising cost is even calculated, and it is even a loss.

However, people who buy a game console should always buy a new game. The price of a game cartridge can even exceed the price of a game console. Do you dare to believe it?

"Mr. Zhang, will our Zhiduoxing G continue to cut prices? Can it be reduced to below 20,000 yen?"

Before the Zhiduoxing G remained at around 30,000 yen, it was because the Zhiduoxing G gave away a vibrating handle. Now Nintendo’s N64 are both vibrating handles, and they also have analog joysticks, which look exactly the same as Zhiduoxing’s new handles.

Under such circumstances, Zhiduoxing G still maintains a high price, which will certainly not be sold. Looking at Saturn, hasn't the price dropped to 20,000 yen long ago?

"We will immediately replace the Zhiduoxing G with a vibrating handle, and the price will be reduced to 20,000 yen. But you have to talk to those dealers. The price we give them cannot be reduced too much, and their profits are also Must be lowered."

With the improvement of technology, the production cost of Zhiduoxing G has also dropped a lot. Now more than 1,000 RMB can be made, and selling 20,000 yen will not lose money.

But the biggest difference between Zhiduoxing G and Nintendo N64 is not Nintendo's performance, but Nintendo's machine has no intention of making money, they are waiting to sell games.

The game of Zhiduoxing G has always been very cheap, which is the most liked by players, but the profit is also low.

"Pay attention to whether the price of PS1 will be reduced. If the price is reduced, remember to tell me immediately. Also, you have to let the company develop a 32-bit game of Pokemon. There are still many fans of this game, especially many girls. I really like it."

"I estimate that Nintendo's product sales will exceed 5 million units this year, and it will continue to consolidate Nintendo's status. At this time, we are not Nintendo's opponents on video game consoles, but we can upgrade the technology while keeping up with the changes. Contact more third-party game manufacturers and let them join our camp."

"Although our selling price is cheaper, it is also the case. Our game discs are the best sold. There are many models with sales exceeding one million. There are even several models with sales exceeding five million. Those third-party game companies also have great benefits."

In the past, Senny did not actually defeat Nintendo on But since PS2, Senny suppressed Nintendo, relying on the number of games.

Nintendo made more money on its own, less was allocated to game companies, and the conditions were more demanding, resulting in a large number of third-party game manufacturers leaving, even including companies that have accompanied Nintendo for many years.

"Remember, even within a year or two, we can still only follow Nintendo, not even as good as Schneider and Sega, but we will have an advantage in the future."

"According to the company's plan, our next-generation video game consoles should be on sale at the end of this century. At that time, we will truly have 3D functions and performance will be greatly improved."

Matsuda Shiri replied: "Mr. Zhang, I understand, I will do my best to sign cooperation agreements with third-party game manufacturers."

Zhang Yang said it very clearly, even if he lost money this time, he should bind more game manufacturers to the tank of Zhiduoxing, in order to have more games for players to experience after the launch of the game console in the future.

After the Nintendo N64 went public, the road was broken, and Zhiduoxing suddenly received an invitation letter.

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