Super Tycoon

Chapter 283: EA's attention

John left, Zhang Yang did not retain, he said very clearly, three days to consider time. If you are willing to cooperate, then come to sign a contract, and at the same time, everyone in the ID engine company must sign a new contract.

Those people are also shareholders of the company. They were originally founded with the money together, so there is no way to sign a competition agreement. After all, they are not wage earners. Zhang Yang is also afraid that they will resign and be picked up by other companies. Cheap.

Although Zhang Yang said that programmers have to go downhill when they are over 30 years old, but at this time, programmers are not as many as before Zhang Yang's rebirth. These people will still be the backbone in the next ten years.

This new contract only stipulates that when they want to leave, if they want to engage in the same industry, then the shares must be sold to other shareholders. It is impossible for you to go to another company and still keep our company's equity.

I believe this article will be accepted by others, and a capital injection of 10 million is enough to make this company grow and develop. The second company he targeted was the newly established Villefort Company.

This is a company founded by two Microsoft programmers after leaving office, also in Seattle. They have just purchased ID Engine's game engine and plan to develop a new shooting game.

There are currently only eight employees in the company. They plan to complete the game by the end of next year and go public.

In fact, there should be 14 people who have left the company. Their goal is to be a millionaire like ID engine company, instead of holding a salary of less than $10,000 a month.

It is a pity that not everyone is a boss, only two are, and the others are working, and they need to pay.

The two founders were not sufficiently funded, and no one could see the future of the company and chose to leave. They may earn more than in the future, and they hope to earn money now to support their families.

In the face of survival, ideals have to stand by.

The game that the company is developing at this time is half-life and the first version of Counter-Strike.

At this time, the bosses of the two companies, Newell and Harrington, are looking at the contract in front of them, one million dollars, in exchange for 60% of the company's equity. What company is this?

They have also looked for venture capital, but venture capital does not want to invest in them at all, and feels that there is no future. Although venture capital likes to invest in some software technology companies, it can be mainly concentrated in Silicon Valley. There is Microsoft on Seattle. Venture capital can't look down on other companies, even if it was founded by former employees of Microsoft.

"Mr. Zhang, are you really not involved in our development management?"

Zhang Yang smiled: "First of all, I don't understand game development. I studied management in college. Secondly, I have been in the capital of China for a long time. I don't come here very often. Management is naturally yours."

"And to give you another message, I will soon become the majority shareholder of ID Engine. Your product is developed based on the game engine of ID Engine. I may be able to promote the merger of the two companies and let you develop separately. Do not interfere with each other."

"I’m talking about mergers, it’s not you being acquired, so you can think about the benefits. How profitable is the ID Engine company, and you know that, so you can recruit more people to develop your current products, and you don’t have to worry about someone Will leave because of salary issues."

Both of them are a little embarrassed, the company has just started a business, this kind of thing is too common.

In fact, at a certain time, the two of them had regretted that, if they did not leave Microsoft, although they earn a little less, they may also have some Microsoft shares.

After Microsoft released WIN95 last year, the stock price began to rise rapidly. They only sold their Microsoft stocks to start a business.

But who would have thought that Microsoft's stock price continued to rise, and did not fall as they thought.

If they buy all Microsoft cash after they leave, can they make a lot of money now?

But if it can be incorporated into the ID engine company, that would be great. It is not a matter of salary, but that they will become shareholders of the company and can enjoy the dividends of the ID engine company.

Although sales this year are not as good as last year, ID Engine’s new games will go on sale immediately, and they will definitely make a lot of money, which is even a surprise for them.

"Mr. Zhang, can we discuss the two?"

"Of course, then I'll have a cup of coffee, see you later."

Half an hour later, when Zhang Yang saw the two, they knew their attitude.


At EA, Bob, the CEO at this time, is listening to reports from his subordinates.

"You mean Zhang, who is in charge of Zhiduoxing, has come to the United States and is in New York? What are they doing here? Didn't the previous negotiations with Atari end?"

"Mr. Bob, their contract with Atari came into effect, but I heard that Mr. Zhang still has a lot of money in his account and is looking for a broker to invest in the stock market."

"It seems that he has also contacted some game development companies, such as the ID engine company that developed Doom, as well as several newly created small companies."

Bob stretched his hand to support his chin: "Are you sure they only touched these small companies? No big companies like Activision?"

"Okay. We have sources on the side of large companies. The executives of those companies have not come to New York, but some people are going to Tokyo to participate in the video game show."

Bob feels a little strange. Generally speaking, start-up companies like to buy small companies and develop their own team. However, there are already some powerful companies that will directly acquire some well-developed companies or participate in shares to directly enter this industry to make money.

Zhiduoxing’s TV game consoles are selling handhelds are also good. I haven’t heard that they are involved in computer games. How come they are thinking of acquiring so few small companies?

And the strengths of these small companies are also different, the gap is too big. ID Engine Company is also well-known in the industry, but other companies do not.

In this way, does Chiduoxing want to build a game development company on the American side? Is it to continue to develop Atari game copyright?

Atari, is there any game copyright worth developing?

"Okay, I know about this. If you have any news, tell me the first time."

Bob sent away his subordinates and lit a cigar. He actually wanted to meet Zhang Yang even more. He heard that this is a young man and the son of the big boss of Zhiduoxing. Now he has begun to intervene in the company's operations.

There are even people who say that this young man is the core of Zhiduoxing, mostly to pave the way for this young man to succeed, but he doesn't believe these words.

Maybe these two days are free, you can go meet with Zhang Yang.

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