Super Tycoon

Chapter 284: See you at the mall

"Mr. Zhang, Mr. Bob, the CEO of EA, wants to invite you to dinner together." Sun Yansheng called and said.

"Who? The CEO of EA? How does he know that I am coming to America?" Zhang Yang was puzzled, but he did not contact EA.

Because EA is a shareholder of 3DO, the CEO of 3DO was also the CEO of EA, so Zhang Yang feels that it is impossible for EA's games to appear on Zhiduoxing G for the time being.

Sun Yansheng quickly explained: "Mr. Zhang, I don't know. But it may be that we contacted some game manufacturers, there are EA people over there."

"It's okay, you know if you know. Is it tonight, where is it?"

At ten o'clock in the evening, Zhang Yang appeared in a top restaurant in New York. The people coming and going here were either rich or expensive, and all seats required member appointments.

After the waiter led Zhang Yang to his seat, Zhang Yang gave a ten-dollar tip and sat in a chair, looking at Bob opposite. The hair was all white, and the big back was brushed, and the whole person looked very spiritual.

"Chapter, I'm so glad you can come to the banquet. I think we should have many common topics to talk about."

"Of course. Mr. Bob invited me not just for a meal?" Zhang Yang smiled and didn't receive the menu from the waiter, but said directly: "I have a set recommended by the chef. it is good."

The waiter poured Zhang Yang a glass of wine and bowed away.

"It's an honour for many people to be able to have a meal with the helm of Zhiduoxing Company. Of course, I also hope that we can talk about work at dinner. Do you mind?"

Zhang Yang did not deny that he was the helm of Zhiduoxing: "It's certainly good to chat while eating, not so dull."

"Mr. Zhang came to the United States this time to acquire some game companies? Is Chistar planning to establish a game company in the United States?"

Zhang Yang glanced at Bob. It looks like you are not chatting, but asking.

But it doesn't matter, there is nothing to hide about this kind of thing. The talks are all over, even some contracts have been signed, and he is not afraid of EA to stir up the situation.

"It's not a game company, it's just a shareholding in some companies to prepare for the future. After all, our company's heritage is not as good as other game console manufacturers, so it can only be so."

"Hahaha, Zhang, you are really too modest. As far as I know, Zhiduoxing is quite an electronic brand in China, or the number one consumer electronics brand, and it has a good foundation in Eastern Europe."

"In addition to game consoles, you also have a variety of products such as learning machines, electronic pets, electronic dictionaries, and so on. The profit of each is not low. What surprised me the most is that Zhiduoxing was only established in six years!"

In six years, from a small factory on the verge of bankruptcy with annual sales of less than 50,000 US dollars, it has developed into a multinational enterprise with annual sales of 1 billion US dollars and a profit of 2 billion US dollars. They only spent 6 years. It's a miracle!

Of course, similar companies are not without them, and many companies have become global attention in just two or three years. For example, some investment companies may make a successful investment and become famous overseas.

However, Zhiduoxing Company is not relying on a super explosion, but it is planned to gradually develop, from the original 8-bit game machine imitating Nintendo to the current Zhiduoxing G, Zhiduoxing Z, as well as electronic pets, Wenquxing, learning machines, etc. , Every product is an explosion!

Many of these products are the first in a certain market, and there are electronic pets, which is the world's first, and sales have exceeded 10 million units!

The rise of Zhiduoxing is unstoppable!

Zhang Yang looked humble: "We are just lucky, catching up with a good time. Compared with international giants, our gap is still very large. For example, your company, it is the world's top company."

EA is not only fun for games, but also holds many precious copyrights, especially for sports games. These copyrights alone will be worth billions or even tens of billions of dollars in the future.

Compared with the background, Zhiduoxing Company is far away.

"Zhang, have you ever thought of working with our EA company? We have many fun games and have huge game fans. If we cooperate, I think it will be good for both of us."

Zhang Yang's eyes flashed: "Cooperate, how to cooperate?"

EA actually took the initiative to seek cooperation, which made Zhang Yang very surprised.

"How about joining 3DO? Zhiduoxing can become a shareholder of 3DO. You can share all the technologies on our side. At the same time, some of our exclusive games can also be played on your company's game console."

Zhang Yang didn't speak, he was waiting for Bob's next sentence. It's impossible to just talk about benefits, not to say what to pay?

"Of course, you are also conditional to become a shareholder of 3DO. We hope that 3DO will cross-share with Zhiduoxing."

"If you say a direct merger, I don't think you will agree, but cross-shareholding is good for us."

Zhang Yang was quiet on the surface, but in fact he was very disdainful. 3DO's architecture has big problems, and the company's operations are a mess. What can be the development of joining this company?

Let 3DO become a shareholder of Zhiduoxing, and be in the fingertips of the company's management.

"Sorry, we have agreed with other shareholders that if we add new shareholders, we need the other party's consent. And for some reason, I don't plan to sell the company's shares."

"So I can only thank Mr. Bob for his kindness. It seems that I have no chance to join the 3DO company, so I have no chance to start cooperation with chapter, do you really not think about it? "Bob's face was a little unhappy. He asked himself that the conditions were very generous, but he didn't expect the other party to refuse!

EA has discovered the problems of 3DO. The internal competition of the company is very serious. Several small groups have formed. EA hopes that it can take the lead. After the introduction of Zhiduoxing, they can completely prevail and save 3DO.

In his view, this also has great benefits for Zhiduoxing, which can allow Zhiduoxing to have more games, better partners, and make Zhiduoxing's development more smooth.

Even in the near future, Zhiduoxing may be able to merge with 3DO to become the world's top game console manufacturer and suppress Nintendo!

"I said, I haven't considered this matter. In addition to the issue of shares, cooperation in other aspects, Mr. Bob can propose it."

Bob sighed: "Chapter, you know, so we can only see you at the mall."

Zhang Yang smiled: "It doesn't matter, then we'll see you at the mall."

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