Super Tycoon

Chapter 291: N Sixty-four swept North America

"How are you feeling when you come to Tokyo this time?"

After returning to Beijing, Zhang Yang gathered with the agents who went to the exhibition to chat together.

"Mr. Zhang, the scale of this exhibition is too large. I thought it was not a large-scale video game exhibition." Some people exclaimed.

"Yeah, who can think that there are so many game makers in the island country, and it feels more than the United States. On the European side, it seems that it is similar to our China, not particularly prosperous."

Zhang Yang smiled: "This is also related to the market. When the relevant market is prosperous, there will naturally be more people doing this industry. Think about it, five years ago, how many people in China did games?"

They thought about it, not to mention a few, as if none of the serious gamers.

"This Tokyo Game Show can only be regarded as the second. The top in the industry is the E3 of the United States, which is the grand event of the global game industry."

"You develop well and have the opportunity in the future. We also have a related exhibition in China and invite foreign companies to come here."

Zhang Yang had this idea for a long time, but unfortunately, China has not been a big market here, and Zhiduoxing is not high enough.

I don't know if there will be an opportunity in the future. Whether China's restrictions on the gaming machine industry will be the same as in the past. Games, funerals, but if you sell games and earn a lot of foreign exchange, will this concept change?

"Hahaha, Mr. Zhang, then wait for your good news. Anyway, this time I went out, I have gained a lot of knowledge."

"Old Zhao, what did you learn? Are you in an izakaya or Kabukicho?" someone quipped.

"Did you go? I just didn't bring a camera, otherwise I took a picture of you dancing and actually twisted with others, 啧啧~~~"

Originally everyone was talking about business, and suddenly the style of painting changed, and the atmosphere became more lively.

Everyone joked for a while and saw that Zhang Yang kept silent, and the atmosphere changed again.

"Okay, everyone has worked very hard these days. Go home and have a good rest. This time N64 will not enter the Chinese market in a short period of time, which is also good news for us. But you can’t relax, Schneider, Sega, etc. The company has increased its efforts to develop China, and don’t forget the sales evaluation of game consoles."

After reminding them, Zhang Yang went back to rest.

But two days later, he received news that Nintendo's N64 was listed in the United States in advance.

Originally Nintendo announced that it will be listed at the end of September, and then listed in Europe next year. But I don't know what happened, and suddenly it was early.

Despite the advance and lack of pre-sales, Nintendo's sales are still very hot.

The sales statistics for the first week have cast a shadow over all gaming machine manufacturers.


Sega’s president, Zhongshan Yanxiong, convened an interim expansion of the board of directors, and all senior executives were present. At the meeting, Zhongshan Yanxiong was furious.

"This is your estimated report for Nintendo N64? What sales volume will not be stronger than our Saturn, the home game console market is saturated, the result?"

"In our island country market, Nintendo has sold more than two million units, and sales continue to grow, and the heat has not endured. Entering the American market, sales reached 480,000 units in the first week, and the sales curve is constant. Increased, within two weeks, their sales can exceed one million units!"

"You told me before that our game consoles are not selling well, not because our configuration is not high enough, or because we have too few interesting games, but because of the price."

"Okay, I agree to a price reduction, and sales have indeed picked up, but what about it? As soon as Nintendo's N64 goes on the market, our products are in a sluggish sale, how can this be explained?"

"Okawa and Rujiao Zhao, you two will explain to me!"

These two are the two successors trained by Nakayama Yoshio for the company, one can serve as president (chairman), one can serve as president (president), or the company sets up a two-track system of president and CEO.

"President, we are indeed at a disadvantage in technology. However, our products can continue to reduce prices. And as far as gaming is concerned, as long as we merge with Bandai, then everything is not a problem." Ogawa Gong stood up and answered.

"Are you responsible for the merger with Bandai? You tell me when will there be results? If Bandai is not willing, we can find other companies to cooperate."

"The progress is very smooth, and it has reached the substantive stage. At most one month, we can announce it officially."

This sentence of Ogawa Gong finally made Zhongshan Yixiong smile. If they merge with Bandai, they will own many precious animation copyrights and develop games that will definitely sell well.

And some of their games can also be anime, and they can also get a share of the income.


On the Niny side, the gaming department is also meeting. They used to be proud that the main 3D selling point became a joke under the performance of Nintendo N64.

What's more, Nintendo's game console is also equipped with the same new gamepad as the Zhiduoxing G, and it has fun new games that have attracted countless players.

I heard that in the second-hand electrical appliance market, their sloppy game consoles are selling well, and many people have sold their game consoles and changed hands to buy Nintendo's new products.

"Nintendo's listing in North America is still very hot. The sales of all of our game console manufacturers together, I am afraid that they are not comparable to Nintendo. What strategies do you have?"

Someone immediately said: "I think we should cooperate with Zhiduoxing, because Nintendo's handle is almost the same as that of Zhiduoxing G. Both sides must definitely sue We can support Zhiduoxing and also obtain the authorization of this technology. ."

"Very good, is there any?" This method is good, you can give it a try.

"I think we should talk to Nintendo's third-party game companies and try to bring in more companies. Nintendo is too strong, and they must also complain."

"If we have the most games available to players, then the best game console on the market must be us, because it is more fun and makes people not tired."


Zhang Yang also got Nintendo's sales statistics in North America at this time, and listed it ahead of schedule. It sold as well as the previous life, and may even become better.

Nintendo deserves to be the hegemony of the gaming machine industry at this time, and those of them who are sitting on 32-bit gaming machines must suffer. It is estimated that some companies will upgrade their products, and some companies will sell products at reduced prices, but no matter how they are done, they will not be able to compete with Nintendo.

However, temporary competition does not mean that it will not work in the future. I have to find a way to attract more game developers from Nintendo.

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