Super Tycoon

Chapter 287: Computer games are the future

The domestic agent of Zhiduoxing Company once again came to Jingcheng Zhiduoxing Company for a meeting.

Wang Liang quipped when he saw Zhang Yang: "Mr. Zhang, I heard you went to America again. Isn't it fun?"

"Hahaha, you can go and see for yourself. I went to work, and I don't have much time to play." Zhang Yang really didn't have time to play. The work visa time is only one month, but it can be extended, but he has to go to Tokyo. Participate in the video game exhibition.

After he graduates from college, time will become ample, then his industrial infrastructure should be completed, and there is time to play anything.

"Mr. Zhang, call us this time, is there any good thing?" Someone asked with a smile.

"Yes, it is a good thing to ask everyone to come. Of course, starting today, we will increase the sales of computer games."

Everyone was stunned. Zhiduoxing didn't sell computers. Even if the computer game is sold well, it can't drive the sales of the game console. Isn't that a loss?

What's more, there are several factories in Zhiduoxing. Can't those factories stop work? Although it is said that the equipment has been updated and the degree of automation is getting higher and higher, it still needs workers. Even if the machine is stopped, it is depreciating.

"Why, I don't want to see everyone's expressions?"

"Mr. Zhang, what do you say let's do it? We definitely agree, but why?" Wang Liang asked on behalf of everyone.

"Because I bought some game production companies from the United States, most of the games they produce are computer games, and they sell very well."

"The computer penetration rate in our country is far inferior to that in developed countries in Europe and America, but the number is actually quite a lot. Without those office computers such as companies and political axes, the number of personal computers is also increasing rapidly, and places such as computer service companies have also been born."

"Do you really think that those who enter the computer service agency are all going to print information or something? Many of them are playing games in them, playing computer games, just like a game hall."

"How do the game halls catch players? If the price is right, there are fun games, and new games are constantly being launched. The same is true for computer service agencies. Without new games, they will lose interest."

"The price of a game disc is not cheap, but it can be calculated according to time. In fact, it only takes half a month to a month, they can make money from the game. Generally, a game can allow many people to play for a few months. , After all, they are not able to play every day."

"In developed countries in Europe and the United States, the market share of computer games has grown rapidly. Although it is still inferior to home console games and arcade games, this market cannot be ignored."

"The goal of all of us is to be the industry first, not the domestic industry first, but the world's industry first. This time Nintendo's N64 went on sale, the sales price is very cheap, and the game experience is really good."

"We are in the home game console market, but we can't compete with Nintendo for the time being. We have to admit this and dare to admit it. However, in the handheld market, we won this year. We must be the first in global sales, and even other Brand sales are not even half of ours."

"But how much is the profit of the handheld? We will launch some games in the future, and how much money can we make? You also know that in the foreign market, a hot game can sell for more than two hundred dollars. Many Nintendo games , Are the hottest, how much should their profits be?"

"The reputation is not comparable, the sales are not comparable, the profits are not comparable, how can we surpass? In fact, even in terms of technology, we are at a disadvantage, with the current ability of Zhiduoxing, we must develop a 64-bit capable of stable operation. The game console, which also has 3D functions, will take at least half a year. At that time, the market is almost saturated."

After all, 32-bit game consoles have not been around for a long time, and many families will not buy new ones. If not, the sales of N64 will definitely be more amazing.

"Mr. Zhang, how much market share can computer games occupy in the future?" someone asked aloud.

Zhang Yang extended a slap.

"Five percent? That's not too much, it's worth doing."

"Five percent? You too underestimate this industry, I am talking about fifty percent!"

Fifty percent? !

This data shocked everyone, how is this possible?

Game consoles can sell hundreds of millions of units each year, but how many computers are in a year? And the main function of the computer is not office, there are people who buy it specifically to play games?

The number of individuals buying a computer is definitely not as good as buying a game console. How can a computer game be comparable to a game of a game console? Besides, there are arcade and handheld machines.

"I know you don't believe it, but who of you could think that our game opportunities sold so well? Who could think of us, we went out of the country and rushed out of Asia? Who can think of it, we used just a few years Time, has become the king of handheld?"

"Computer gaming is a trend because the penetration rate of computers will be higher and higher. Although computers are expensive, the hardware configuration is higher, the performance is much better than game consoles, and they can also be used for office and Internet."

"Who do you like surfing the Internet? Have you found many interesting things on the Internet?"

Some people laughed aloud, after all, the one with the largest number of websites in the world is the one that restricts age.

"You haven't found that. In the past few years, the performance of the computer has been getting better and better, but the price has been getting lower and lower. Now, for more than 10,000 yuan, you can buy a good computer."

With the development of technology ~ ~ the cost of many things is getting lower and lower, and the performance is getting better and better. Moreover, some manufacturers have deliberately cut prices in order to sell more, thereby relying on small profits but quick turnover to increase overall profits.

They are also not stupid. At the speed of hardware upgrades at this time, in one or two years, the configuration of the latest computer you bought was outdated. Do you want to update it?

"From the sales of our computer learning machines, we can see how much enthusiasm people have for learning computers. Parents have money. Will they buy a real computer for their children?"

"I don't say much, this market has huge potential. Of course, for at least five years, computer games can't compete with console games, so this is a long-term strategy for the company."

"We are now trying to sell some computer games and slowly expand the market. The previous Lianlian watch performed well. Everyone came to find fault and sold well. Next, we will launch these foreign games, even Games that can be played online can allow computer games to be played by multiple people."

"Of course, this is just the first thing for everyone to come. The second thing is that you have all contacted the organizers of the Tokyo Game Show. Who will go to the game show next week?"

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