Super Tycoon

Chapter 278: Tokyo Game Show

"Tokyo Game Show, I haven't heard of this. Mr. Zhang, wouldn't it be a liar?" Secretary Xiao Wang murmured softly.

After they made this trip, they also knew some of the company-related exhibitions in the world. For example, the largest exhibition in the industry should be the E3 game exhibition in the United States. It was just opened in Atlanta, the United States a while ago.

I used to be in Los Angeles. This year I might have chosen to meet the Olympics, so I chose Atlanta. As a result, the level of excitement this time is not as good as it was in previous years.

It is said that the E3 game show will return to Los Angeles next year, no longer tossing.

At this E3 game show, the most beautiful thing is undoubtedly Nintendo. After their N64 was listed, they did not disappoint players. It's just that the United States is not listed yet.

Nintendo's production capacity has not been particularly high, they have always been listed by market. The island market has priority, followed by the United States, then Europe, and finally the rest of Asia, and this time N64 is no exception.

Xiao Wang did not know this Tokyo Video Game Show, because this is the first time. This exhibition in the previous life has also developed very well. It was still held until Zhang Yang’s rebirth. Occasionally once a year, most are divided into spring and autumn, twice a year.

At the Tokyo Game Show, most of the highlights are generally contingent because the island computer entertainment supplier association that hosts this is more friendly to companies such as Conny and is reluctant to give Nintendo a special status.

Nintendo is the leader in the industry, and it belongs to the most special position at the E3 game show. It has a higher position than the EA company in the United States. How can it be willing to be deflated in its own base camp?

Therefore, Nintendo did not come to the exhibition several times. Anyway, they released a message themselves, which can also cause players to boil.

This is a good opportunity for Zhiduoxing to allow Zhiduoxing to increase its influence in the island country and at the same time enhance its position in the industry.

"Relax, this is not a liar. You can call Sun Tengfei, let him prepare, we will participate in the exhibition. In addition, contact the organizers of the Tokyo Game Show, there are many game companies on our side who want to participate, ask if you can Do you need more invitation letters?"

There is no need to go to other domestic counterparts who make game consoles. Those who still stay in the era of 8-bit machines are just a joke and will not get any orders.

However, game manufacturers can go there to see and see the development of their peers and the design concepts of others, so as to improve themselves.

Of course, there are some good games here, you can show it, maybe you can get some orders.

Xiao Wang didn't understand why Zhang Zong said that he was not a liar, but he remembered that the materials he read did not have this video game exhibition. Now that the leader has commanded it, go ahead and do it.

Zhang Yang continued to look at the report on the table. After half an hour, the phone on the table rang.

"Mr. Zhang, I am taking off. I heard from Secretary Wang that we received an invitation letter from the Tokyo Game Show, right? So shall we show all the products and some technologies that are still in the research and development stage? To show?"

"The Zhiduoxing G, Z2, and electronic pets are all displayed. The products in the research and development stage are temporarily kept confidential to avoid others from researching them first."

The product in the research and development stage is the Zhiduoxing Y series. This research and development progress is okay. At present, the preliminary architecture of the hardware has been completed and final debugging is being done.

Mainly in terms of software systems, there are still many problems to be solved at this time, such as rhythm. If it is blank every time it is stepped on, it will be fine if it is stepped on every time. If it is messed up, it will be very uncomfortable.

"Some of our new games can also be taken out for display and by the way publicized. If a certain game becomes an explosion, it may also drive the sales of our game consoles."

Relying on games to drive sales of game consoles, Nintendo is very slippery in this regard, and it will also be very good in the future. Sega and others are in a backward position, so the previous life is in the future and Sega is out.

"This exhibition invites all the relevant top companies in the world. We received an invitation letter, which also shows that the organizer attaches importance to us. Remember that there are no omissions. This is much higher than the Xiangjiang exhibition. You come according to the E3 standard of the United States. ."

Sun Tengfei froze for a moment, according to the E3 standard? Isn't this the first exhibition, Mr. Zhang attaches such importance? Just because it is the most developed island country in the game industry?

"Okay, I remember. We have about twenty people here, including venue layout, product display, promotional staff and translators."

"No, it's streamlined to less than ten people. When you get there, Matsuda Shiji will send someone to pick up some unimportant work that can be left to him."

After hanging up Sun Tengfei's phone, Zhang Yang thought about it and called his father again.

"Son, what am I doing?"

"Dad, in August, the company is going to exhibit in Tokyo. You are fine with my mother, and you used to be a tourist."

"You contact your mother about this. I'm testing the prototype here. It's down."

Listening to the busy tone on the phone, Zhang Yang froze. Apart from work, Dad has nothing to talk to himself?

When I called my mother, the phone was connected, and you heard my mother talking nonsense over there.

"Son, mom is busy, it's not important to talk about it at night."

"Mom, you will have time to go to Tokyo with my dad in August. The company is going to participate in the exhibition."

"Just go, you can do it. I'm free during the summer vacation. Just like that, I have to code my cards. It's very troublesome."

Zhang Yang hung up and was tired.

But playing Why do you need to code your own cards, is there no mahjong machine?

Zhang Yang called in Secretary Xiao Wang again: "Is there an electric mahjong machine on the market?"

"Mahjong machine? I heard that some island countries imported it. The leaders want to buy it? Let me ask for detailed information."

"Well, inquire, tell me."

Now that you have it, just go back and buy one for Mom. If not, go back and let someone develop one. He remembered that it was quite simple. In his previous life, he didn't play less cards. Sometimes he played cards and opened the lid to read it. The contents are not complicated.

However, this mahjong machine was actually invented by the islanders. It can be seen that the quintessence of Huaxia is still widely spread.

Soon, Xiao Wang came back and said that there is currently only one electric mahjong machine in China, which is produced by a company called Queyou, and is an agent of the island country product. The speed of licensing is about two to three minutes, and the failure rate is relatively high. , The card is relatively small.

Looking at the picture, Zhang Yang feels that there is still a big gap with the mahjong machine he played in the previous life.

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