Super Tycoon

Chapter 286: North American Zhiduoxing Investment Company

"Registered company? What project are you going to run?" Attorney Billy sat opposite Zhang Yang.

Although this is not his main business, it is not impossible to do. Introduce a friend to help, he can also make some money with him, and he can continue to maintain a relationship with this big customer.

Should the legal issues of this company be referred to his law firm?

"Investment. This company does nothing else. It only invests in other companies, holds shares in some companies, and also invests in some stocks and other financial products in the stock market. What procedures are required?"

"It's just that. It's easy. I introduce a company. They specialize in helping to do these things. The fees are not expensive, and they can be all tens of thousands of dollars."

Zhang Yang looked at Billy: "The company's legal issues will be left to you to deal with, according to the standards of peers, is it okay?"

"Yes, of course, thank you Mr. Zhang."

A week later, the North American Zhiduoxing Investment Company was successfully registered. The registered capital of this company is 100 million US dollars, but it actually holds more than three billion US dollars of assets.

Holding approximately 42% of SanDisk's stock, voting rights are only 34%. Holding 60% of Blizzard Entertainment shares, voting rights are only 30%, and management and management rights are in the hands of the two founders of Allen and Mike.

Holds all shares in a small game production company renamed Nostalgic Games, which owns all the game copyrights of Atari. Holds 49% of ID Engine's equity and Villefort's 51%.

Finally, there are some stocks held by two companies, one called Microsoft and one called Yahoo.

The most valuable of these is the stock of SanDisk, followed by those of game companies. Although the equity of some companies does not meet Zhang Yang's goal, it doesn't matter, he will let the person in charge of those companies obediently obey.

If these several game companies are integrated, it can actually be regarded as the top three game companies in North America. Because North America except EA, other game companies are very common.

And Zhang Yang also got many precious game copyrights, although most of them may not be sold on Zhiduoxing G, but it can let Zhiduoxing take the lead in computer games.

In the future, computer games will become very hot, especially Internet games, which is probably not expected by companies such as Nintendo.

At that time, the profit margins of game machine manufacturers fell sharply, but the profit margins of game companies rose. The cost of developing games is much lower than the cost of making game consoles.

Many once-popular games have a development cost of hundreds of thousands of dollars, or even lower, and the profits gained are dozens or hundreds of times.

This is why the previous generation of Sega dared to abandon the game console business and focus on the development of game software.

These equity transfers also take a while, and Zhang Yang has been in the country for a long time, and it is difficult to take care of it here, so a few people are needed to support the stall here.

Ordinary employees are easy to find. There is never a shortage of people looking for work here in New York, but it is more difficult to recruit two vice presidents.

The two vice-presidents can check and balance each other, and they won't get so naughty when they come up that they will take away Zhang Yang's money. But after interviewing several people, Zhang Yang was not very satisfied.

Some resumes are very beautiful, but after chatting, I found out that the other party’s resume must be fake. If they are so capable, how can they not find a job and come to interview for this low-paying position?

Some don’t have any work experience. Although they graduated from prestigious schools, can’t they be vice presidents? Others have some blemishes. Although they said they were wronged, Zhang Yang had no time to investigate and could not believe it.

Fortunately, when his visa was about to expire, he found two suitable ones.

One is a senior manager who worked at American Bank. He left his business and failed to start his own business. He lost two consecutive investments and lost his reputation. He could not return to his previous job. He wanted to use Zhang Yang as a springboard to rise again.

The other party was only willing to sign a three-year contract, and Zhang Yang readily agreed. Ability is good, it does not matter that the company does not have a sense of belonging, but in the future, it will try to give a little equity incentive, maybe it will stay. Even if he had to leave at that time, Zhang Yang had plenty of time to recruit another one.

The other was because his wife was seriously ill and took care of his wife after resigning. He didn't come out to find work until his wife passed away last month. The last work experience was as a game development director at Activision, and the veteran who helped Activision out of the quagmire.

His personal philosophy conflicts with Activision's business philosophy, so he doesn't want to go back. The EA company interviewed, the other party's treatment was too low, so he chose North American Zhiduoxing Investment Company, and vowed to make some achievements, so that those who have rejected him regret.


"You said that a North American Zhiduoxing investment company appeared in New York? Is that Zhiduoxing I know?" Bob, the CEO of EA, looked at his subordinates.

"Yes, the company's boss is Yang Zhang. He spent hundreds of millions of dollars and acquired the equity of several game companies, as well as the equity of SanDisk."

"It's just because he won't be in the United States for a long time, so he didn't serve as an executive of those companies, but appointed a senior executive of North American Zhiduoxing Company."

"The Edson who came to our company for interview some time ago became the vice president of North American Zhiduoxing Company? Also served as a director of other companies?"

"No wonder I later called Edson personally. He also refused. He took several jobs and received higher salaries than we gave."

Each additional position will also result in an additional salary. Zhang Yang’s salary is not high, but as a company representative and concurrently serving as an executive of another company, he can get the salary of the corresponding position.

These positions should have been Zhang Yang's.

This is also the Zhang Yang can recruit these two talents, otherwise he has no equity incentive for the annual salary he has offered, and it is strange that others can agree.

"Mr. Bob, Zhiduoxing has more funds than we thought. Their company is worth at least 300 million US dollars!"

Three hundred million dollars is not a small amount for anyone, even the top rich at this time.

Bob also frowned: "Chistar has such a strong acquisition of equity in game companies and hardware companies. This is to make this industry bigger."

"However, the most important headache is actually not us, but Nintendo. Nintendo hasn't lost in years, and this time it lost to Zhiduoxing on the handheld, and they will fight back soon."

"Only the N64 launched by Nintendo, whose game console is comparable? There are many fun games in it, which can promote the sales of game consoles, especially if they have too many exclusive games."

Bob's headache is not EA's game, but the 3DO company they bought in. It seems to suggest to shareholders again that the operating focus of 3DO company must be changed!

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